Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative
Update 3/6/09
We have a lot of information for you this week. As you
will view here, WEEK 8 saw a
substantial increase in activity over last week. We
expect this trend to continue for the next several
The budget debate and where and when to spend money is
the real dilemma.
We welcome your feedback.
Enjoy your weekend!
Terry Witt &
Paulette Pyle
House Bill 2999 -
Click Here to see the text of the bill.
The bill by Representative Brian Clem (D-Salem)
finally hit the Speaker's Desk on 3/5 and should be
sent to Chair Clem's House Agriculture, Natural
Resources and Rural Communities Committee. The bill
extends the current 12/31/2009 sunset to 1/2/2016
similar to the Department's SB-184. In addition it
amends the reporting location "for pesticide use that
is not within an urban area" from the
identifying third-level hydrologic unit (water basin)
to the identifying fourth-level hydrologic unit
(watershed). In his discussions with Senator Jackie
Dingfelder (D-Portland), Chair of the Senate
Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Clem said
the Senator agreed not to hear SB-184, but to wait for
HB-2999 to pass in the House and then be sent to her
committee. OFS supports HB-2999 and greatly
appreciates Rep. Clem's leadership and Senator
Dingfelder's promised cooperation.
At the start of the session the Legislature devoted time
to highlighting the Bureau of Land Management's Western
Oregon Plan Revisions (WOPR) adopted by the U. S.
Interior Department on January 30, 2008 - a process that
took over 5 years to complete.
The WOPR will guide the management of about 2.6 million
acres of public forest land with the capability of
producing over 1 billion board feet of timber annually
on a sustainable basis. The WOPR preferred alternative
would allow forest harvesting 502 million board feet
each year and an increase of 1,200 jobs annually.
Senate Joint Resolution 24 Directs
Emergency Board to make certain budget and expenditures
limit adjustments within legislative branch as necessary
for support of legal proceeding, if undertaken to ensure
or facilitate implementation of forest resource
management plans adopted by Bureau of Land Management
under Western Oregon Plan Revisions. Also authorizes
the appropriation of funds for support legal proceedings
regarding WOPR if needed. We encourage you to link to
the bill and thank the listed sponsor legislators: Click
House Resolution 3 Expresses
approval and support of forest resource management
plans developed under WOPR. It also urges Governor to
take steps to support, ensure and
facilitate speedy implementation of WOPR.
Again we encourage you to link to the bill and thank
your legislators if they are among sponsors:
Click Here
There are currently nine bills
dealing with some aspect of the invasive species issue.
OFS strongly supports a significant increase in
both regulation and funding to prevent
the introduction of new invaders, eradicate detected
localized infestations and control established invaders
causing economic or environmental harm. Director Terry
Witt has testified in support of nearly all the bills that
have had a hearing to date. While the level of interest
is very high among legislators and all of the State
agencies, any of these bills with even a modest fiscal
impact will likely have a very rough road to final passage
and adoption.
Senate Bill 629 -
Click Here to see text of the Bill would establish a
fund within ODA specifically for grants to assist
counties in carrying out weed control district duties
and functions, including aggressive measures to control
the spread of noxious weeds. The bill seeks $1,584,000
for the fund and limits grants to qualifying counties to
a maximum of $20,000/year. The bill was referred to
the Senate Environment and Natural Resources
Committee, then to Ways and Means.
It is scheduled for a Public Hearing on March 10 at 3:00
p.m in HR-C.
House Bill 2212 -
Click Here to see text of the Bill revises
quarantine authority of ODA regarding shipment of
articles and broadens statutes regarding regulation of
plant pests from tansy ragwort to all noxious weeds.
Declares plant pests to be a public nuisance and makes
violation a civil penalty. Referred to House
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Communities
Committee on 1/20. No hearing held or scheduled to
House Bill 2213 -
Click Here to see text of the Bill places the
Oregon Invasive Species Council within ODA and allows
them to be the fiscal agent to receive grant money.
