2003-2007, Closed-door
meetings where the Klamath Tribes want
690,000 acres of the Winema/Fremont National Forest
returned to
them again, land they had sold.
Here are
explanations/quotes of participants in talks
regarding tribal land, irrigation water, and water
marketing. Following that is a collection of related articles and
information sent to KBC website.
Klamath Water Users
certainty in their irrigation supplies.
Explanation of private meetings
and Klamath Water Users Association's
(KWUA) participation,
by Dan Keppen, Executive Director KWUA, 12/15/03
"At the Shilo Inn meetings, we are not negotiating
agreements or settlements, and none of the
irrigators have held themselves out as representing
the agricultural community. The community should be
assured that any sort of proposed settlement can
never be implemented without congressional action,
which will require a great degree of local and
regional support. There is simply no chance of a
"secret deal" being cut on this matter." |
Klamath Tribes
want 690,000 acres of the Winema/Fremont
National Forest returned to them again ."It’s not a
land for water swap that’s being suggested. The
Interior Department and the State of Oregon have
said that land return is unlikely in the absence
of a water settlement. And the Tribes have said
that a water settlement is unlikely in the
absence of the land return." Bud
Ullman, attorney for the Klamath Tribes. |
KBRT (Klamath Basin
Rangeland Trust)
has invited people to meet. At the meetings have
been Project irrigators, Upper Basin irrigators,
Bill Bettenberg from the Department of the
Interior, representatives from KBRT,
representatives from the Klamath Tribes, The
Nature Conservancy and The Hatfield Committee.
KBRT: "We act as an
intermediary between the government and
landowners in a water marketing plan....They
paid us the first 2 years $300 per acre for any
acres we signed up. We had a limit of 3000
acres the first year, 9000 last year....We pay
the landowners $180 and use the rest for the
science to show the government they're getting
what they pay for"
"This is a tool. We'd like to make
the tool available to whoever wants to use it.
I don't set a goal on it...its voluntary. The
alternative is a bigger water bank and that
won't be voluntary... The
less water that gets generated from Upper Basin or from
storage or from Iron Gate, the more water that's
going to get asked from the Project." |
Department of the Interior (DOI) Bill
as quoted by the Herald and News 10/9/03: "He said the Interior Department is not going to cut
any unilateral deals in the water issue. Any deal
made with the Tribes needs to be supported by other
interests in the Basin. 'At the end of the day, we have to have something
where the water users, the Tribes and the broader
community are all on board,' he said." |
KWUA partners with tribes 2006 Table of Contents
Indian Matters
Prepared by
The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council
Indigenous Peoples for EPA. 11/15/2004
Klamath Bucket Brigade and The Klamath Basin
Alliance submitted petition #1 and #2 and
asked KBC to post them.
Dr Calvin Hunt, former Physician for the
Klamath Tribes, submitted Petition #3, Liberty
These petitions are not sponsored by or affiliated with Klamath Water Users
Association or Tulelake Growers Association. |
Forest PETITION #3
Address at bottom of petition.
Request to Elected and Agency Officials that
absolutely no part of the former Reservation
will ever be given to the Sovereign
Klamath Tribes. Submitted by Dr. Calvin Hunt
Request to Elected and Agency Officials to
Maintain Intact the Winema and Fremont National
Forests as part of our National Heritage for the
use of all citizens. |
regarding KBRT
Request to Elected and Agency Officials, to
Provide Equal Access To Negotiations in the
Klamath Basin |
Tribe's Constitution |
(also see PUBLIC) |
tribes/project tours,
h&n 9/23/03 |
Land already converted from ag land into
wetlands, evaporating 190,000AF water |
Bettenburg presents options of reduced Project
deliveries 10/8/-3 Courier |
2 tours, 9/19/03 KWUA update |
from Upper Klamath Basin and Rangeland
Trust (KBRT) tour,, 11/05/05 |
Letter to KBC from Sprague River residents |
ONRC wants to condemn private land
10/10/-3 |
Tribes set to release forest plan, 10/3/03 |
Meeting about
reservation turns testy, 10/22/03 |
Talks continue over land/water
swap, with Bettenburg
H&N 10/9/03 |
tour, KWUA
hosted tribes
KBC 9/26/03 |
An Upper
Klamath Basin Solution,12 point plan given
to KBC by KBRT |
Questions from Upper Basin at Beatty meeting
10/21/03 |
letter to Wyden 1010/03 |
plans rejected by Foreman, H&N 10/12/03 |
Many steps ahead before reservation possible, H&N 10/24/03 |
Bettenberg back for water, land talks, 11/18/03 H&N |
Interior meets water users, KWUA update
10/10/03 |
KBRT responds to USGS regarding surface water,
9/5/03 |
"Don't give
the forest back to the Indians!" and "We want
representation!", KBC 12/1/03 |
not seeking water-land swap,
H&N 10/15/03 |
Discussion forum
thread 10/23/03
Interior, Tribes, and irrigators look for solutions
using false science. KBC 11/18/03 |
Reliable water the
reason Klamath Project was built, by Dan
Keppen, KWUA H&N op/ed 12/15/03. |
KBRT responds to USGS regarding water quality
9/5/03 |
H&N 12/3/03
it out in the open
Voices need
hearing |
Oregonian's concept, 10/4/03 |
Klamath Tribes host Project irrigators
10/20/03 KBC |
Forests' fate
causes concern along Sprague, 11/5/03 H&N |
Klamath Tribes may get land back, 4/10/02 |
responds to Bartell 9/5/03 |
The sooner private
talks open up, the better,H&N 12/3/03 |
alternative plan 10/09/03 |
Klamath Tribes by
Brad Harper 10/25/03
Klamath water deal
no bargain for U.S., Oregonian 3/16/03 |
questioning leadership of Klamath Tribes, 12/10/03 H&N.
