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Pioneer Press/Klamath CourierJuly 20, 2005Page A1,
Column 1
wants to buy forest |
Tribes unveil proposal
for “Balance for the Basin” and purchase of
national forest for astronomical figure
By Pat Ratliff, Klamath Courier Staff Writer

United States
Forest Service sign marking site of Tribal

Tribal camp site on Upper Williamson in the
Rocky Ford area. The waythis spiritual and
cultural place is taken care of brings doubt
some minds about the Tribes ability to care
for reservation grounds. |
Klamath Falls - The Klamath Tribes, represented
by Chairman Alan
Foreman, unveiled a proposal Wednesday to buy back
their former
reservation at fair market value. In what was
described as a “working
session,” Foreman spoke to the Klamath County
Commissioners of how
buying back the reservation would bring the Basin
together and make for
much more economic potential for the Basin as a
Also speaking were Becky Hyde, Sam Porter, John
Crawford, Marshal
Staunton, and Sam Henzel. All spoke with varying
degrees of support for
at least talking about the idea, and most
reiterated the notion that any
solution to the problems in the Basin will need to
be found and acted
upon locally. According to the rules of working
sessions, the public
was not allowed to speak or add comments, only
those at the tables were
given the opportunity to voice their opinions.
“This is a chance to unite the community,”
Foreman told the
Commissioners, “and also develop a format to
build a strong economy
with family wage jobs. Resolution of The Tribes
water rights will bring
certainty to other water users. These things can
only be accomplished
through a coalition of local groups. Together we
can build a
community which our kids and grandkids can live
with for years to
“Some of us have spent what seems like a big
portion of our lives at
water meetings.” Becky Hyde, a Sprague River
rancher, told the
Commissioners, “But we need to continue to insure
our survival, there
is still much work to be done.”
The goal of the proposal is to unite the people
and the economic
interests of the Klamath Basin to create a
stronger economy and more
family wage jobs through enhanced local control
and careful management
of the regions natural resources.
“The Tribe is looking for self-sufficiency,” Sam
Porter, vice president
of Jeld-Wen said, “and no hand outs here, and I
applaud that.”
The problem, according to The Tribes, is that the
Klamath Basin is
unable to reach its full economic potential due to
a persistent
imbalance of critical environmental and economic
factors which include
adequate water for multiple uses, including
irrigation, availability of
clean, reliable and affordable energy, and
sustainably managed forests
that are less susceptible to policy shift, have a
diminished risk of
wildfire, and produce stable revenue for the
region. This imbalance is
due to a lack of local input and control over
decisions affecting the
Basin, including natural resource decisions that
impact families and our
natural heritage.
“After working in mud all spring up to my ankles,
I read in the news
around the first of July that there was enough
water for me to farm this
year,” John Crawford, Tulelake farmer told the
Commissioners, “It
really hit home to me just how far we still have
to go.”
The Tribes see the solution as restoring economic
certainty to the Basin
by creating solutions that could include the
following key elements:
1. Settlement of existing water issues that
includes resolution of the
Tribes’ water rights in a long term agreement that
creates lasting
certainty for all interests in the Basin.
2. Fair market purchase of federal lands by the
Tribes within their
former Reservation that will provide a stable
timber supply and family
wage jobs in the Basin.
3. The purchase of federal lands would include a
binding and enforceable
agreement that protects all existing uses and
interests in private and
public lands.
4. Affordable power for irrigation using biomass
derived energy from
the former Reservation that also provides
family-wage jobs and economic
benefits to the Basin while simultaneously
improving the health of our
“I’ve always hoped that the local Tribes, enviros,
businessmen and everyone else could get together
and discuss all of
this,” said Marshal Staunton, a Tulelake farmer.
“Not only can we solve some of these problems,”
Sam Henzel, Lower
Klamath farmer said, “but we have an obligation
to do just that.”
“I never saw any reason to be gifting the land
back to the Tribes,”
said Klamath County Commissioner Bill Brown. “But
this is different.
They want to pay fair market value for this land,
and that deserves to
be talked about and discussed.”
Brown did raise a few questions that definitely
need to be answered.
