Archive 82 -
March 2009
also see
main archive page
Around 1900, Link River,
between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake
occasionally went dry before
the Klamath Project was built. There
was no hydropower, no hatcheries,
occasionally no fish (fish need
water), no artificially-raised river
flows or lake levels.
HERE for more
Klamath dams doesn’t make any sense, H&N letter to editor
by Bernie Agrons, 3/31/09
Vandals strike
10-foot bucket, H&N 3/31/09
Republicans Call for Action to Address Man-Made Drought,
Projections: Up to 35,000 Jobs Lost and 300,000 Acres of
Farm Land Unused, House of Representatives Natural Resource Committee 3/31/09
Obama signs bill
protecting wilderness acreage, Capital Press 3/31/09
Lands bill
includes federal wolf-kill compensation, Capital Press
TID is holding a Public Meeting at the Tulelake Fairgrounds on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at
10:00 a.m for update on water supply and water ordering rules.
meeting Tuesday March 31,
7:00 PM
with Klamath County Commissioners
at the Merrill Civic Center
Write/Email Congress with your story - how did the Endangered
Species Act effect you? Your comments needed before March for information.
U.S. Bureau Of Reclamation weekly water report
Ocean salmon seasons on brink of big changes, Oregonian,
posted to KBC 3/30/09. "Anglers
are looking forward to one of the best (predicted, anyway)
offshore salmon seasons in the memories of many; certainly the
best of this century...wait a minute...this millenium! At a
minimum, there appear to be enough coho salmon available to
fish through much, maybe most, of the summer."
rate tops 13 percent, H&N, posted to KBC 3/30/09. HERE for
California counties post record-high jobless rates, H&N,
posted to KBC 3/30/09. More
Walden asks President Obama for help putting Oregonians back
to work in the woods, Congressman Walden 3/30/09
sense on dams, water missing, H&N letter to editor by
Charles Romary, posted to KBC 3/30/09
Dormant commerce clause is supreme as it related to the KBRA
(Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement),
3/30/09 by Dr.
Richard Gierak
Tucker accuses KBC of lying that the same tribes
and environmental groups at the Klamath Basin Restoration
Agreement/KBRA table petitioned against Klamath Water Users to
end their affordable power rate. Read the blackmail that led
to the KBRA:
Gimme a Break" from Karuk Tribe spokesman Craig Tucker to KBC, posted to KBC 7/25/07
Response to 'Gimme a Break" from KBC to Karuk Spokesman Craig Tucker, 7/25/07
estimate to remove dams looks way too low, H&N letter by
Tony Halda 3/29/09
KBC responds to Felice Pace article, Keno Reservoir and
Interim Dam License Conditions – A Klamath Sleeper Issue,
posted 3/29/08. Pace wants to downsize ag more and create more
wetlands (there are already more than 100,000 acres of
wetlands) or build a treatment plant, the same possibly
proposed requirements as the Calif. water board. National
Academy of Science Dr. William Lewis said this water was
historically naturally saturated and laden with phosphorus.
Also, 70 million tons of bird poop makes a lot of natural
nitrogen, much being certified organic.
Letter to KBC by Nita Still,
Montague, Calif, near the Klamath River, regarding the
United Nations' plan for us
detailing wilderness areas, depopulation, endangered species
taking of land, dams,"sustainability.."
3/28/09. (KBC NOTE: Watch
the film she sent. Most of us can't handle the thought
of this massive power controlling us, they feel helpless, so
they avoid the subject of the UN and it's agenda, passing it
off as a conspiracy theory.
Hitler's nation felt the same way. Thank you Nita for your
diligence in sharing documentation to teach us where these
land grabs, locked up resources, regulations, etc are coming
FERC ignores salmon mandates, recommends keeping Klamath dams, Capital Press 11/16/07. "The final environmental impact statement from the staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chose trapping and hauling fish around the dams rather than building expensive fish ladders and reducing power production to help salmon...The dams produce enough power for 70,000 households."
