Senator Whitsett on Oregon Water adjudication,
Part 1 of 2, 11/8/09, YouTube
Senator Whitsett on water adjudication, Part 2 of 2,
11/8/09 YouTube Video |
The Last Hurrah, by Oregon State Senator Doug
Whitsett 12/15/16. "The latest round
of legislative committee days was just completed at the
state capitol in Salem. It also happened to be my final
set of official meetings in office, as I am set to
retire at the end of my current term in early
January..." "...To
view my farewell speech on the Senate floor,
click here. My remarks begin
at 1:46:50..."
Introduction to Whitsett is 1:40.54,
12/14/16. |
Expand Cascades Siskiyou Monument? No — Obama
legacy quest to be at Klamath's expense, by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett 12/4/16. "(Obama's) intent
is to create three Oregon National Monuments...The
federal government already owns nearly 53 percent of
Oregon. His proposed monuments would lock up an area
equivalent to two-thirds of the entire land mass of
Klamath County...His
latest effort is a 53,000-acre expansion of the
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in Jackson and
Klamath counties...Monument
designation will eliminate about five million board feet
of annual timber harvest from those O&C lands just in
Klamath County. It will also prohibit livestock grazing
on 83 square miles of multiple use public land...support
amounts to advocating for the exclusion of forest
harvest, forest management, wildfire control, livestock
grazing and public access, all at the expense of our
rural economies..." Contact Senators Merkley and Wyden.
Resist the Tyranny of Censorship, Oregon State
Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 11/30/16 |
Bringing Accountablilty and Transparency to Salem,
Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 11/23/16
Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter:
How Did South Korea Combat Corruption? 10/27/16 |
BETC / Business Energy Tax Credit Audit Raises Serious
Questions, News
from Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett 9/27/16. "...it did find circumstantial
evidence inferring suspicious activity on at least 75
BETC transactions totaling nearly $350 million..." |
Oregon Legislative Review, and Whitsetts' highest
conservative rating in Oregon, 9/13/16 |
BETCs, Biofuels and Booddoogles, by Senator Doug
Whitsett, posted to KBC 8/25/16. "I
have observed little, if any, improvement in either the
level or quality of services provided to our residents
during my three terms serving in the Oregon Senate. What
I have observed instead is rampant crony capitalism,
where favored industries and constituencies receive huge
chunks of public money with little or no accountability
for what that money buys." |
A tribute to
Senator Allan Bates
8/10/16 |
of Sprague River wells shut down by Klamath Tribal call on
irrigation water, Senator Doug Whitsett 7/28/16. |
Wind and Solar? It's time to look to expanding natural
gas, Newsletter
by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, District 28, H&N
5/26/16 |
It should be a battle of ideas, not insults,
H&N letter by Donald Crawford, Klamath Falls
4/13/16. "Thank you, Doug and Gail, for for
standing tall in the saddle...The Democrat and
liberal Republican throwback politicians,
winners and wannabes screamed and kicked up old
political dust and musk...They had six months to
file for the primary election." |
Stop whining and let Whitsetts live in peace,
H&N 4/9/16. |
Oregon 2016 Session Adjourns ending the most destructive month
in Oregon legislative history. Newsletter by Oregon State
Senator Doug Whitsett, Senate District 28, posted to KBC
3/17/16. "The new law doubles the renewable portfolio
standard by eliminating the use of all coal-generated
electricity in Oregon...The act contains two provisions that
functionally prohibit the formation of a municipal utility
district (MUD) or public utility district (PUD) in PacifiCorp’s
monopoly protected service area. These poison pills serve to
eliminate the financial feasibility for any Klamath County MUD
or PUD... At minimum, it will result in at a 40 percent increase
in power costs to all PacifiCorp customers...PacifiCorp power
rates have already nearly doubled since 2005... this new
(minimum wage) law will result in wholesale destruction of
Oregon small businesses and kill many private sector jobs that
those businesses provide...Klamath and Lake Counties have some
of the highest percentages of minimum wage jobs in Oregon..."
Our Urban-Rural Divide Deepens, Senator Doug
Whitsett newsletter 2/26/16. |
bill a reminder to state that we're Oregonians
not 'opponents': Editorial, Oregonian
Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-Klamath Falls, is
sponsoring a bill with Sen. Peter Courtney,
D-Salem, that would require state agencies to
summarize the legal basis behind a proposed rule
or administrative order.
"It's telling that an Oregon Justice Department
lawyer argued against a bill that would require
greater transparency from state agencies by
noting that "opponents" would benefit from such
legislation. Others might instead use the
term 'Oregonians.' " |
Another Closed Door Deal Emerges, by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett KBC 2/9/16.
"Whitman admitted he had not talked with
Siskiyou County Supervisors, even though three
of the four dams are located in Siskiyou
County... Recent polls show that as many as 80
percent of Siskiyou County citizens oppose
destruction of the dams...Representatives of
both the Klamath Irrigation District and Klamath
Water Users Association indicated they had no
previous knowledge of a new deal to remove the
dams. They expressed their concern that they
were not consulted regarding the negotiation of
an agreement that would fundamentally alter
their livelihoods...Both California Congressman
Doug LaMalfa and Tom McClintock were also kept
out of the loop, according to their staffs.