1. Is the National Forest for sale?
2. If it is, what money will be used to buy it.
Congressman Greg Walden’s office told the Klamath
Courier that the
Winema National Forest is currently not for sale,
and that such an act
would require very specific legislative action as
to exactly what land
is for sale.
“The ground is the commonality of thought,”
Commissioner John Elliott
said. “It’s not yours or mine, it’s ours.”
“I’ve heard comments about that bucket outside,
that it’s racist.”
Elliott continued, “It’s not racist. I believe it
represents this
community. It balances on two points on the
handle, any time the
balance goes out of whack, there is a problem.
The solution to the
problem will be decided here, not in Salem,
Sacramento or D.C.”
The consequences, the Tribes say, means economic
self?determination for
the Klamath Basin and will occur if these
critical imbalances are
addressed in the form of sustainable, long term
solutions that take into
account the needs of the major stakeholders of the
region. Piecemeal
approaches can provide temporary relief but cannot
resolve the
underlying imbalances which, until addressed, will
continue to deny the
Basin its true economic potential.
While the working session gave a new perspective
to The Tribes quest to
regain their reservation land, it answered few, if
any, questions and
opened up many more new ones. Calls to many
county, federal and state
officials showed none of them had any knowledge or
information about
this new proposal. The proposal appears to be
more an idea than an
actual proposal. There are no facts or figures
offered. Few if any
hard statements are made.
First thought seems to tell us this vagueness is a
good thing, done
purposely so the blanks could be filled in later,
after issues have been
hashed out. In reality, it does just the
opposite, leaving so many
questions unanswered that this version seems
doomed from the start.
Question 1: Are parts of the Winema and Fremont
Forests are for sale to
the Klamath Tribes?
Congressman Walden’s office answered that partly
by saying “No, it is
not at this time.” The possibility of deals or
hopes of deals being
made is not out of the question. Let’s face it,
the Federal Government
would love to be done with the whole Klamath Basin
mess. No matter
which side they agree with or feel sympathy
toward, most would much
rather have never been involved.
A side question: If parts of the Winema and
Fremont Forests are or
sometime will be for sale to The Tribes, will they
be offered to other
citizens or citizens groups also?
There are thousands or maybe millions of citizens
who would jump at the
chance to buy an acre or two at even heavily
inflated prices. The
government has a responsibility, if they are going
to put the National
Forests up for sale, to get the best price
possible. This can be
accomplished by splitting the forest up into the
smallest parcels
allowable and putting each up for sealed bid
One questioned whether the Homeland Security
Office would even allow
sales of U.S. Land to sovereign nations.
Question 2: If it were to be sold, what is the
National Forest worth?
A recent sale of similar ground sold for $377
dollars per acre to
Jeld-Wen. Timber stand evaluations and appraisals
would need to be made
of course, and each parcel valued separately. The
land wanted by the
Tribes is approximately 735,000 acres. There’s a
hitch to that though.
Forest land does not pay taxes until the timber is
cut, then it is taxed
on the amount of timber. Because the Tribes are a
sovereign nation, they
would not pay taxes on the timber when cut, so the
estimated price of
the taxes would have to be added to their per acre
price to buy the
National Forests.
At $377 dollars per acre, times 735,000 acres,
let’s just put a starting
price on the whole area at $277,095,000. That’s
two hundred
seventy-seven million and change. And then the
taxes added of course,
which are probably high. These figures themselves
are very vague, but
they’re a start.
There’s another pesky hitch though. A check of
the real estate listings
on similar and close small properties seems to
point to the price of at
least $2000 per acre, plus the price of
improvements. The government
would do better, and has a duty to do better, by
splitting the Winema
and Fremont Forests up into small parcels and
selling them to citizens,
citizens groups and developers. The recent
infamous Supreme Court
ruling seems to support this.
Now, we have a whopping $1,470,000,000 price tag
on those 735,000
acres. That’s one billion, four hundred seventy
million dollars, with a
B. One can see from those figures the Federal
Government would have to
split the property up if it went for sale, it
would have no choice. It
would not be allowed to just give away over one
point two billion
dollars, which is the difference between the $377
per acre price and the
development price of $2000.