Project water is still shut off.
Our winter water went into the
ocean and refuges so the Klamath Lake did not fill. Last
summer gov't agencies and the Nature Conservancy dynamited
dikes to expand the lake, which takes more water to fill, and
there's more evaporation. Today we are not pre-irrigating our
fields. One biological opinion for salmon sends our stored
water into the ocean, the other BO demands more water for
suckers. National Marine Fishery Service has another
biological opinion that they will not allow us to see.
In the Klamath Basin Restoration
Agreement: 21.5 "By entering into this Agreement, NMFS and
FWS ...expressly reserve the right to make determinations and
take actions as necessary to meet the requirements of the ESA
and implementing regulations."
Tribes want
policies to help them aid nation’s hydropower needs,
Indian Country, posted to KBC 3/27/09. (KBC NOTE: 4 Klamath
River Tribes want to tear down our Klamath River hydropower
serving 70,000 households annually. In the Klamath Basin
Restoration Agreement, Klamath Tribe in addition to dam
removal, wants to be given part of the reservation they sold,
water rights "with the priority date of time immemorial",
funds, and neighboring land.)
Klamath Tribe document of intensions
Oregon's Water
Resources Threatened,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 3/27/09.
USFWS To Take Another Look At
Critical Habitat For Bull Trout In Columbia Basin
(and Klamath), CBB
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 3/27/09
Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update 3/27/09
allocations show severe water shortages will remain,
California Farm Bureau Federation, posted to KBC 3/27/09. "'s a human tragedy. Valley towns are drying up and
farmers are buying food to distribute to people they used to
employ and provide paychecks...nearly 256,000 acre-feet of
water that would have been available for export south of the
delta washed into the Pacific Ocean as a result of the new
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion aimed at
protecting the delta smelt.
All of this points
directly to a need to improve our system of capture and
conveyance in order to avoid the year-to-year whipsaw of
environmental and hydrological variance,"
Humane Society Arguments Open
Briefing In Appeals Court Sea Lion Removal Case,
CBB 3/27/09
March 27 - Comments due on draft Klamath River
TMDL implementation plan in Calif.
protection bill gets Congress' OK, LA Times 3/26/09. "In
California--which now has 14 million acres of wilderness
(second only to Alaska, which has more than 57 million acres)
-- the bill would protect about 700,000 additional acres from
new roads and most commercial uses such as new mining, logging
and energy development...Boxer is working to protect an
additional 1.4 million acres of wilderness in California,
including areas in the Angeles, Klamath, Lassen and Los
Padres national forests."
(Note: "The establishment of an American Soviet
government will involve the confiscation of large landed
estates in town and country, and also, the whole body of
forests, mineral deposits, lakes, rivers and so on." -
William Z. Foster, National
Chairman of the Communist Party USA, 1932)
Democrats Use Heavy-Handed Tactics to Pass Massive Lands Bill,
House Natural Resources Committee Congressman Doc Hastings
Klamath Basin Dams Resolution
by the Siskiyou County , and South Siskiyou County California
Federated Republican Women, posted to KBC 3/26/09.
California can't
afford more water problems, Capital Press 3/26/09
Government Gives People's Houses to “Endangered” Mice; A
Federal Judge Will Consider PLF's Lawsuit This Week, PLF ,
posted to KBC 3/26/09
Off-Project Water Users
call cops on Kandra at
private board meeting,
Board works to find
water and power solutions for Off-Project farmers and
ranchers March 24,
dammed Klamath, Klamath Courier June 1, 2005, by Liz
Bowen, Pioneer Press
Solution save Klamath Dams:
To the
attention of Mr. Craig Tucker, fellow
(anti-dam)campaignersm and Klamath Water Users, from
McKinney, Australia,
7/4/07. (KBC note: Australian company offered solution
for algae removal, California Regional Water Quality Control
Board scientist said it could fix the algae problem but blamed
Upper Basin for the water quality problems, and Karuk
spokesman Craig Tucker said it the algae and health problems
are solved, he still wants the Klamath Dams out.)