Their offices had not yet seen the AIP and were
to receive a first briefing the day after it was
made public...Congressman’s office (Walden) had
neither participated in nor been consulted with
regarding the new dam removal deal...It would
seem that clear and transparent government would
require bureaucrats to actually consult with
elected legislators and Congressmen prior to
making monumental decisions." |
Closed door deals are not the Oregon way,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett , posted to KBC
1/4/16 |
Minimum Wage Proposals Could Hurt Our Working
Poor, Senator Doug Whitsett 1/28/16. "Signatures
are being gathered for initiative petitions that
would raise the minimum wage from its current
rate of $9.25 per hour to
$13.50 and
per hour..." |
Second Amendment and Due Process Rights Under
Attack, Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett,
1/14/16 |
Ending Agency Abuse of Attorney-Client Privilege,
Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett 1/5/16 |
A Choice Between Public Safety and Compassion,
Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to
KBC 11/29/15. |
Environmentalists Cry “Wolf” Over Oregon ESA
Newsletter by
Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett November 16,
2015 |
Bad Bargaining by the Beholden,
by Oregon State
Senator Doug Whitsett 11/10/15 |
Further Ethics Reform Still Needed in Salem
by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to
KBC 11/10/15. "Former Governor John Kitzhaber
remains the subject of occasional headlines
reminding Oregonians of the aftermath of his
brief fourth term in office. Nearly eight months
after his resignation, news reports make clear
state taxpayers are not finished paying for the
mistakes of his troubled administration..." |
It's really about taking private property
through administrative fiat, by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett, District 28, 10/22/15
Newsletter. "Regardless of media accusations
and name calling, it appears that (Klamath
County Commissioner) Tom Mallams has remained
within his statutory rights..." NOTE by Klamath County Commissioner Tom
Mallams, "The other additional piece of
this puzzle is the relationship between the
administrative rule that ties ground water and
surface together, and the settlement agreements.
The administrative rule is by it's own
definition, 'consistent with the settlement
agreements.' Also, with lack of legislation
moving the settlement agreements forward, this
very administrative rule, by its own language
goes away. In other words, OWRD is turning well
water off under authority of an administrative
rule which is dependent on legislation that has
not happened, and likely never will. Another
government example of "THE CART BEFORE THE
Big Government seeks to replace Private
Retirement Industry, by Oregon State Senator
Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 10/20/15 |
Whitsetts file for re-election, H&N, posted
to KBC 10/15/15 |
Climate alarmists seek to squash dissent,
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to
KBC 10/15/15 |

Mallams is right in fight with state, by
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, guest writer
for H&N, posted to KBC 10/11/15. "County
Commissioner Tom Mallams should be
congratulated for his leadership in opposing
the Oregon Water Resources Department’s (OWRD)
heavy-handed and arguably unauthorized
regulation of irrigation wells, by
administrative fiat."
Our Public Lands Must Not Go Up in Smoke, by
Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter
posted to kbc 9/27/15. "The scope of the
mismanagement of our more than 300 million acres
of U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) federal lands was once again
made evident by the smoke-filled August skies...According
to the National
Interagency Fire Center, over
eight million acres had burned as of the
beginning of September... Annual
greenhouse gas emissions from wildfires dwarfs
our nation’s emissions from the combustion of
fossil fuels..." |
Will Oregon go to Pot?
by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 9/27/15.
traffic deaths doubled in Colorado, from 47 to 94 per year,
between 2009 and 2014. Colorado’s marijuana-related Emergency
Room calls have increased since 2009 by more than 10,000 per
year..." |
Revealing the Puppetmasters of Oregon's
Environmental Policy, Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 9/19/15. |
Changes To Tuition Act Prove Doubters Right;
Your tax dollars now supporting college for
undocumented aliens, Senator Whitsett, The
Register Guard, and H&N 8/27/15. |
End of Session Review - Senator Doug Whitsett
and Rep Gail Whitsett
by Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett 7/8/15. |
of cormorants shot to protect Columbia
salmon, H&N 5/29/15
Senator Doug Whitsett 6/13/13 Newsletter:
Thousands of fish-eating Cormorants eating
baby suckers?
is NOT commonly known is that the second
largest nesting colony of Double Crested
Cormorants in the Western United States and
Canada is located on Upper Klamath Lake.
There may be as many as six thousand
breeding pairs of these birds reproducing in
the Upper Klamath Basin...When
will the biologists look to see if the
immense population of Double Crested
Cormorants living in the Upper Klamath Basin
may be simply eating the young endangered
suckers?" |
Senator Whitsett's help
to Klamath Basin irrigators
Senate Bill 206-A |
SB 324 is about to cause your gas prices to skyrocket!
Oregon State Senator Doug
Whitsett, Klamath Falls District 28 February Newsletter
2015. "Most Oregonians
won’t even realize that they are paying an extra $2 to $20
to fill up their gas tanks." |
Responsibility, discipline & civility = higher
graduation rates? Yes!, Oregon State Senator Doug
Whitsett, District 28, 2/3/15:
"For residents of the Klamath Basin, 2014 was
a year of immense challenges. Intense drought conditions,
coupled with various administrative actions, caused undue
hardship for those who rely on water. I predict that 2015
will be spent fending off bad (legislative) proposals that
could worsen the situation. My top priority for the year is
to try to prevent it." |
Sen. Doug Whitsett receives award for geothermal
advocacy, H&N 12/14/15 |
Klamath bills pass Senate. Water pact,
forestry act take a step forward, H&N 11/14/14.
Ron Wyden is trying to move a long-stalled
bill through the lame duck session of
Congress that would implement agreements to
remove four hydroelectric dams on the
Klamath River to help salmon."
Wyden's forestry bill would "create 87,000
acres of new wilderness and 252 miles of new
wild and scenic rivers." It is
"...expected to..." more than double
current timber harvests (KBC NOTE:
which are a fraction of historic harvests.)