Passed the House 58-0 on 2/17 and is
now in the Senate Environment and Natural Resources
Committee. No hearing is currently scheduled.
House Bill 2714 -
Click Here to see text of Bill creates the
"Shipping Transport of Aquatic Species Task Force" to
assist the DEQ in the study and recommendations to
combat the introduction of aquatic non-indigenous
species associated with shipping-related transport
into the waters of the state, such as in ballast
waters. In House Agriculture, Natural Resources and
Rural Communities Committee. Last hearing held on
House Bill 2220 -
Click Here to see text of Bill authorizes State
Police to stop persons transporting a recreational or
commercial watercraft through Oregon for inspection
and removal (cleaning) of aquatic invasive species.
In House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural
Communities Committee. Last hearing held on 3/3.
House Bill 2221 - Click
Here for text of Bill outlaws the sale or purchase
of hunts for feral swine, with a civil penalty of up
to $1,000. The bill does not limit or restrict in
any way a person's right to hunt or kill feral pigs -
which can be done without license. Feral or wild pigs
are a big problem when left to multiply in the wild,
killing desirable wildlife and destroying habitat,
crops and riparian area. The only opposition to the
bill seems to be the U.S. Humane Society - surprise,
surprise! In House Agriculture, Natural Resources
and Rural Communities Committee. Last hearing held
on 3/3.
House Bill 2424 -
Click Here for text of Bill expands the
Adopt-a-Highway program currently only picking up
litter to also authorize the removal of noxious
weeds. Many thanks to citizen Brenda Pace
from the Deschutes County Weed Advisory Board for her
tenacity to get this bill introduced. In House
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Communities
Committee. Last hearing held on 3/3.
House Bill 2583 -
Click Here for text of Bill prohibits launching of
a boat into waters of the state if the boat or trailer
has any visible aquatic species detrimental to
wildlife of the state. In House Agriculture, Natural
Resources and Rural Communities Committee. Last
hearing held on 3/3.
House Bill 2984 -
Click Here for text of Bill requires any person
transporting a recreational or commercial watercraft
through Oregon to stop at checkpoint looking for
aquatic invasive species. If any are found the
person must properly decontaminate. In House
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Communities
Natural Resources subcommittee of Ways & Means is
Co-Chaired by Representative Bob Jenson (R-Pendleton)
and Senator Vicki Walker (D-Eugene). The other members
include: Senators David Nelson (R-Pendleton) and Jackie
Dingfelder (D-Portland); and Representatives Jim
Thompson (R-Dallas); Ben Cannon (D-Portland); Chris
Edwards (D-Eugene); and Brian Clem (D-Salem).
Many coalition meetings were held to determine program
and budget priorities given today's grim economic
outlook. Looking into the crystal ball, the near
future is not likely to improve much. With these
factors in mind, the coalition set about communicating
our natural resource priorities to the subcommittee.
We, in the coalition, thank Katie Fast, Governmental
Affairs Director of the Oregon Farm Bureau, for taking
the leadership in organizing our coalition meetings.
She also did a stellar job of testifying before the
sub-committee on the coalition's behalf. Katie
represented eleven organizations: Oregonians for Food
and Shelter; Oregon Dairy Farmers Assn.; Oregon Seed
Council; Oregon Assn. of Nurseries; Oregon Forest
Industries Council; NW Food Processors Assn.; Oregon
Cattlemen's Assn.; Oregon Small Woodlands Assn.;
Oregon Wheat Growers League; Threemile Canyon Farms;
and the Agricultural Cooperative Council of Oregon.
Currently the legislature is taking testimony and
comment on the Governor's recommendations that take into
account the rebalanced 2007-09 budget while also
factoring in the additional drop in state general fund
dollars forecasted since the Governor presented his
original proposed budget for 2009-11. Also note that
ending balance dollars in agency funds are being "swept"
or swiped as some call it into the General Fund for
yet-to-be-determined purposes.