Monday March 23, Klamath Water and Power Agency
This is the group that will be allocating your water and power
within or without the KBRA.
- Klamath Water User Association unadvertised 'public' meeting
with Klamath Falls County Commissioners Al Switzer and Cheryl Hukill,
explaining Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement to the
Commissioners. Attending were KWUA board members Steve
Kandra, Bob Gasser, executive director Greg Addington, and president
Luther Horsley. Invited also was
Hyde, partner with Klamath Tribes and Sustainable NW,
who formed a new off-Project group. Some of the issues
discussed were Long Lake Storage,
Klamath hydro dam removal, water allocations, and
Basin Alliance. KBC NOTE: this file takes a while to
download. posted 3/21/09
County Commissioners quiz settlement proponents, H&N,
posted to KBC
agenda for final Klamath settlement agreement plenary session
for 1/28/09 group closed-door negotiations, posted to KBC
3/21/09. "PAIL stands for “Policy, Administration,
Implementation, and (State and Federal) Legislation” members
(which includes several “subgroups” of people). It appears to
be comprised of at least one (and in most cases several)
representatives from the following entities: PacificCorp;
State of California; DOI; US Justice: NOAA Fisheries; Yurok
Tribe; Karuk Tribe; Klamath Tribe; NAGO; Klamath Water Users;
Upper Klamath Water Users/Carl Scronce and Becky Hyde's new
group; Humboldt County; and Siskiyou County. There are
probably others that we don’t know about as of yet."
"Jon Hicks from Rec has been approached with this question
before .PC has been having discussions with Reclamation re
Keno and Link River dam going forward towards an ultimate dam
* "Do we use the final
agreement or federal legislation to hard-wire implementation
of TMDLs?"
* "Environmental analysis
should be at decommissioning stage, not before."
* "For legislation to
preempt local should not be very controversial."
* "Flag for follow-up that
USDOJ is still on board with concept that we are saving NEPA
for later.
* "Want
to avoid advocating for science instead of using a certain
21, Klamath Falls townhall meeting on local
issues, hosted by Oregon Rep Bill Garrard,
posted 3/19/09
Lawsuit Aims
to Protect Northern California Salmon Habitat, posted to
KBC 3/20/09. Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, North
Coast Environmental Center, Klamath Riverkeeper are among
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement stakeholders suing the
Calif. Water Quality Control Board to regulate water quality
in the Klamath Basin. The historically warm, mineral laden
water must become clean. February 2009 lawsuit.
petition HERE.
Announces Nomination For New Bureau Of Reclamation
Commissioner, CBB, posted 3/21/09. "Connor
served in the Department of the Interior, including as deputy
director and then director of the Secretary's Indian Water
Rights Office"
Siskiyou Supervisors Trash Fishing and Cal Trout, by
Felice Pace, response by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou
County Supervisor 3/21/09
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review, posted to KBC March 20,
Appeals Court Upholds NOAA's
Hatchery vs. Wild ESA Salmon Listing Policies,
CBB, posted to KBC 3/21/09.
'Indicators' Help Develop Forecasts For Columbia River Salmon
Returns, CBB, posted to KBC 3/21/09. "The June 2008
trawls for chinook were 'the best that we've seen,' "
Conditions, Lack Of Biodiversity Likely Caused Sacramento
River Chinook Collapse, CBB posted to KBC 3/21/09 3/20/09
March 21,
Klamath Falls townhall meeting on local issues, hosted by Oregon
Rep Bill Garrard, posted 3/19/09
Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors 3/17/09 response to
letter by Calif. Secretary of Natural Resources Mike Chrisman.
"Why is the state of Calif. so willing to sacrifice the
economic well-being of one of its counties, particularly in
light of the current economics in the United States."