Regarding Wyden's claim that the KBRA that
destroying 4 hydroelectric dams (that
provide flood control, power for 70,000
households, and millions of hatchery salmon)
will "help salmon", a speech by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett offers some
Senator Doug Whitsett speech regarding the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction at Yreka's public listening session put on by Department of Interior on 10/20/11. "The Draft Environmental Impact Statement does not appear to mitigate that 20 million cubic yards of sediment. The Department apparently proposes to simply blow the dams and let nature take its course, washing all that sediment downriver. They appear to consider this option as a “grand experiment” to see what actually happens. That amount of sediment is equivalent to about 2 million ten yard dump truck loads of silt, sediment and organic muck. To put that amount into perspective, lined up head to tail, 2 million dump truck loads of river muck would stretch about 12,500 miles…..about half way around the planet." |
Provisions in the controversial KBRA /
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement for
giving land to the Klamath Tribes could
hamper completion of improvements on the
dangerous Highway 97; ODOT (and the public)
was not included in the negotiations, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett's Newsletter
11/12/14 |
Salmon habitat rules on the table, and
Doug Whitsett, R-Ore., said he is concerned
about restrictions being placed on the
diversion canal connecting Lost River to the
Klamath River. He said the diversion is at
the “heart of the Klamath Project.” |
the bill for legislative loan is too heavy a
burden for Oregonians;
taxpayers should vote ‘no’ on Measure 86,
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett for H&N
posted to KBC 9/28/14.
principle and interest on state debt exceeds
the entire budget for the Oregon Department
of Corrections..." |
Energy independence is possible...it all
starts at the ballot box, Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett newsletter in H&N
posted to KBC 9/28/14.
"Every Acre County" -- where the feds fail,
Oregon excels,
by Senator Doug Whitsett 8/21/14.
Oregon Department of Forestry was at best
ineffective in asserting their fire
management goals and direct attack
techniques. That wildfire burned more than
90,000 acres. It burned out of control for
eleven days, destroying more than
30,000 acres of privately owned
forestland. Backfires and burn-outs were
employed so frequently that tens of
thousands of acres of forests were
needlessly destroyed...more than one of the
backfires threatened the lives of landowners
fighting to save their own property..."
expansion of regulations of surface and
groundwater use,
by Senator Doug Whitsett
8/13/14. "What the Department is not making clear to the
public is that their proposed permanent rules
make substantial and critical changes to the
existing emergency rule. The rule being proposed
extends the Department’s authority beyond its
regulation of surface-water, to include the
regulation of groundwater under the preferential
use of water for human and stock-water during
drought. This rule appears to be another attempt
by the Department to use its rule making powers to extend
its authority to regulate surface water under the Klamath
River Adjudication, to include the regulation of
groundwater." |
"Watch over the legitimacy, and the
truthfulness, of what we call science,"
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 6/23/14. * "Upper Klamath Lake TMDL is based
on the false assumption that development
of the Upper Basin by European man has
resulted in significant increases in the
phosphorous concentration that helps to
cause poor water quality in Upper
Klamath Lake. * We are asked to assume that the
alleged decline of the endangered
suckers is the result of declining water
quality * We are asked to assume that Coho
Salmon are threatened in the Klamath
River due to water storage for the
Klamath Project * We are asked to assume that the
Northern Spotted Owl is endangered due
to man-caused loss of habitat * We are being asked to assume that the
declining numbers of sage grouse are the
result of loss of habitat due to cattle
grazing. * we are being asked to cooperate with
the regulation of groundwater by the
Oregon Water Resources Department based
on a regional computer model that can
only be described as fraudulent" |
Meeting of Klamath County Commissioners and
Siskiyou County Supervisors, all eight
elected officials oppose the Klamath water
agreements, commentary on KFLS 14.50
radio station
by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC
The Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive
Agreement, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 5/16/14: "Many farm and
ranch owners... were advised that most who
refused to sign would no longer be allowed
to use either their surface or groundwater
rights in most years. Many of those water
rights date to 1864 priority. They were
further advised that those who refused to
participate would likely be subject to
severe ...." |
California's Cap and Trade, Kitzhaber headed
that direction, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
4/30/14 |
Oregon's welfare growth highest in nation,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 5/6/14. "The
welfare to work program was designed to
provide temporary assistance during the time
required to teach families to become
accountable for their own welfare and
financial security...The audit found that
Oregon ranked dead last in the nation for
TANF clients participating in work, or work
related activities..."
The Upper
Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement, by Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 5/16/14: "Many farm and
ranch owners... were advised that most who refused to sign
would no longer be allowed to use either their surface or
groundwater rights in most years. |
Oregon's welfare growth highest in nation, Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett 5/6/14. "The
welfare to work program was designed to provide temporary
assistance during the time required to teach families to
become accountable for their own welfare and financial
security...The audit found that Oregon ranked dead last in
the nation for TANF clients participating in work, or work
related activities..." |
California's Cap and Trade, Kitzhaber headed that direction,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/30/14 |
Klamath Falls - Oregon Tech's renewable
energy by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
4/25/14 |
National Unemployment
Newsletter by
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/9/14 |
AUDIO: Must Listen:
5 1/2 minute summary of Upper Basin's
Klamath Settlement Agreement; audio by
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, Local News
with Paul Hanson on KFLS News/Talk Radio
1450, 4/1/14. "The nearly 100-page
agreement has seven objectives..." |
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries by
Senator Doug Whitsett, 3/26/14 |
Forest Practices Act
Newsletter by
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 3/20/14 |
Short Legislative Sessions by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett 3/11/14 |
Support Oregon's Rule of Law
by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett 2/27/14 |

< Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett and Rep. Gail Whitsett
Science of shutoffs,
well water monitoring law aims to clarify
H&N 2/7/14.
fully support the OWRD authority to regulate
wells that are materially interfering with
senior water rights. However, we believe the
state should be required to prove that the
use of irrigation wells is materially and
measurably harming a water right holder with
a superior priority date,” Gail Whitsett
call, and e-mail the fifteen Democrat
Senators who were expected to vote in
support of gun-control legislation last
year. That includes every Democrat Senator,
except for Senator Betsy Johnson from
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter, 1/16/14. "The
first failure to comply with the new law
would be punishable by 30 day
imprisonment, a fine of $1,250, or both.
A second offense would result in one
year imprisonment, a fine of $6,250, or
both. Third and subsequent offenses
would be punishable by a maximum term of
five years in prison, a fine of
$125,000, or both." |
Health Care Providers and The Union 1/30/14
War on Poverty 1/10/14.