While some legislators are talking about increasing
fees, we made it clear that until we are certain
that fees will be used for their intended purpose,
OFS will OPPOSE future pesticide fee increases.
The numbers presented are currently proposed cuts and
transfers of dollars.
Three general comments were made as a preamble to
discussing budget details. First, that Oregon's
Natural Resource businesses are the backbone of Oregon's
economy. Second, Oregon Department of Agriculture
(ODA) service and regulatory programs are essential to
our industries' success in maintaining a competitive
advantage. And third, that there is unanimous support
and appreciation for the outstanding job Director Coba
and her entire staff do in working with Oregon
Our coalition adopted a series of principles to guide
the legislature in their budgetary decisions for
- Newly added programs and positions should be cut
first before cutting long-term, core programs.
- Measure 66 funds should be utilized to the maximum
extent possible.
- Ending balances from funds that are fee supported
should not be "swept" or used to backfill other
- ODA's significant cuts and fund sweeps in the
2007-09 rebalance must be considered in the 2009-11
budget development.
When analyzing the specific details of the 2009-11
budget, the Agency's "Department-wide Priorities" sheet
and the Governor's Recommended Budget were used as the
base documents. The following represents the
coalition's positions and priorities:
Food Safety - We oppose any additional
cuts to the program. The Governor's proposed ending
fund transfer into the 2009-11 budget was instead used
to rebalance the 07-09 budget. Any additional cuts
will jeopardize the integrity of the food safety
program. The rebalance transfer moves the program from
60% fee based to 85%. Continuation of the fund shift
will force an additional fee increase on users sooner
and potentially yet this session. Additionally, there
are needs in ODA's analytical laboratory for $600,000 of
new equipment which our coalition supports. This would
have been paid for with food safety fees. This
expenditure will not be possible as a result of the
proposed funding shift.
Insect Pest Prevention and Management - We
oppose the proposed reduction of
$68,109. This program sets and monitors traps. This
program has been essential in detecting the need for
recent control efforts for Japanese beetle and Gypsy
moth in urban areas. The program emphasizes prevention
is a key piece in Oregon's fight against invasive
Natural Resource Division - This division works
with the industry on agriculture's water quality efforts
such as CAFO. Oregon's CAFO program exceeds the federal
standards and general fund contribution is important to
maintaining the program. Additionally, we expressed our
concerns about the proposed cuts of
$357,789 to the agriculture water quality program,
a.k.a. "1010 Plans."
Invasive Species - We objected to the
proposed cutting of $72,857 which will slice
ODA's ability to prevent, reduce and eliminate invasive
species in Oregon.
Pesticides - We believe eliminating the
homeowner outreach education program ($143,319 general
fund dollars) would be a mistake. The general fund
portion of Pesticide Use Reporting System (PURS) is
proposed to be eliminated for 2009-11,
which would put the program on hold. We believe a
better use of the resources from the registration fees
is to increase funding to the Pesticide Analytical
Response Center (PARC) and to provide two new
outreach/investigative positions in the Pesticide
Division. Unfortunately $750,000 of user and registrant
fees were swept from the Pesticide Division into the
General Fund for who knows what! We were a
resolute "no" when asked if we would be willing
to ask users and registrants to increase fees in the
near term.
Animal Health/Identification (AHID) - We are
very concerned that the fund shift from general fund to
fees will force fees to increase sooner than
Plant Division - We opposed the
$446,064 reduction in lottery funds to the weed grant
program. These dollars are important for local weed
control efforts. There is a large demand and need in
Oregon for these grant funds. This past biennium, there
was nearly a $2 million gap between dollars requested
and funds granted. Due to the importance of these
grants, if lottery funds are cut to the Department, we
recommended cutting the $277,392 of lottery funds in the
Plant Conservation Biology program.