Water and Power Agency Meeting Monday.
Klamath Lake Levels and River Flows 3/10/09-3/17/09
ecologist to head NOAA,
Jane Lubchenco of Oregon State
says she's eager to take on issues including global warming,
polluted coastal waters and severely depleted fish
populations, LA Times 3/20/09
invites comment on options for 2009 ocean salmon seasons,
Ore. Dept of Fish and Wildlife 3/20/09. "In
meetings last week, the PFMC announced the strongest hatchery
coho abundance forecast since 2001, raising prospects of a
banner year for sport fishermen along the coast."
Oregon Banks in Our
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 3/20/09
Foley's presentation on unregulated Karuk Tribe dipnetting of
Federally protected salmon, to
the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors 3/17/09
TMDL Implementation Scoping Workshop Power Point Presentation
at Tulelake by Calif. Regional Water Quality Control
Board, March 2009
Regional Water Quality Control
Board wants Klamath Project's historically putrid water to
become cold and clean.
Lawsuit by Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement parties
causes Water Board to target Klamath Project water users.
KBC report 3/16/09
Klamath TMDL
public comment period drawing to a close, Siskiyou Daily
News, posted to KBC 3/16/09
NAIS comments due on proposed amendments.
Hydropower potential; Claims staked for regional power sites,
H&N 3/15/09
Closed-system, pumped storage,
H&N 3/15/09
Siskiyou worried about dams;
County supervisors want
to know alternatives, get real appraisal,
H&N 3/15/09
Hoopa Tribe pulls
out of Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, letter from
Hoopa attorneys to Department of Justice, posted to KBC
"...The KBRA
lacks mandatory dam removal provisions, will produce water
flows in the mainstem Klamath that violate the Tribe’s
priority water rights affirmed in the 1995 and 1997
Solicitor’s Opinions, and will frustrate the tribal livelihood
based on fisheries, rights affirmed in the 1993 Solicitor’s
Opinion. The KBRA lacks a drought plan and yet demands
assurances that Hoopa tribal rights will not be asserted, a
claim waiver Hoopa will not approve..."
COMMENT: While we're on the subject of the Dept of Justice,
let's remember that Dr. Thomas B. Hardy is the guy
who was contracted by the Department of Justice
to establish Indian water rights to be an expert
witness for (and paid for by) the Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) in the Klamath River
adjudication process. The BIA authorized
Hardy in his 2000 contract $550,086.
He used tribal biology paid for
by individual tribes.
After his science"
was found to be flawed, the Bureau of Reclamation hired him to
create more science. Klamath Watershed in Perspective
review of historical hydrology of major features of
the Klamath River Watershed and evaluation of Hardy
Iron Gate Flow requirements. By Dr. K.A. Rykbost,
Superintendent, Klamath Experiment Station, Oregon
State University, and R. Todd, Klamath County
Extension Office, Oregon State University.
HERE for
Power Point presentation. 3/25/04.
HERE for Dr. Rykbost
biography. More on Hardy:
Dr. Thomas Hardy support for the KBRA, posted to KBC
3/7/09. Discusses
evaporation, retiring farmland, and limiting groundwater
Siskiyou Supervisors ask Obama to investigate dam issues,
by Dale Andreasen Mount Shasta Area Newspapers, posted to KBC
3/13/09. "
No evidence to remove dams,
Wallowa County Chieftain by Rex
Cozzalio, Hornbrook, Calif
Stauntons win
stewardship award, H&N 3/13/09
Double hit
leaves Klamath dry,
Low lake level,
plus required river flow delay water deliveries,
Capital Press 3/13/09. "...the
biological opinion regarding Endangered Species Act
protections for coho salmon in the Klamath River trumped the
biological opinion aimed at protecting endangered suckers in
the Upper Klamath Lake, said Addington. The
ESA violated itself in February,"
Case of
Rotter Dam, letter to
the editor by John Robinson, Seiad Valley, Pioneer Press,
posted to KBC 3/13/09. "The
county could give them the reservation they do not now have
and recognition as a tribe the federal government has not
given them. Give them the reservation they want and seem to
need so badly but give it with the understanding they live the
way they did before Columbus."
