My chief of staff, author and
former reporter W. Scott Jorgensen, recently
traveled to Seoul, South Korea as part of a
field trip for his graduate program at Portland
State University’s Mark O. Hatfield School of
Government. It appears some of the lessons he
learned from that experience could be applied to
help enhance transparency and accountability at
the state government level in Oregon.
South Korea was devastated in the
1950s in the aftermath of the Korean War. With
the help of the U.S. government, the people of
that nation used the next several decades to
transform it into a modern, Westernized
industrial powerhouse with one of the world’s
fastest-growing economies.
The modernization process was not
without unfortunate side effects. The
introduction of democratic electoral processes
was accompanied by divisive and high-cost
political campaigns. By the 1990s, it had
resulted in the widespread perception of
The 1997 South Korean financial
crisis was partly blamed on large loans made by
state-owned banks to conglomerates known as “chaebols.”
The owners of some of those entities had made
substantial contributions to political parties.
These potential quid-pro-quos
resulted in bribery scandals between 2008 and
2012. Previous South Korean presidents fueled
the perception of corruption by issuing many
pardons to persons who had been convicted of
corruption-related charges.
In response the earned loss of
public confidence, South Korean officials began
implementing strategies aimed at combating
government corruption. Their efforts took many
forms and used an approach that combined
preventative and punitive measures.
A zero-tolerance policy for
corruption was adopted. Anti-corruption policy
was centered upon an integrity pact. The pact
was signed by both government officials and
representatives of companies stating they would
not demand or offer bribes, engage in price
fixing and would accept punitive measures for
violating the agreement. A citizen ombudsman
system was established to monitor and audit
government functions.
Prosecution efforts were
strengthened and officials sought to enlist the
civil society in fighting against corruption.
Politicians vowed to address it from the
top-down and citizens were asked to do the same
from the bottom-up. Laws were passed to protect
whistleblowers and facilitate investigations
into suspected wrongdoing by public officials.
An investigation team was formed
in February 1999 to select areas of government
services that had a history of corruption
scandals, were predisposed to receiving
solicitation for favors and that had complicated
systems inconveniencing citizens.
What resulted was
a revolutionary
e-Government system
that utilizes technology to enhance citizen
input into policies with the understanding that
“the collective wisdom changes Seoul for the
An emphasis was placed on
communication, participation and the sharing of
data, with access to information being viewed as
a right for all citizens. Importantly, the Seoul
Metropolitan Government (SMG) began using the
nation’s advance information technology to
enhance transparency and better serve and
empower its citizens through greater
Their e-government system has
received international recognition and awards
for its effectiveness. During the past 12 years,
the SMG has placed first six times in the
Municipal e-Governance Survey conducted by
Rutgers University among the world’s 100 largest
Government procurement procedures
that had previously been sources of public
mistrust and scandal are now made public through
every step of the process, from supplier
registration to competitive bidding and through
payments made to vendors. Notices, bidding
information, the opening of bids and related
matters are published online in real time.
Non-confidential administrative information and
documents are made readily available to citizens
through the online system.
Citizen applications for
government services are completed together
online through a single click. For example,
updating information regarding a change of
address is automatically forwarded to multiple
government agencies.
Welfare benefits that were once
managed by different programs, systems and
regions were integrated, preventing duplicative
payments, increasing efficiency and providing
better service and enhanced transparency. This
saves citizens significant amounts of time and
hassle while helping to protect against
fraudulent claims.
A one-stop civil affairs service
gives residents real-time information on the
handling of their applications. They can check
who is handling their case, how it is being
reviewed, when final approval can be expected
and agency explanations if complications arise.
Their “smart complaint” system
was launched in 2010 and handles around 13,000
citizen concerns every month. Citizens are able
to register complaints directly to the system by
submitting a written report or uploading
pictures or videos. They can then track the
status of the complaint’s resolution and
determine when to expect results.
An e-petition system enables
citizens who gather more than 1,000 signatures
in 30 days to have the city review their
initiative and respond to it. A related citizen
suggestion system allows residents to register
their ideas and have their peers vote on it for
10 days. Suggestions that receive more than 10
votes are then reviewed by officials during the
next 20 days.
Quarterly meetings are held to
review those suggestions. As part of the
process, a contest is held that awards prize
money to those suggestions that are determined
to be the best and most useful.
Past citizen suggestions have
already been implemented. A late night bus route
was designed based on citizen input and
collected data. A manmade floating island was
created on the Han River that flows through the
heart of Seoul at the peoples’ request. A
no-smoking area was designated around the Seoul
Museum of Art based on the wishes and desires of
the public.
The e-Government system even
allows direct citizen participation in the SMG’s
budgeting process. Around $42 million of the
city’s 2016 budget was determined by citizens
through participation in the budget committee
and direct voting. One million citizens
participated, 54 projects were reviewed and 18
were determined in this manner.
Government agency
rulemaking is also improved through
e-Government. E-hearings allow the public to
provide real-time electronic comments on
proposed administrative rules.
Seoul’s transportation system has
seen the benefits of this state-of-the-art
technology. Citizens can report, disseminate and
discuss their experience regarding road and
traffic conditions with real-time information,
helping one another avoid traffic congestion and
dangerous situations. For the sake of
convenience, the system also includes
applications that help enable citizens to find
available parking spots in crowded urban areas.
Social media is now a significant
component of Seoul’s e-Government model. Twitter
alerts are issued for snow or heavy rainfall
conditions. Officials have been holding Twitter
town hall meetings on the same day of every
month since 2012. These social media meetings
enable officials to answer questions and discuss
issues in real time with concerned citizens.
Oregon Transparency Website
has started our state government in the right
direction. Included on that website is
information about public meetings and records,
the state budget and workforce, revenue and
expenditure reports, contracts and procurement,
the Public Employees Retirement System, local
government, administrative rules, performance
measures, legislative reports and much more.
While not quite as comprehensive
as the e-Government model used by the SMG, the
Oregon Transparency Website can be a great tool
for providing information to our citizens.
It seems we could learn how to do
a much better job from the example set by the
SMG and the South Korean governments. Through
using information technology, it is possible to
combat widespread, deep-rooted corruption by
implementing measures that empower citizens. We
can, and should, improve the lives of Oregonians
by providing real-time information regarding
what their government is doing.
Please remember--if we do not
stand up for rural Oregon, no one will.
Best Regards,
Senate District 28 |