Predator Control
- Wildlife Services is an important
cost-share program between federal, state, county
and private partners. These funds are used to control
predatory and nuisance animals that damage crops and
timber, kill livestock and harass or injure urban
homeowners or their property. We oppose the
proposed $335,009 (33%) cut in this program.
When this cut is coupled with the proposed 75% cut by
Oregon Fish & Wildlife, predator control and other
provided services will suffer greatly as the counties will
not be able to pick up the lost revenue. Thanks to Dave
Williams, USDA APHIS, Wildlife Services for trying very
hard to keep the predator control issue on the front
burner and functional.
previously noted, sincere acknowledgements were paid to
Director Katy Coba and her staff -- particularly Deputy
Director Lisa Hanson who also handles lobbying duties
and Lauren Henderson who does all the number crunching
for anyone who asks. Ms. Coba is recognized as one of
the most, if not the most, effective State agency
Director who makes the most of a very stingy budget.
OFS staff certainly appreciates the whole Department,
particularly Chris Kirby and Janet Fults in the
Pesticide Division, and Sherry Kudna in Katy's office.
Even when we have difficult circumstances from
time-to-time the ODA staff is always available to help
or answer our questions -- and ready, willing and able
to work with us to find solutions.
hearing has been scheduled on SB-382 for Monday, March
16, 2009 in Hearing Room B at 3:00 p.m. in the Senate
Committee on Commerce and Workforce Development. If you
are willing to testify, please contact Paulette Pyle at
In the
2007 session, the Northwest Log Truckers Cooperative and
the Machinists Union introduced HB 2947 and HB 3561
which would have authorized the state, through the Labor
Commissioner, to set and regulate log hauling rates for
contract log haulers. Back then, only a few legislators
were supportive of authorizing the State to set motor
carrier rates when there were clear legal barriers in
federal law. Only one hearing was held and both bills
The unions are now back, with renewed vigor and clout
within the prevailing party, to support SB 382 in the
2009 legislature. Like the bills before it, SB 382
will fail to clear the federal anti-trust test or the
federal preemption of setting trucking rates if passed.
The unions and coop members will point to the voluntary
nature of the bill, but it won't be voluntary.
The issue of individual states setting motor carrier
hauling rates for freight was settled with federal
deregulation of trucking many years ago. Motor carrier
rates are no longer set by regulation. This means states
are also prohibited from setting log hauling rates. Log
haulers are motor carriers. The Federal Aviation
Administration Authorization Act prohibits states from
regulating rates charged by motor carriers
Federal anti-trust law (Sherman Antitrust Act) also
prevents states from restraining trade or limiting
competition. The Act does grant limited immunity from
anti-trust laws for agricultural growers only, not for
log haulers.
Natural resource law experts are convinced that
should Senate Bill 382 be passed into law, it would most
assuredly fail to clear the federal anti-trust
hurdle and the federal preemption on rate setting.
Unfortunately, for that to happen someone would have to
challenge the State of Oregon in court - a challenge
that would require considerable $$$$ that the natural
resource business community presently does not have.
Certainly, there is no need to remind our legislators
and the unions pushing SB 382 that we are in the midst
of a downward spiraling recession. It is a recession,
verging on depression, with a clenched-fist-grip on the
entire country, especially hard-hitting on the timber
businesses and rural communities in Oregon, with no end
in sight.
The fact is there are too many contract log haulers
chasing too few logs. This unfortunate situation
started when the federal government got out of the
timber business. It might be hard to remember, but at
one time Oregon's federal forests alone produced three
to four Billion board feet a year. And
while the supply side has shriveled up, the housing
market and demand side for timber products has fallen
off even worse. We all believe that a healthy
independent contract log trucking sector is important to
forestland owners. We also are sympathetic to current
economic conditions affecting the entire forest products
sector from fallers to haulers, to saw mill operators
and construction workers. That, however, does not
warrant passing a bad State law that violates key
interstate commerce laws.