Marijuana, newsletter 1/3/14 |
Water issues will likely dominate session work,
12/29/13. "The
Oregon Water Resources Department has made clear its
intentions in 2014 to shut down as many as 130 irrigation
wells due to alleged interference with surface water
rights... |
Expansion of power of the Executive Branch of our federal government, by
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 12/1/13 |
Oregon wildfire protection newsletter 12/19/13.
EPA and Clean Water Act; another step toward a Banana Republic,
Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, 11/14/13 |
Whitsetts team up to denounce bureaucracy, too many rules in government, followed by comment H&N, 11/10/13 |
Care Act and "Cover Oregon," by Senator Doug Whitsett 10/30/13 |
K-12 public education by Senator Doug Whitsett 10/18/13
Feds own
34 million acres of Oregon, 10/10/13 |
and Klamath River Dam Facts, Senator Doug Whitsett 9/27/13. "...Advocates
have long stated that the dams must come out in order to reestablish
previous salmon numbers. Yet 2012 saw one of the largest, if not the largest
Chinook salmon run ever recorded on the Klamath River. This year, salmon
numbers are shaping up to surpass that record. The dams are still in the
River and the water quality in the River has not changed.
.." |
Oregon government spending addiction, Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 9/22/13
workforce and its consumers suffer each time that our governments impose new
costs on private businesses. 8/27/13 |
More than a dozen
bills relating to firearms were introduced 8/14/13
"Our abundant and varied (Klamath) fisheries appear to contradict the need
for massive aquatic restoration projects" by Senator Doug Whitsett
8/8/13. |
The Oregon
Water Resources Department is no longer a friend of agriculture. 8/1/13.
than 250 water users holding Allottee and Walton water rights dating to 1864
are being forced to turn off their irrigation water...The Department’s final
determination gave the Tribes such a huge amount of water that virtually no
additional water will be available for irrigation in a normal year..." |
Assembly had two primary tasks; to balance the budgets and to take
meaningful action to address an unsustainable Public Employment retirement
System. We failed both tests. 7/13/13
Session wrapup:
Partisanship overwhelming process;
Republican efforts at Legislature routinely ignored, says Sen. Doug Whitsett, H&N 7/14/13. |
Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett, ""
...'brave new world' interpretation of the Constitution...",
posted to KBC 6/25/13. |
Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett 6/13/13 Newsletter: Thousands of fish-eating Cormorants eating baby suckers? |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
Newsletter on Obama's Benghazi, AP and FOX surveillance, IRS targeting
conservatives, posted to KBC 6/13/13 |
Senator Doug Whitsett:
Our Veterans, posted to KBC 6/2/13
Oregon Legislators, Rep Mike McLane and
Senator Doug Whitsett,
create National Day of the Cowboy,
H&N, posted to KBC 5/14/13 |
Oregon PERS
restructuring, Democrats need for more tax $, by Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett 5/21/13
Horse Tripping
Bill by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 5/14/13. "In my opinion,
it represents a first attempt to outlaw the use of animals for competitive
events, such as team roping, ranch branding and other rodeo competitions..." |
Restructuring PERS,
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/11/13
Oregon's 4
anti-gun bills by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 4/7/13. "The
disarming of state legislators and their staffs is the last thing that I
wish to see. In my opinion, gun free areas might as well be advertised as
potential killing zones....(Prozanski's)
bill would require any person applying for a concealed handgun license to
first-pass a live-fire test at a firing range. The test would require
accuracy while repeatedly firing up to twenty shots in 60 seconds or less.This
would certainly be difficult to achieve using a handgun, such as a revolver,
that only holds six rounds of ammunition. One would have to reload the
weapon three times in order to fire twenty rounds in a minute or less."
Oregon tuition inequity bill
by Senator Doug Whitsett,
Oregon District 28 3/25/13. "All
sixteen Democrat and three Republican Senators voted to pass the
bill. I joined ten other Republican Senators in voting no...United
States’ citizens who have lived in Oregon all their life before
moving out of state, are denied Oregon in-state tuition for
their children. Yet an illegal alien that sneaks into Oregon
searching for a job, for entitlements, to be with family or for
any other reason, will be allowed in-state tuition for their
children if they have lived here illegally for three or more
years." |
The statewide cost of PERS to Oregon taxpayers has increased one billion one hundred million dollars, Senator Doug Whitsett, Oregon District 28 3/14/13. |
VIDEO - 2013-15 Oregon Democratic Co-Chairs’ vs. Republican Leadership Budgets, with Rep Richardson and Senator Whitsett, posted to KBC 3/12/13. |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
District 28, 3/5/13,
Oregon Transportation HB |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett -
Oregon must cap growth of state spending, H&N 2/24/13 |
Oregon's green energy frenzy
vs. free market principles,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter, posted to KBC 2/20/13. |
Representing Klamath Basin, Senator Whitsett looks for water user solutions,
H&N 2/20/13
Lawmakers prepare for
legislative session;
State legislators discuss divides between Ore. urban, rural
H&N 2/5/13, posted to KBC 3/4/13 |
Oregon timber harvest on Oregon's federally owned lands,
newsletter by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/10/13.
Oregonians need to know the facts behind marijuana use, by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/10/13. |
Examples of outcome of government intervention in a free market economy, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 1/30/13.
"Consumers are already paying untold billions to purchase corn distilled ethanol blended gasoline that actually reduces fuel mileage. The federal mandate that requires ethanol blended fuel is also causing a perennial shortage of corn supply that is costing consumers untold billions in inflated food prices." |
Oregon Government Spending,
by Senator Doug Whitsett R- Klamath Falls, District 28, posted to KBC 1/27/13
Legislative Assembly promises to be contentious"
Senator Doug Whitsett,
Oregon District 28 / Klamath Falls, 1/17/13 Newsletter |
Budget shortfall, right to bear firearms among topics set for 2013
Legislative session, H&N, posted to KBC
1/11/13 |
Oregon's debt
1/8/13. |
This great nation's immense Christmas season peril,
12/27/12 |
Oregon's proposed new tax plan, 12/27/12 |
Governor Kitzhaber's recommended Oregon state budget
12/5/12. |
Klamath-Lake Counties Food Bank,
"More than twenty percent of rural Oregonians, who want to work, do not have a job or are working less than full time...Niki and Dave Sampson, along with their hard working crew, have distributed more than 1,700,000 pounds or 850 tons of food this year." |
PERS 12/13/12.