New taxes and
fees proposed for Oregonians, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
Newsletter 3/13/09. HERE for
Whitsett newsletter and opinion page.
Fishery Management Council releases salmon abundance forecasts
for 2009 fishing season, posted to KBC 3/13/09
Siskiyou supervisors release CDM
3/13/09 Siskiyou Daily News 3/13/09
RELEASE: New Fund Will Aid Family Farmer’s Defense Against
Abusive Clean Water Act Regulators, posted to KBC 3/13/09
Supreme Court Is Right To Curb
Lawsuits Against Sound Forest Management,
posted to KBC 3/13/09
growers consider water needs; Researcher discusses effects of
irrigation cutoff on alfalfa, Capital Press, posted to KBC
narrowly rejects public lands bill 3/13/09, OGJ
NOAA Fisheries Proposes Listing
Columbia River Smelt As Threatened Under ESA,
CB Bulletin 3/13/09
States Begin Trapping Salmon-Eating Sea Lions, CB Bulletin
U.S. House
defeat of wilderness bill, Oregonian 3/11/09. "The
sprawling legislation is 164 separate bills bundled together,
designating more than 2 million acres of wilderness in nine
states. It would create three national parks, more than 1,000
miles of wild and scenic rivers -- including about 90 miles in
Oregon -- and three national conservation areas."
President Obama's list of
earmarks on spending bill, Sacramento Bee 3/11/09
Obama signs U.S. budget into
law; Oregon gets $211 million in goodies.
Oregonian 3/11/09
Obama signs spending bill;
California scores big on pet projects,
Sacramento Bee 3/11/09
(Oregon) coho fishing holds promise; Chinook fishing likely to
be nil, Umpqua Post 3/10/09
Field burning returns
to Oregon legislative agenda, Capital Press 3/10/09
Legislative Alert from Oregon Seed Council Director:
Both bills are scheduled for
hearings THIS week.
The hearing on HB-2183 is
Wednesday March 11, at 3:00 in
hearing room D; and the hearing on SB-528 is Thursday
March 12, at 3:00 in hearing room C. Please plan on
attending,even if you don't wish to testify.
the rooms filled with farmers will show legislators that
any attempt
to regulate farm practices
will be opposed. Legislators attempting to ban
any agricultural practice must
get the message that you as farmers are the best to decide
which agricultural practices work best. From
Oregonians for Food and
Klamath Lake Levels and River Flows, 3/1/09-3/8/09
Put water
storage in proposed (Klamath) agreement, H&N letter by
David Hill, Merrill, posted to KBC 3/10/09
Removal of
wolf protections upheld, Washington Post, posted to KBC
BiOp Court
Hearing: Redden Says 'I Think It Is Very Close' To Being
Legal, CB Bulletin, posted to KBC 3/10/09
The Bureau of Reclamation told
us, "The 2009 Operations Plan will not be released until
after April 1st. We wait until we receive the April 1st
forecast before it's finalized."
(U.S. Congressman from Oregon)
Greg Walden helps lead
bipartisan effort to reduce catastrophic wildfire,
3/10/09. HERE for AUDIO
H.R. 875
- A bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.
KBC NOTE: This bill on food regulations is preceded by a
commentary sent to KBC this morning; the bill would
drastically change our lives. posted to KBC 3/10/09
Announces Delayed Water Deliveries for Klamath Project,
3/10/09. "The current lake level and lower than average
estimated inflow may potentially delay the start of operations
to mid-April with deliveries in late April."