Please join OFS along with the Oregon Forest
Industries Council (OFIC), Associated Oregon Loggers
(AOL), Oregon Farm Bureau (OFBF) and the Oregon Wheat
Growers League (OWGL) in continued opposition to
SB-382. And we will oppose any bill in the future that
seeks to side-step federal law prohibiting states from
setting motor carrier rates, or that limit or restrict
normal market mechanisms that allow open competition
among independent contract log haulers.
To contact YOUR Senator, click on "Contact Your
Legislator" - in the upper right hand column, the first
of our "Quick Links".
Karl Scronce Chosen as President of National
Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG)
Congratulations to OFS Board
member, Karl Scronce! Karl served as our Board Chairman
in 2007.
On February 28, 2009, Karl Scronce, a wheat producer
from Klamath Falls, Oregon, was elected president of the
National Association of Wheat Growers at the
organization's Board of Directors meeting.
Scronce is a third-generation farmer who has served on
NAWG's Environmental and Budget Committees and in a
variety of capacities with the Oregon Wheat Growers
League, including as OWGL's president in 2004. In
addition to being a NAWG officer, he currently serves on
the BNSF Ag Rail Advisory Council, the Klamath County
Natural Resource Advisory Committee and on the board of
Oregonians for Food and Shelter. He holds a degree in
agricultural business management from Oregon State
Other members of the 2009 NAWG officer corps elected
· Jerry McReynolds, Woodston, Kan., first vice
· Wayne Hurst, Burley, Idaho, second vice president;
· Erik Younggren, Hallock, Minn., secretary-treasurer;
· David Cleavinger, Wildorado, Texas, immediate past
NAWG officers typically "run the chairs" for five years
after being selected as secretary-treasurer, though they
all must be interviewed and recommended by the NAWG
Nominating Committee and approved by the NAWG Board of
Directors on an annual basis.
The NAWG Board meeting was held at the end of the 2009
Commodity Classic, held at the Gaylord Texan in
Grapevine, Texas. For more about 2009 Classic
activities, please visit
Greens Hope Obama Derails BLM Logging
Conservationists hope that President Barack Obama's new
direction on the Endangered Species Act will derail the
U.S. Bureau of Land Management's plans to increase
logging in Western Oregon.
Obama announced Tuesday that rather than follow rules
adopted by the Bush administration giving them
discretion, federal agencies should go ahead and consult
with federal biologists when a project might harm
endangered species.
The BLM logging plan adopted at the end of December was
the Bush administration's last big effort to boost
logging in the Northwest to increase timber supplies for
mills and federal payments for timber-dependent
counties, which get a 50-percent share of revenues from
what are known as O&C Lands managed by BLM.
It covers 2.6 million acres of Western Oregon and calls
for logging 510 million board feet a year, five times
what BLM sold last year, but about half what was logged
before the Northwest Forest Plan cut logging in 1994 to
protect habitat for spotted owls, salmon and other
Comments on Draft Persistent Pollutants Sought by
This list of 175 is an attempt by DEQ to identify
priority pollutants with "documented" affects on human
health, wildlife and aquatic habitat from more than
2,100 pollutants. The draft list, organized by chemical
class and persistence, is available on DEQ's Website http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/SB737 A
draft scientific report describing DEQ's development of
the list is available on the Web site as well.
DEQ compiled the list of 175 pollutants with the help of
a science workgroup and is holding information sessions
throughout the state to get comments on the list. Based
on input and other information it receives, DEQ will
revise the list over the next several months before
finalizing and presenting it to the Oregon Legislature
by June 1, 2009. The DEQ final report will also list
opportunities to reduce their discharge to water.
This action stems from Senate Bill 737 passed in 2007.
The draft list includes pesticides (70 including
degradates), industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and
personal care products, flame retardants, PCBs and
metals. The list of pesticides also includes several
"legacy" products (i.e. DDT, chlordane, diedrin,
heptachlor, etc.) that are now banned or no longer legal
to use but still can be found in the environment.