Tribal plan meets opposition H&N 10/10/03 |
Excerpts from Guide to the
Tribes of the Pacific NW 10/25/03
payments to tribe |
Cattlemen's assoc letter to KCC 10/08/03 |
Tribes, their foes, schedule meetings,
H&N 12/10/03 |
landowners bash ONRC plan,
10/10/03 H&N |
Map of 690,000 acres on
National Forest that Tribes want. |
Letter to KBC from
Kurt Thomas of KBRT 12/4/03 |
Reservation foes organize, rally, 12/12/03 H&N |
private land out of issue, H&N 10/13/03 |
Termination Payments
10/26/03 |
Glimpse into Closed Door Sessions,
H&N 12/14/03. |
against restoring reservation 12/21/03 H&N
Lynn Bayona |
county plays
role H&N 10/27/03 |
Tribes-a sovereign
nation on the dole, by Dr. Hunt 11/13/03 |
There's no mystery,
H&N letter 12/17/03 |
The deal was
made, H&N 12/24/03 |
Water talks
Basin talks 11/9/03 |
Tribes field raft of questions, H&N 11/11/03 |
A search for solutions, H&N 1/16/04. |
Why give up the forests?,
H&N 12/26/03 |
meetings continue 11/6/03 |
Tribes face a large task on reservation, H&N
11/12/03 |
Water group taking
baby steps toward solution, H&N 1/20/04. |
Why even
talk about it, H&N 12/23/03 |
Got it right, Three
cheers for Cal Hunt, 11/25/03 H&N |
Tribes, public meet again, H&N 11/13/03 |
Review of
Documents Pertaining to the Klamath Basin
Rangeland Trust Phase I February 17, 2004,
Executive Summary |
Update Notes 12/23/03,
by Lynn Bayona |
Klamath Tribes will unveil
vision for reclaiming lands, 12/16/03
Oregonian. |
haven't convinced their Chiloquin community,
KBC 11/14/03 |
'Root' meeting held Tuesday, TriCountyCourier 2/20/04 |
Don't give it back, 12/30/03 H&N |
If Shilo talks falter,
talks must go on, H&N 3/14/04 |
No special consideration 11/17/03
Water savings less than hoped in
payment effort, H&N
2/23/04. |
Rules not enforced,
1/15/04 |
Past, present
cloud Tribes' meetings, H&N 11/17/03 |
High price for water, H&N 3/16/04, letter by Dr. Cal Hunt. |
Reservation foes mobilize, 1/21/04 H&N. |
Lottery funds to
pay for Sprague River wetlands, H&N 9/30/07. |
'N0' to Tribe's land
acquisition and Root group, KBC 1/20/04 |
Indian vs. Indian, Sovereignty can put tribal members at
risk SacBee, posted to KBC 11/28/03. |
People can't return to
the land and life that their ancestors had, H&N 2/9/04. |
Reservation, by Dr. Calvin Hunt, 12/2/03, H&N |
Back on the table, H&N
posted to KBC 2/17/04. |
Reservation Deal Protested, H&N 12/2/03. |
Access could be
lost, H&N 2/19/04 |
Tribes prosperous h&N121503 |
Water talks losing steam, H&N 2/20/04. |
Tribes present their case,
H&N 12/14/03 |
Alliance meets in Tulelake 2/26/04 |
So what's the deal according to the Tribes?,
by KBC editor 12/15/03. |
Attack on Ed
Bartell wrong, H&N 4/11/04 |
Tribes release forest plan,
H&N 12/16/03 |
Excerpts from: Unconquered