PERS 11/21/12
10/11/12 |
9/27/12 |
Point Fire - Extreme loss of timber, grazing, wildlife and watershed
resources, Senator Doug Whitsett 9/10/11.
What we
were doing when freedom died? by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett 8/30/12 |
Governor Kitzhaber’s draft Ten Year Energy
by Senator Doug Whitsett 8/17/12. "Oregon
poorest families, including those who are unemployed or underemployed, will
be disproportionately disadvantaged by the higher energy costs inherent to
the draft Plan." |
Drought, Crops, and Government Interference, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 8/5/12. "The
combined effects of widespread drought conditions, and ill-advised government
interference in the free market, have created the potential for a perfect
inflationary storm for domestic food prices..." |
Southern Oregon lost an outstanding citizen. Nancy Leonard, by Senator Doug
Whitsett, posted to KBC 8/5/12.
Doug Whitsett: 2012 Tax Initiative Petitions, posted to KBC
7/21/12. "If Congress and the President fail to take action, this
unprecedented expansion in federal taxes will equal nearly $1,600 for every man,
woman and child in the United States...these tax increases will be levied on
America’s middle class, working families and the owners of the small businesses
that create nearly three out of every four new jobs" |
Oregon Integrated Water Resources Strategy, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 5/31/12.
"...IWRS advisory committee... appear to have placed little emphasis on the development of additional storage for current and expanded agricultural use. Implementation of those public policies can only serve to diminish the supply of water available for irrigation." |
DOI Survey and Klamath Dam destruction, by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 6/23/12
Whitsetts prepare for seats in Salem, Husband-wife team likely to represent Basin, H&N 5/19/12 |
Gail Whitsett beats Tracey Liskey to take District 56 seat in House, H&N 5/16/12.
“I’m trying to get private industry back into Klamath and Lake counties, utilizing natural resources like geothermal and forests,” she said. “Education is also on the top of my list...Whitsett is against the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement."
Doug and Gail Whitsett read congratulatory text message during election party at Yesterday's Plaza
Doug Whitsett retains Senate seat by topping Karl Scronce, H&N 5/16/12.
"In Klamath, Lake, Jackson, Deschutes and Crook counties, Whitsett averaged about 76 percent of the vote, while his Republican challenger, Karl Scronce, averaged about 24...Whitsett is against the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement..."
< James Bellet, Doug and Gail Whitsett, Tom Mallams, and Dennis Jefcoat.
5/16/12, updated 12:59 a.m. 100% of the votes are in. -
Oregon Election Night Results, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN against the KBRA and dam removal! Congratulations!
Opponents of the KBRA
Basin Restoration Agreement
(which includes Klamath dam removal)
won the votes of the people, in spite of the smear ads and big bucks paid to destroy them.
State Senate District 28:
Incumbent Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
6685 votes, with 71.77% of the votes. Opposes KBRA Karl Scronce 2622 votes, 28.15% of votes. Pro KBRA
State Representative District 56
4463 votes, 52.48% of the votes. Opposes KBRA Tracey Liskey 4033, 47.42% of the votes.
Pro KBRA Klamath County Commissioner Position 1
Tom Mallams, 4128 votes, 43.36% of the votes. Opposes KBRA Incumbent All Switzer
CORRECTED > 1756 votes, 18.5% of the vote.
Pro KBRA Klamath County Commissioner Position 3 James Bellet, 4013 votes, 42.45% of vote
Opposes KBRA Dennis Jefcoat 1526 votes, 16.14% of votes
Opposes KBRA Incumbent Cheryl HuKill 1690 votes, 17.88% of vote
Pro KBRA |
I have accomplished much while in Salem,
Senator Doug Whitsett, incumbent and candidate for H&N letter to editor 5/4/12.
"As a fiscal conservative Republican, I take seriously my state senate oath to protect and conserve the Constitution and to work for all citizens in the district and state. I believe in, and work to achieve, the smallest, least expensive and least intrusive government that is able to adequately provide essential services...." |
Non-Point Source Water Regulations,
Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC
4/29/12 |
Bend Bulletin Endorsement: Whitsett the
right choice for Republicans, posted
to KBC 4/27/12.
Senate hopefuls debate priorities, H&N 4/13/12. "Whitsett opposes dam removal and the KBRA...Scronce, who took part in negotiating the KBRA, called the agreement an example of cooperation between differing points of view. He said he would take that same spirit of cooperation to the Oregon Legislature."
KBC Editor: KBRA was born in closed door meetings with no transparency, no public input, no public vote, and no agriculture groups allowed at the negotiation table that did not agree with the predetermined agenda of Klamath dam destruction and giving Klamath Tribes land (they previously sold.) |
Oregon's budget, and last minute "emergency bills,"
3/5/12 |
2012 Tax Inititive Petitions, by Senator Doug Whitsett
4/2/12 |
Oregon Public
Utility Commission,
3/23/12. |
Dams -
fires top scientist and
Scientific Integrity Officer
for exposing Interior's scientific fraud,
by Oregon
Senator Whitsett 3/14/12. Here for
Dr. Paul Houser page. |
Renewable energy, by Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett, posed to KBC 3/12/12 |
Oregon's budget, and last minute "emergency bills," Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter, posted to KBC 3/6/12. |
ODEQ to decide about Low Carbon Fuel Standard Mandates for Oregon, Senator Doug Whitsett 2/24/12.