As a first step in narrowing the draft list of toxic
pollutants, DEQ is holding information sessions
throughout the state.
DEQ will accept written and verbal comments at each
· North Bend, Tuesday, March 10,
5:30 to 8 p.m., North Bend Library, large meeting room,
1800 Sherman Avenue
· Klamath Falls, Wednesday, March
11, 5:30 to 8 p.m., Klamath County Courthouse,
Commission Hearing Room, 305 Main Street
· Portland, Thursday, March 19,
5:30 to 8 p.m., DEQ Headquarters, 811 SW Sixth Ave.,
Room EQC-A (10th floor), at corner of SW Sixth Avenue
and Yamhill Street. This meeting will also be accessible
via conference call [call-in number: 877-214-5010,
participant number 898168].
DEQ is accepting comments on the draft list of
persistent, priority pollutants through 5 p.m. Friday,
March 27. DEQ is particularly
seeking comments based on scientific and technical
information and views. Comments may be
mailed to Project Manager Cheryl Grabham, Oregon DEQ,
811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. They may also
be e-mailed to p3@deq.state.or.us or
faxed to Cheryl Grabham at (503) 229-6037.
Former Oregon Senator to Work for D.C. Law Firm
March 3, 2009
JEFF MAPES, The Oregonian Staff
Former Oregon Sen. Gordon Smith said Monday he will be
going to work at one of Washington's most powerful law
firms, a move that appears to diminish the odds that
he will try to make a political comeback in 2010.
Smith, who was defeated by Democrat Jeff Merkley last
November after serving two terms in the Senate, said
he will work for Covington & Burling and focus on
international trade and foreign relations.
While Smith is barred from lobbying his former
colleagues for two years, he will be able to offer
strategic advice to clients on how to draft
legislation and gain the support of members.
To read the entire article Click
Prior to the announcement to accept this position,
Gordon Smith granted an interview with a local
reporter. For the February 25, 2009 interview with
Gordon Smith by Kathy Aney at the East Oregonian in
Pendleton, Click
According to an AP news story, scientists from the
NOAA Fisheries Service and Washington
State University found that significant synergy occurred
with some pesticide combinations, which means that a mix
of these pesticides had a greater affect on salmon than
the sum of the individual pesticides. The study looked
at five common pesticides: diazinon, malathion,
chlorpyrifos, carbaryl and carbofuran, all of which were
reported to suppress an enzyme necessary for proper
function nervous systems of salmon at a certain doses.
The authors concluded their findings suggest that the
current practice of testing pesticides - one at a time
to see how much is needed to kill a fish - fails to show
the true risks, especially for fish protected by the
Endangered Species Act. The study was published in the
March 2, 2009 Journal of Environmental Health
Jeff Jenkins, professor of environmental and molecular
toxicology at Oregon State University, was not part of
the study. He said it appeared to be well done, but it
would take more research to push the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency to change its pesticide testing
standards as they relate to fish, which are defined by
law. OFS does not know to what extent the study was
peer-reviewed before publication or if registrants of
products using these active ingredients have seen the
Last year, NOAA Fisheries issued
biological opinions under the Endangered Species Act
stating that the use of diazinon, malathion and
chlorpyrifos jeopardize the survival of Pacific salmon
species listed as threatened or endangered in the
Northwest. Many of their findings and opinions have
been challenged as unsupportable by science. NOAA
Fisheries and EPA are doing evaluations on 37 pesticides
by 2012 as a result of a series of lawsuits launched by
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
(NCAP) and others environmental groups.
Gypsy Moth Eradication Planned for South Eugene this
The trapping of seven Gypsy moths in the Eugene area
has triggered the ODA to take an eradication action on
about 600 acres this spring to attack this potentially
devastating pest before it becomes a pandemic problem
in Oregon. The larva or caterpillar is the damaging
stage as it eats the leaves of deciduous trees and
needles of conifers. They are voracious little
"eating machines." For example,
one Gypsy moth larvae can consume as much as
one square foot of leaves per day.