Water Users Association reaction to announcement on delay in
water deliveries, KWUA 3/10/09. "Addington
echoed that a key difference is predictability. “Klamath Lake
most likely would not be drawn down to where it is today if we
were under the KBRA. There would have been a sensible,
integrated operation before now based on management for fish,
wildlife and irrigation.”
(KBC NOTE: The KBRA/Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement mandates Klamath dam removal
(decimating Siskiyou County economy), downsizing off-Project
irrigation by 30,000 acre feet (further decimating their
agricultural economy), downsizing the Klamath Project,
introducing endangered fish and fish parasites/lamprey into
the Klamath Basin, giving the Klamath Tribes a forest they
previously sold to be put into a tax-exempt trust, and giving
control of our water to a group, within the KBRA, of tribes,
environmental groups, agencies and 2 farm groups rather than
the public and elected officials with, so far, NO
transparency. Project irrigators must agree to this KBRA or,
as an example with this current blackmail to shut off the
irrigation water, they will be denied water predictability
(not water guarantees). The KBRA does not exempt irrigators
from Biological Opinions, Endangered Species Act, or Clean
Water Act regulations that can deny them water.)
Bureau of Reclamation
Tulelake leaseland bid winners, posted to KBC 3/10/09
Karuk Tribal Vice President and
spiritual leader
Leaf Hillman: Taxpayers help miners hurt fish habitat
followed by 31 Comments,
Sacramento Bee , posted to KBC
3/8/09. "Hillman,
who lives in Orleans, is charged with one count corporal
injury on a spouse or cohabitant, and with two special
allegations: inflicting great bodily injury and using a deadly
weapon. Hillman's bail has been set at $50,000....the victim
had been "hit on the head with a beer bottle"
Petitioners explain claims against tribal fishery at Ishi
Pishi Falls, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 3/7/09
Environmental groups want to ‘re-wild’ U.S., H&N letter by
Nita Still 3/7/09
Karuk Press Release: Klamath Science Meeting regarding Klamath
Restoration Agreement, posted to KBC 3/7/09.
Compilation of Information to Inform USFWS Principals on
Technical Aspects of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
Relating to Fish and Fish Habitat Conditions
4/30/08 -
Review comments of Hoopa Valley
Tribal Fisheries Department of KBRA
Dr. Thomas Hardy support for the KBRA, posted to KBC
3/7/09. Discusses
evaporation, retiring farmland, and limiting groundwater
Senator listens to water law concerns;
Sen. Wyden’s staff presented with
1,800 signatures against Klamath deal,
Capital Press 3/6/09
TMDL, by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong
3/6/09. "...rather
than attempt to clear algae from reservoirs,
PacifiCorp/Power’s ratepayers may be asked to fund the
establishment of wetlands in the upper basin to filter
nutrients or perhaps fund a water treatment plant at a narrow
point like the Klamath Straits Drain to treat the water or
mechanically remove algae and organic matter before it comes
down river."
Editorial: Removing dams costly, unwarranted, Wallowa
Chieftain editorial, posted to KBC 3/6/09
Oregon is on the Wrong Course,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 3/6/09. "
The manipulation of energy costs through public policy simply
violates the civil rights of those who must choose between
heating their homes and feeding their children."
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 3/6/09
Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update 3/6/09
Tribe hopes to return condors to Klamath; Possible release of
large endangered birds could mean sightings in the Rogue
Valley, new hunting regulations, Mail Tribune 3/6/09.
"The tribe last
spring received a $200,000 federal grant toward studying the
feasibility of a reintroduction"
March 5-6:
Family Farm Alliance Annual Conference
files petition to stop Karuk Tribe from fishing Klamath River,
KDRV Channel 12, 3/5/09, plus comments 'Karuk
killing of salmon'
seeks to eliminate tribal fishing near Somes Bar, Siskiyou
Daily News 3/5/09
4, Tulelake,
public meeting and comments
regarding Water Quality regulations.