"The costs of complying with any LCFS can only result in higher fuel costs for everyone. Compliance with a state or regional LCFS would certainly result in an uncompetitive business environment that would result in out-migration of businesses and jobs. The last thing that Oregon needs is another reason for businesses to leave Oregon or for capital investors to further shun the state." |
vitality and stability to Oregon’s rural communities, by Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett 2/17/12 |
Senate Republican
job-creating bills
that Senate
Democrats refused
hear, Senator
Doug Whitsett
2/10/12 |
The Constitution, Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter, posted to KBC 1/26/12 |
among the 36 Oregon counties, Klamath ranks a dismal third in child abuse and neglect," Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 1/6/12 |
lawsuit could shut down eleven million acres of Oregon's
privately owned forest land, by Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 2/10/12. "Those privately owned forests
create timber product sales of nearly $12 billion and
support private sector payrolls in excess of $4
billion...The direct consequence of litigation concerning
the allegedly endangered Northern Spotted Owl is a 90
percent reduction in timber harvest from federal lands. That
near elimination of federal timber harvest has resulted in
virtual cultural genocide for many timber dependent rural
communities." |
Oregon Spends Money, Whitsett newsletter 1/13/12 |
Restoration of sustainable timber
harvest on federal forest lands,
Oregon Senator Whitsett, posted to
KBC 12/29/11. "These
unprecedented forest fuel loads have
been the direct cause of
uncontrollable wildfires that have
consumed millions of acres of Oregon
forest lands, and ironically,
millions of acres of Northern
Spotted Owl habitat." |
The Endangered Species Act Fundamental Flaws, by Senator Doug Whitsett 12/12/11.
"...These provisions have allowed the intent, implementation and outcomes of the Act to be hijacked to serve the greed and exploitation of preservationist factions both inside and outside of government agencies...In spite of the expenditure of billions of tax dollars, the species recovery rate is less than 1.5 percent." |
Unemployment Report, Senator Doug
Whitsett 12/5/11. |
Christmas Shopping, Senator Doug
Whitsett 11/29/11 |
Oregon's unsustainable spending addiction,
Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 11/20/11 |
Senator Doug Whitsett speech regarding the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction at Yreka's public listening session put on by Department of Interior on 10/20/11. "The Draft Environmental Impact Statement does not appear to mitigate that 20 million cubic yards of sediment. The Department apparently proposes to simply blow the dams and let nature take its course, washing all that sediment downriver. They appear to consider this option as a “grand experiment” to see what actually happens. That amount of sediment is equivalent to about 2 million ten yard dump truck loads of silt, sediment and organic muck. To put that amount into perspective, lined up head to tail, 2 million dump truck loads of river muck would stretch about 12,500 miles…..about half way around the planet." |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter: Department of Interior Dam Removal Public Listening Session 10/21/11.
"..event was attended by between three hundred and four hundred people...Fifty two people, or seventy two percent, spoke in opposition to dam removal...my responsibility to listen to the people that have I been elected to represent is much more important than my private opinion. Two thirds or more of those people have been consistently voicing their strong opposition to dam removal (since 2009 poll) for well more than two years. I will continue to try to represent those peoples’ judgment so long as I am privileged to represent them in the Oregon Senate." |
Klamath dam removal and turbidity double standard, Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter, posted to KBC 10/14/11.
"How can we justify dumping the equivalent of two million dump truck loads of sediment into the Klamath River to expedite the politically correct demolition of hydroelectric dams, while at the same time citing and prosecuting foresters, agriculturalists and recreationalists for stirring up a little sediment in their pursuit of family entertainment?" |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter On Communications 10/17/11
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 9/30/11 |
Outcomes of last summer’s public employee labor negotiations, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 9/24/11 |
Conservative Policy Summit, 9/3/11 Newsletter by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett. "...The Summit provided those of us who represent the people of Southern Oregon the opportunity to listen to the concerns of the community and business leaders and to discuss the potential solutions that they suggested. The primary purpose of the Medford Summit was to identify governmental barriers to private sector job creation and to recommend appropriate ways to remove those obstacles..."
Whitsett files for third term Oregon Senate District 28, 9/22/11.
"Doug Whitsett has officially filed with the Oregon Secretary of State's office for re-election to the Oregon Senate, District 28 (all of Klamath, Lake, Crook, and parts of Deschutes and Jackson Counties)."
HERE for KBC's Senator Whitsett Page
It is unfortunate when dire predictions become reality, Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 8/27/11 |
Klamath dam removal and turbidity double standard, Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter, posted to KBC 10/14/11.
"How can we justify dumping the equivalent of two million dump truck loads of sediment into the Klamath River to expedite the politically correct demolition of hydroelectric dams, while at the same time citing and prosecuting foresters, agriculturalists and recreationalists for stirring up a little sediment in their pursuit of family entertainment?" |
Whitsett files for third term Oregon Senate District 28,
9/22/11. "Doug Whitsett has officially filed with the
Oregon Secretary of State's office for re-election to the
Oregon Senate, District 28 (all of Klamath, Lake, Crook, and
parts of Deschutes and Jackson Counties)." |
Forest Mismanagement, Senator Doug Whitsett 9/16/11.
"...left is an area of nearly 600 square miles mostly
dominated by standing, gray, dead snags...no effort has been
made to salvage this timber for any use. |
Economic Records established during Obama administration, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 9/10/11
Taxes, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 8/19/11 |
Federal Management of Oregon's Forest Lands, Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 8/12/11.