Question 3: How would the Tribes raise the money
to pay for the Winema
National Forest?
This question is actually immaterial, although
being thrown out a
bunch. As long as the Federal Government doesn’t
gift them the money,
either straight up or through loans, credits, etc,
they are free to
raise the money however they want. Just like any
other citizen wanting
to buy part of the National Forests, they would
need to satisfy credit
checks etc. Possible deals with mills or timber
companies for future
sales is not only legal, but good business.
Question 4: How can a binding and enforceable
agreement that protects
all existing uses and interests in private and
public land actually be
binding and enforceable when one party is a
sovereign nation?
Simply put, it cannot. Much of the opposition to
the Tribes owning
former reservation land is the possible loss of
recreation, hunting,
fishing, hiking and camping opportunities. The
opportunities that exist
now are bought and paid for by the citizens of the
United States. The
lands now belong to all citizens of the United
States. It is called a
National Forest, but it is public land, not
government land. The Tribes
are not entitled to benefits not available to all
The Tribes make it very clear in their written
Constitution under
Article IV, sections I, II, and III, to what
extent they would use their
sovereign powers to control the lands and all the
resources thereon
including all the water resources. Once the land
is acquired,
sovereign powers would give them the ability to
control all resources
to the benefit and use of the Tribe and to the
detriment of other
Klamath County residents.
The following is Article IV of the Klamath Tribes
Constitution in it’s
Section 1: The sovereign powers, authority and
jurisdiction of the
Klamath Tribes extends to all the territory which
formerly constituted
the Klamath Reservation, and to all property,
airspace, natural
resources, cultural resources, and such other
lands or interests that
have been or may thereafter be added thereto by
purchase, gift, act of
Congress or otherwise.
A. All lands of the Klamath Tribes and all lands
thereafter acquired by
the Klamath Tribes and held for the use of the
Tribes or its members
shall be considered a valuable Tribal resource.
Control and management
thereof are vested in the General Council, which
may enact laws
governing the use, assignment, permit, lease, or
other disposition of
lands, interests in land, and resources of the
B. It shall be the policy of the Klamath Tribes
to seek the return, to
the Klamath Tribes, of all lands, natural and
cultural resources,
including minerals and water rights that become
available and which were
historically a part of the Klamath Tribes
C. All waters which originate in or flow through
the Klamath Tribes
jurisdiction, or which are stored within the
Klamath Tribes
jurisdiction, whether found on the surface or
underground, are a
valuable Tribal resource of the Klamath Tribes,
and are to be protected
for the present and future use of the tribes.
Section II: The sovereign powers, authority and
jurisdiction of the
Klamath Tribes and it’s government shall extend to
all persons and
activities within the territory which formerly
constituted the Klamath
Reservation and is consistent with Federal law.
Section III: The sovereign powers, authority and
jurisdiction of the
Klamath Tribes and its government may extend
beyond the geographical
boundaries of the Klamath Tribes territorial
Question 5: Can the Tribes take better care of,
and make better use of
the land than the Federal Government?
Many would agree the National Forests are in
disrepair and need help.
As a sovereign nation, the Tribes may be able to
circumvent many of the
environmental laws hampering the Forest Service
and make the Forests
profitable again. But, there’s another pesky
hitch. According to many,
the Tribes are in large part responsible for the
very hamstrings of the
Forest Service that put those National Forests in
the bad shape they are
in. In a recent Klamath Courier article, former
Forest Service
employees described how the Tribes stopped almost
every restoration or
timber sale project the Forest Service proposed,
once they were allowed
to be a part of the decision making process.
Their assertion that they
could do better just does not hold water. There
is also much evidence,
at many of their Tribal Camps, which the USFS
gives them Special Use
Permits for, that respect for and a wish to make
the land better, are
not practiced at all. Many are wondering if they
would treat the new
reservation land as they would the Tribal Camps.
The new reservation proposal is interesting, if
very vague. A public
meeting at the Commissioners Meeting room is being
planned for the
future to allow more facts and discussion. Dates
and times to follow.