When populations reach outbreak proportions, the
caterpillars can completely defoliate host trees over
a wide geographic area. Consistent or repeated
defoliation over several years can have devastating
effects, often leading to the eventual death of the
tree. Although this pest prefers hardwoods, it will
consume over 100 different trees and shrubs,
threatening all vegetation in its wake -- forestry,
nursery, orchards, farmers, home ornamentals and even
wilderness areas.
A bad example of what can
happen if this infestation is allowed to grow can be
seen in the small state of New Jersey.
In 2006 the Gypsy moth defoliated 125,743 acres of
forest. One year later (even with a spray operation)
the defoliation grew to 320,610 acres. In 2008 they
felt they had a successful control program at a cost
of $5.2 Million and "only" had 339,240 acres
defoliated. Note: New Jersey is less than
NINE PERCENT of the size of Oregon! The
following 2008 New Jersey Department of Agriculture
press release give more details:
Regardless of the potential, horrific damage
this pest could cause Oregon, it is not
surprising that Oregon Toxics Alliance (OTA)
located in Eugene is spearheading a
misinformation campaign to stop the spraying
of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.). B.t. is a safe
biological pesticide that only affects the caterpillar
stage of the moth, and is even registered for use on
ORGANIC food crops! To help combat much of the
misinformation the activists are shoveling to the
media, public and legislators, the ODA has put
together the following Q&A:
1) What's going on? Why?
Oregon Department of Agriculture is planning to treat
a gypsy moth infestation in a neighborhood of South
Eugene. Gypsy moths were trapped there in 2007 and
2008 indicating that there is a breeding population
present. This insect is an exotic invasive species
and one of the worst forest pests in the nation;
millions of acres are defoliated each year in the
eastern US. We don't want it here. Complete
eradication of this population is the best way to
protect Oregon. The biggest threat to Oregon's native
biodiversity comes from invasive species such as the
Gypsy Moth.
2) What is the spray? Is it toxic? Will it
harm my children and pets? The material
we're planning to use is not a chemical but a natural
biological insecticide called B.t. or B.t.k. It is
derived from a common soil bacterium and often used by
organic growers. This year we are pleased to have a
formulation that is certified organic by OMRI from
Eugene. B.t.k. has been used for over forty years and
has an excellent safety record worldwide. ODA
successfully conducted gypsy moth eradication sprays
using B.t.k. in over 20 Oregon communities including
Eugene, Portland, Bend, Ashland and others over last
two decades. Human health studies from similar
residential treatment projects have not found health
effects related to B.t.
3) Why spray for seven moths? This
is not a suppression treatment to reduce a nuisance
species like mosquitoes. Catching gypsy moths two
years in a row in the same neighborhood is firm
evidence that a breeding population is established
there. Gypsy moth is an exotic pest of national
concern. Eradicating this infestation will prevent the
population from becoming permanently established and
spreading throughout the state. Eliminating invasive
species early prevents ecological and economic damage;
this results in less use of pesticides in the future.
Keeping invasive species out of Oregon is good for the
4) When will it happen? Why use a helicopter?
Three sprays are scheduled for late April and May.
Exact timing depends on the weather. B.t. does not
persist in the environment so multiple sprays are
necessary to ensure that the entire gypsy moth egg
hatching period is covered. The infested area is
relatively large (over 600 acres), difficult to access
by ground and has lots of tall mature trees. A
helicopter is the only feasible application method
that would work in this situation. We use truck
applications for infestations of 50 acres or less when
the trees aren't over 30 ft tall.
5) Why not use alternatives like pheromone
traps or a species-specific virus? We do
use pheromone traps and the area will be heavily
trapped for the next couple of years. The traps are
good for monitoring the effectiveness of the
treatment, but by themselves, they are not effective
at complete eradication. There is a
species-specific virus that targets gypsy moth but it
is not available commercially and in research testing,
results have been inconsistent. Someday this might be
a viable alternative, but it is not an option today.