"federal district court ruled that the owl was threatened under the Endangered Species Act and that nearly unlimited critical habitat was required to preserve the bird from extinction...Oregon’s annual timber harvest from federal lands plummeted from 60 percent to 12 percent. Nearly 300 timber mills closed and more than 30,000 family wage jobs were lost." |
Labor Relations by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 8/7/11 |
Oregon Legislative Budget, Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 8/2/11 |
On Oregon DUIs,
Newsletter by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 7/22/11 |
Doug Whitsett newsletter, Oregon Education, 7/16/11 |
Whitsett true spokesman for rural Americans, H&N letter to editor by Vaudine Cullins, Alturas, posted to KBC 7/7/11 |
Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 7/8/11. "Oregon is a national leader in home mortgage foreclosures, our annual per capita income trails the national average by more than $3,500, our functional unemployment remains above 20 percent and 750 thousand Oregonians are using food stamps. Yet Senate leadership flatly refused to even hold hearings on bills that were thoughtfully designed to promote growth in private sector jobs...Three fourths of our timber mills are closed down, and more than 30,000 family wages jobs are destroyed. These two bills would have created more than 4,300 jobs, as well as $100 million in state and local government revenue." |
Taps were played for future of Oregon's natural resource
based economy, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to
KBC 6/19/11. "Thursday in Pendleton, TAPS were played for
the future of Oregon’s natural resources based economy, and
the private sector jobs they sustain. The Oregon
Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) adopted, by
Administrative Rule, new Oregon water quality standards for
human toxics that are ten times more stringent than anywhere
else in the United States...Compliance
...will be virtually impossible. In many situations the new
standards exceed the normal background levels..." |
6/30/11 |
Why were new jobs bills
killed? by Oregon
Senator Whitsett, posted to
KBC 6/16/11 |
One billion one hundred million
dollars! by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 6/3/11 |
Senator Whitsett Newsletter:
"This week the Ways and Means
General Government Subcommittee
restored funding to two programs
sponsored by the Department of
Revenue that provide rent
payment assistance to low income
elderly Oregonians.
Both programs had previously
been eliminated in Governor
Kitzhaber’s Recommended Budget."
6/10/11 |
Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter
5/20/11. "We
believe that more than 20,000 private sector family-wage jobs would be created
by the passage of three bills currently stuck in the Senate Environment and
Natural Resources Committee... neither the committee Chair nor the Senate
President has allowed any of these bills even the courtesy of a hearing...Being
allowed to use their fair share of excess River water would spur a renaissance
in Oregon’s economy creating more than 16,500 jobs and adding more than
$750,000,000 per year to our state economy." |
Whitsett Newsletter,
5/26/11, Estate Taxes
Oregon's Regulations Oppress Jobs,
2011 Newsletter for Oregon State
Senator Doug Whitsett, District 28,
posted to KBC 5/17/11 |
Oregon's economic forecast, Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 5/12/11. "...our
state has no more private sector jobs than
it did in the year 2000. Moreover, our per
capita income continues to fall behind the
national average and the rate of negative
change is accelerating." |
Oregon's medical liability, Senator Doug
Whitsett newsletter 5/6/11 |
Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett, 4/29/11 newsletter on
constitutional right to bear arms;
"Three important handgun bills were
passed by the Oregon House of
Representatives with wide bipartisan
Public employee
compensation, Senator Doug Whitsett
newsletter 4/21/11
Oregon school funding by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
4/15/11 |
Taps for future of Oregon's natural resource based economy,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 6/19/11 |
perennial national leader in unemployment, poverty, hunger,
homelessness and despair
Senator Doug Whitsett 4/8/11 |
Senator Doug Whitsett on the Environmental Protection Agency
3/31/11. "They
calculate the regulations would cost $4,500 in annual loss
of income for an average family of four and the loss of 2.5
million jobs over the next twenty years." |
Oregon Unemployment
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
3/24/11 |
creative financing plan, by Senator Doug Whitsett 3/21/11 |
Judge's decision unfairly
punishes ranching community, Statesman Journal, written by Senators Ted
Ferrioli, Doug Whitsett, Frank Morse and Fred Girod 3/17/11 |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett:
More job killing rules from ODEQ 3/11/11.
"The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is in the process of adopting the most restrictive water quality standards in the nation...These new rules have the potential to profoundly affect the fiscal soundness of businesses, agriculture and forestry in the state. They may be expected to have an extreme negative effect on Oregon’s future job growth and economic recovery...the scientific relevance of these studies is at best pathetic and at worst criminally negligent." |

Senator Doug Whitsett March 4, 2011 Newsletter.
"Ethanol production currently comprises just 8% of the US demand for vehicle fuel, but it requires 40% of the US corn crop to produce...About a tenth of the world’s production of cereal output is projected to be used for ethanol production if all of the world’s present targets for ethanol are to be met. The certain result will cause food prices to rise from 15-40% worldwide. Millions of humans will go hungry on a global scale as food prices are driven out of their reach due to biofuels production." |
demand to
suppress the
speech of
Senator Doug
2/25/11 |
posted to
KBC 2/25/11 |
Where is the
outrage, 2/11/11 by Senator Doug Whitsett |
Governor Kitzhaber’s
Recommended Budget, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted
to KBC 2/5/11 |
Environmental Advocacy groups destroying Klamath
agriculture, speech by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
KFLS radio, posted to KBC 2/4/11. "I
believe that is time to recognize that folks such as
Glen Spain,
Craig Tucker and
James Honey do not speak for the interests of either
the irrigators, or the people, of the Upper Klamath
Basin. Isn’t it time to recognize the obvious “divide
and conquer” actions that are being used so successful
in destroying both the unity, and the economies, of our
communities? Why do we continue to extend credibility to
these folks?" |
Governor Kitzhaber’s
Recommended Budget 2/4/11 |
Government Spending Crisis 1/21/11 |
Costly Unfulfilled Government Promises, Senator
Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 1/8/11. "Sixteen
years of green energy promotion has netted less than
two percent green jobs, has drained billions of
dollars and innumerable family wage jobs out of our
private sector economy, has insured exponentially
higher utility rates into the future, and has
created the pathway for the destruction of the
hydropower infrastructure that is the economic
engine of the Northwest." "The direct result is the
current effort to destroy the PacifiCorp
hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River as well as
the impending assault on the Lower Snake River Dams.