Sign-up for USDA conservation grants
Opposition grows to Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement:
Siskiyou County Republican Central Committee Opposes Klamath
Dam Removal, Invites Others' Support, Pioneer Press 3/4/09
Respecting Siskiyou County Resolution, Pioneer Press,
posted to KBC 2/23/09. "...California
Republican Party; Endorses, the Siskiyou County Republican
Central Committee's support of the Siskiyou County Board of
Supervisors resolutions; opposing dam removal, and proposed
solutions for the Klamath Basin,..."
Natural Resources Advisory Council
opposes Klamath plan,
H&N 3/1/09
Tribal leaders' lawsuits, environmentalists and dam removal,
opinion by Nita Still, Pioneer Press 3/4/09.
RELEASE: Siskiyou County addresses CDM/Camp Dresser and McKee
Report, regarding $800 million in new costs previously
undisclosed by the principals in the Agreement in Principle,
posted 3/4/09
Statement of Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors regarding
cover-up of CDM report by the Department of the Interior.
The report unveils millions or billions of expenses in Klamath
dam removal to be paid by ratepayers or taxpayers, posted
Siskiyou County Supervisors to Calif. Congressman Wally Herger
regarding the Agreement in Principal, AIP, and Klamath Basin
Restoration Agreement process, posted 3/4/09
County letter to President Barack Obama regarding the AIP and
removing Klamath River hydropower dams, posted 3/4/09
Siskiyou County letter
to Committee Management Secretariat regarding Federal Advisory
Committee Act and Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement,
posted 3/4/09
ESA Rule Will Hinder Job Creating Projects While Doing Little to
Recover Endangered Species, 3/3/09, House Committee on Natural
Klamath Lake Levels and River flows 2/23/09-3/2/09.
EPA says farm dust
requires regulation!
Capital Press , posted to KBC 3/3/09.
Gun Control bill in House of Representatives. You can be
searched, fined, imprisoned for not complying...26 pages of
regulations, posted 3/3/09
ignore hydroelectric, The Coloradoan, posted to KBC 3/3/09.
"...the reports indicate that the hydroelectric
facilities costs are nominally 25 percent of, or less than, the
same costs for wind and solar."
3/2/09 -
RELEASE: Petition calls for end to ‘widespread and wanton’ killing
of salmon "The New 49’ers and a coalition of North
State and other organizations is demanding that the State of
California end the “widespread and wanton” destruction of the
threatened Coho salmon and other fish in the Klamath River by the
very people who claim to be guardians of the environment."
3/2/09 -
Petition filed today with the State of California to stop the
unlawful killing of salmon by the Karuk Tribe along the Klamath
River in northern California.
"The Tribe,
Commission and Department are actively involved in efforts to
restrict other economic activities in the Klamath Basin, including
but not limited to local agriculture, logging, mining and
hydroelectric generation. Indeed, the Tribe has commenced one
federal and two state lawsuits..."
Oct 25, 2007 -
Karuk Tribe
minutes discussing the Hoopa Tribe efforts to get fishing rights
for the Karuks, and Karuk plant to purchase a power plant.
(Siskiyou) County letter calls for coordination, Siskiyou
Daily News 3/2/09
Due to a typographical error in
the February 27th Calif.
Farm Bureau Friday Review, the two water bond proposals were
reported as "$15 million" and "$9.98 million", when in fact they
should have been reported as "$15 billion" and
$9.98 billion" respectively.
World News of
Hillary Clinton
Pledges $900 Million to Rebuild Gaza, Newsmax, posted to KBC
Economic stimulus
funding for water infrastructure projects, Family Farm
Alliance 3/2/09
Natural Resources Advisory Council
opposes Klamath plan,
H&N 3/1/09
Siskiyou officials oppose Klamath dam removal, VIDEO and
article KDRV, posted to KBC 3/1/09.
Dam-removal measure bad deal for ratepayers, H&N 3/1/09, by
energy attorney
Brad Van Cleve, Portland