Uncontrolled The Klamath Indian Reservation, by Carrol Howe,
posted 8/15/05. |
Tribal court may
rule on forest management, H&N 12/17/03. |
The case against
restoring the reservation, H&N 12/21/03 Lyn Bayona |
forestplan htm |
say no to Tribes' petition---at issue is water claims,
12/25/03 H&N. |
Town hall
turns to tribes 1/12/04 H&N. |
Facts Pertaining to the Klamath Tribes and
Termination, 12/18/03 |
Indian Sovereignty in Oregon,
1/28/04 |
Tribes get
grant to study deer, H&N 1/30/04. |
Letter to KBC
from Lee regarding the Tribes and equality,
2/11/04. |
Myth vs Fact, H&N
2/9/04 by Allen Foreman, |
Tribes were paid, H&N 2/13/04. |
Tribal hosted forest
tour of Oct.17,
Tribal members
want land closed, TriCountyCourier 2/20/04. |
Tribes have right
to rebuild culture, but not at expense of other people, H&N 2/23/04. |
Tribes' own words
raise scary questions, 3/29/04 H&N: |
Tribes play race card, again, 3/31/04
Tri-County Courier |
Uhlman, Klamath Tribes attorney, blames Klamath
irrigators for racism, water quantity and
quality problems, and a destroyed ecosystem,
3/31/04 by KBC |
Many came
out to hear Basin Alliance in Keno, 4/3/04. |
Tribes Sought
Termination, H&N letter 4/15/04. |
Tribes seeking $1billion, H&N 5/11/04. |
Questions swim around
Tribes' fish claims, H&N 5/14/04. |
Tribes sue for salmon loss, 5/15/04, The Oregonian. |
American Indian Tribal
Rights, Federal-Tribal Trust Responsibilities, and the Endangered
Species Act, USFWS posted to KBC 5/17/04 |
Origin of Trust
relationship between U.S. and Indian Tribes, posted to KBC 5/17/04,
by Daniel W. Long. |
Little turnover seen in new
tribal Council, H&N 5/28/04 |
Tribes set to
visit Glasgow HQ in bid to save river fish, posted to KBC 5/31/04. |
Tribes support salmon suit, H&N, posted to KBC 6/13/04. |
Statement of Allen Foreman
for PERC conference
6/8/04 |
Native Americans v
Scots industrial giant: a $1bn lawsuit is filed in war over salmon
6/21/04 |
Tribes will lobby to aid fish passage in Scotland with PCFFA, 7/9/04
Statesman Journal. |
Don't dismiss tribal claims out of hand, H&N 7/27/04 |
termination payments
Dispel myths H&N 9/20/04. |
Klamath Tribes want upstream
salmon back, H&N 1/14/05 |
There's no basis to
give public lands to Tribes for a new reservation, H&N posted to KBC
2/15/05. |
Oppose land giveaway,
H&N 2/24/05. |
Ranchers, tribes
make water deal, H&N 2/26/05.
Water deal may aid
restoration efforts,
H&N 2/28/05 |
An Uphill
Fight, Tribes' efforts to regain former reservation land find little
support H&N 6/23/05 Part 5 of 5.
Turning things around,
Tribal leaders work to address social
problems, regain treaty rights H&N 6/22/05
part 4 of 5.
Spending spree,
H&N 6/21/05
A tribe vanishes,
H&N 6/20/05. Part 2 of 5.