The Bonneville Power Administration is currently
charging its utility ratepayers more than $975
million each year for salmon mitigation. The total
amount of environmental charges on your BPA utility
bill exceeds 40%." |
Senator Whitsett on Public Trust, transcript
from Whitsett's 11/30/10 speech on KFLS |
Oregon State Economic Status, by Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 11/30/10 |
Look Ahead by Senator Doug Whitsett, H&N, posted
to KBC 1/2/11
Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 10/13/10 |
Alternative to tax and spend government, by
Senator Doug Whitsett 8/2/10 |
State Sen.
Whitsett says ‘sue them,’
H&N 6/9/10 |
Senator Doug Whitsett District 28 Newsletter
posted to KBC 6/23/10 |
PRESS RELEASE: Senator Doug Whitsett wins challenge of
ballot title, 4/30/10 |
Whitsett vs. Kroger, 4/30/10.
"The Oregon
Supreme Court ruled
..." |
Oregon Integrated Water Resources Strategy, by
Senator Doug Whitsett, District 28 4/16/10 |
Uncontrolled Governance by Senator Doug Whitsett,
posted to KBC 4/3/10 |
Senator (Whitsett) questions science behind
pollution rules,
H&N 3/18/10 |
Klamath County Drought Declaration Request: letter to
Governor Ted Kulongoski from Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
3/11/10 |
Economic Forecast, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
2/8/10. "Projected
state revenue income from general fund tax collections and
lottery fund profits is projected to be down by more than $190
million since the December 2009 forecast. The projected
reduction in state revenue since July 1, 2009 is more than
$400 million. Moreover, the 2009 fourth quarter report was the
seventh consecutive month of job losses and declining revenue."
Oregon Legislature by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
2/26/10 |
Oregon Ballot Measures and Taxes, by Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/7/10 |
Bell Meyers interview
with Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 1/21/10 regarding KBRA/Klamath
Agreement regarding Rogue Valley and water rights,
"the tribes and environmental
community can only sue the Klamath Project for their water
after they have made every effort has been made to shut down
Rogue Valley diversions and every other irrigator outside the
Project." |
Follow the Money,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 1/14/10 |
Oregon State Employee Compensation, posted 12/3/09, by
Senator Doug Whitsett |
Politics won in
legislative efforts to deal with taxes, by Senator Doug
Whitsett, H&N 11/1/09. |
Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement,
by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
10/2/09 |
Financing Environmental Lawsuits, by Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett, 10/21/09 Newsletter |
What will dam removal mean in the future? H&N
letters 10/6/09. Senator Doug Whitsett:
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett newsletter 8/28/09. "Throughout
that ever escalating spending binge, where the increase
averaged a compounded thirteen percent, our State has
consistently been a national leader in unemployment, poverty
and hunger. More than one out of every six Oregonians is now
using food stamps to feed their families..." |
State, local Republicans oppose removal of dams,
7/31/09. |
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett Newsletter 6/29/09 |
The Governor’s
Proposed Oregon Emergency Jobs Program, Senator Doug
Whitsett Newsletter 6/18/09 |
How local
legislators voted, H&N, posted to KBC 7/30/09 |
Action Alert, SB 519A
posted 6/13/09. "...this
bill is an arbitrary obstruction of the rights to free speech
for only one group of Oregonians..." |
Today was a Billion Dollar
Tax Day in the Oregon Legislature
Democrats pass $733 million
in tax increases on small and family owned businesses,
6/11/09 |
prepare for historic Billion Dollar Tax Week,
6/8/09 * 2009 Tax
Bills before the 2009 Oregon Legislative Assembly |
Proposed 2009-2011 Revenue Package,
6/4/09. "The result is an estimated reduction
of 10,747 private sector jobs." |
Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 5/29/09.
passage of SB 76 will start the process that will result in
the largest dam removal since World War II, and the largest
planned dam removal project in the history of mankind. It
represents the first domino to fall in the destruction of the
hydroelectric project
..." |
Irrigation District's loss of their 30,000 acre foot
diversion, which includes the KBRA citation, 1/23/09.
Senator Whitsett and Craig Tucker, "as the Agreement is
currently written, then the water right, instream water right
for the Klamath River, that would be transferred into the
river, would be have a priority date considerably better than
the Talent Irrigation District's diversions from Hyatt Lake
and Howard Prairie, and I can't see how they couldn't have a
call on that water."
Newsletter: Republicans propose budget
that protects core services without increasing taxes
5/13/09 |
A Plan
for Oregon's Transportation,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 5/10/09. Whitsett Page
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett Newsletter, posted to KBC 5/7/09 |
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett Newsletter 4/26/09. Legislative hash,
Plaintiff's Fairness Act, Oregon's first tax on water. |
Testimony of geologist Gail Hildreth Whitsett on SB 76,
Klamath Dam Removal Bill, posted to KBC 5/14/09 |
Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett Newsletter 4/17/09: Tea Party, National Debt, and
wilderness reserves |
Fuzzy Government
Math, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 4/10/09 |
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett 4/3/09 Newsletter:
PacifiCorp’s Proposal for
Higher Rates.... |
Oregon's Water
Resources Threatened,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 3/27/09.
Oregon Banks in Our
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 3/20/09 |
New taxes and
fees proposed for Oregonians, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
Newsletter 3/13/09. |
Oregon is on the Wrong Course,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 3/6/09. "
The manipulation of energy costs through public policy simply
violates the civil rights of those who must choose between
heating their homes and feeding their children." |
Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett newsletter, Budget and Revenue: "The
reductions in funding for the Judicial Branch of government were
so severe that they will result in the closure of all state courts
every Friday from March 13, 2009 through June 30, 2009..."
2/27/09 |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 2/20/09.
"Explanation of the Budget Forecast,"
"Contemplated Closure of Kingsley Field." |
*House Bill
2157: The $96 Million Tax Increase,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
Newsletter 2/13/09. "...your Oregon legislature raced to pass
legislation that unilaterally prohibits Oregonians from
benefiting from that stimulus package." |
Senator Doug
Whitsett newsletter 2/6/09: Klamath dam demolition,
destination resorts, real estate transfer tax, and stimulus
package. |