land, my land, Part 1 of Klamath Tribes H&N 6/19/05. |
page of information by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor
posted 6/21/05 |
Treaties, Pioneer Press Column by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia
Armstrong 6/30/05 |
Fables and Truths (regarding
the Klamath Tribes) Herald and News letter to the editor 7/6/05 |
Tribes, fishermen, conservationists returning to
Scotland to argue against dams, Mercury News
7/12/05 |
The other side of the tribal quest for forest
lands, H&N by Lyn Bayona 7/12/04 |
2 articles on tribes going to Scotland to protest
Klamath River dams, 7/13/05 |
Klamath board to hear tribes presentation,
H&N 7/13/05. |
The other side of the tribal quest for forest
lands, H&N by Lyn Bayona 7/12/04 |
THE PROPOSAL, Klamath Tribes and supporters at
Klamath County Commissioners proposing to buy the
Winema/Fremont National Forest
7/13/05 |
Don't sell public lands, H&N 7/19/05 |
consider buying old land, Oregonian 7/19/05 |
Klamath plan
Scots protest despite US court setback, posted to KBC 7/19/05, The
Herald UK |
Americans' struggles, Scotsman Heritage and
Culture and Tribesmen in Energy Protest, UK
Evening Times 7/19/05
(Klamath River Tribes are in Scotland this
week). |
Tribes continue power firm fight,
BBC UK News, and Power firm lobbies, 9/20/05 |
Oceans apart, and Smoke Signals, UK 7/22/05 - Tribes in
Scotland protesting dams on the Klamath. |
Tribe wants to
buy forest, Pat Ratliff, Klamath Courier posted to KBC 7/22/05 |
Short cash, water
deal breaks down, H&N 7/29/05. |
Feds should
manage Winema Forest lands, Capital Press 7/29/05 |
Homeland shrank from 22
million acres to none: 1864 to 1974, Capital Press 7/29/05
Water issues linked to tribal quest for
land, Capital Press by Dylan Darling, 7/30/05 |
Forest not for sale
H&N 8/1/05 |
forest public, H&N 8/3/05 |
Officials seeking water solution,
H&N 8/4/05 |
Karuks lose $1 billion lawsuit Tribes claim there are no salmon,
but real data proves otherwise.
Pioneer Press 8/14/05 |
New Karuk Constitution,
Pioneer Press column by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor
posted to KBC 8/19/05.
Tribes delay
reservation talks, H&N posted to KBC 8/25/05 |
Reservation push on hold,
H&N 8/28/05 |
proposal to commissioners including the supporters from 7/13/05 |
Turning public
lands over to the Tribes would be a travesty, H&N 9/11/05 |
Ninth circuit to
review salmon suit, H&N 10/27/05
Leadership Award Honors
Tribal Chairman, Tidepool 11/22/05 |
Congress not to blame in tribe dispute,
Times Standard by Yurok Tribal Chairman 12/18/05 |
Karuk’s eye
new casino, Pioneer Press, 12/18/05 |
Karuk Casino,
by Supervisor Armstrong 12/18/05 |
The land was sold, H&N
1/17/06 |
Committee votes
against Klamath Tribes reservation H&N, posted to KBC 1/30/06. |
Keep Winema public,
H&N, posted to KBC 1/30/06. |
Karuk Tribe does not have a
federally-recognized or protected
fishing right on the Klamath River. Posted
to KBC 2/6/06 |
Klamath) Tribal members lack
information, Klamath Courier, posted
to KBC 2/12/06 |
Early California: A Killing Field --
Research Shatters Utopian Myth, Finds
Indians Decimated Birds, University
of Utah 2/13/06 |
Drug Traffickers Find Haven in Shadows
of Indian Country, Tribal
Underworld, posted to KBC 2/20/06 |
Tribes sold
land, H&N, posted 12/19/06 |
hearing scheduled, Herald and News 1/17/07.
"I have
every right to “tie my banner onto basin agriculture,"
Response to Becky Hyde regarding Klamath Forest Alliance, by
Glenn M. Howard, Chairman, Klamath Basin Alliance, 2/2/07. |
disappointed that an organization called the Basin
Alliance," Letter to the editor sent to Herald
and News by Becky Hyde, posted 1/27/07.
Senator Doug Whitsett statements on Klamath Basin
Alliance petitions, KBA, posted 1/27/07 |
Letter to KBC from Jim and Pat Ottoman regarding
Senator Whitsett's article on tribal land return,
Basin Alliance
by KBC editor 1/28/07.
The Klamath Board of County Commissioners
scheduled a public hearing Feb. 6 to
discuss whether ownership of the Fremont-Winema
National Forests should be transferred to
the Klamath Tribes.
Many people
have stake in preserving access to federal lands, Jerry
Anderson, H&N 2/4/07 |
transfer to Tribes opposed, H&N, posted to KBC 2/18/07 |
land) transfer issue tabled, H&N,
posted to KBC 2/6/07, followed by
Testimony About the Resolution |
This is a complete transcript taken from videotape
This day-long tour was conducted October 17, 2003 for the
purpose of showing to local farmers, ranchers,
businessmen, and the Klamath County Commissioners, tribal
biology and the proposed forest land acquisition. |

tour stop, photo by Barb Hall |
Some of the topics include sucker habitat,
tribal traditions, thinning brush, deer-take
practices, power plants, gentlemen farmers,
and termination. |

Will Hatcher |