6) I've heard that, Oregon has been spraying
gypsy moths for decades. It seems like we'll never
eradicate them. Why not accept the inevitable and
quit all this spraying? ODA first detected
gypsy moths in Oregon in 1979 in Lake Oswego. Several
dozen infestations have been detected since. The
largest was in 1984-5 when over 19,000 moths were
caught in Lane County. ODA pioneered the use of B.t.
to combat that infestation; a quarter of a million
acres were sprayed over several years in the largest
successful gypsy moth eradication program anywhere.
These infestations were not related to each other.
Each represents a new introduction - we often find the
old egg masses on a travel trailer or picnic table
that has come from an infested eastern state. In 2008
we treated an infestation in Shady Cove, before that
in 2007 we treated infestations in Bend and St.
Helens. The current infestation in Eugene is not
evidence that gypsy moth eradication projects have
failed - in fact our success at eradication has been
excellent. It is evidence that gypsy moths establish
readily here; Oregon has abundant hosts and a
favorable climate. Our experience in Oregon
indicates that one season of treatments with B.t. has
a high likelihood of success at complete eradication.
Rarely a second year of treatments has been required.
7) What's the difference between spraying
gypsy moth and spraying termites or cockroaches?
Gypsy moths are not native to Oregon and are not
established here. Termites and cockroaches are either
native or were introduced long ago; they are here to
stay. We have a choice with gypsy moth; eliminate the
infestation or live with gypsy moths forever. Oregon
Invasive Species Council has identified gypsy moth as
one of the 100 Worst Invasive Species threatening the
State. ODA is committed to keeping it out of Oregon
for as long as it is feasible to do so.
8) Will B.t. kill the monarch and swallowtail
butterflies? Does it affect fish and birds?
B.t. will not kill butterflies, bees, ladybugs, native
pollinators or other beneficial insects. It only
kills young caterpillars due to their susceptible
digestive system. Unfortunately, some non-target
species of moths and butterflies that are in the
caterpillar stage during the treatment will be
killed. These native species will quickly move back
into the neighborhood from the surrounding area.
There will be no long-term effects. Other mammals,
fish and birds are not affected by B.t.
9) Didn't California abandon this type of aerial spray
projects because of health concerns? No.
The pest and type of treatment in California is very
different from what we are proposing in Eugene. The
pest in question in California was not the Gypsy moth
but the light brown apple moth (LBAM) and the product
used to treat LBAM was not B.t. but a specific
pheromone (sexual hormone used to disrupt mating of
the pest). In Eugene, we are treating the Gypsy moth
and using a biological product that has an excellent
health and safety record.
10) Who do I call if I have questions?
ODA has set up a toll free number for anyone with
questions about gypsy moth or the treatment. The
number is: 1-800-525-0137.
Sierra Pacific Industries Announces Closure of
Sawmill in Quincy, CA
Congressman Tom McClintock gave the following
remarks on the floor of Congress on Wednesday of this
Sierra Pacific Industries just announced the closure
of its sawmill in Quincy, California, throwing another
150 families out of work.
They made it clear that the recession wasn't the cause
but merely the catalyst. The real cause is that their
regulatory costs - and litigation because of
regulation - now exceeds their profit margin. Two
thirds of their harvest is tied up as a result.
Sierra Pacific constructed this small log-mill when
the Congress passed legislation promoting
tree-thinning in the surrounding forests to prevent
forest fires.
But that law has not been implemented because of
endless litigation by environmental groups. Sierra
Pacific notes that (quote) "nearly two thirds of the
current year's timber sale program is enjoined or
withheld from sale pending the outcome of litigation."
So today, another 150 families in the little town of
Quincy are without work - direct casualties of a
retrograde Luddite ideology that finds its power in
the tangle of government laws that is destroying the
enterprise and prosperity of our people.
To read the newspaper article about the closure, Click
RNC Chair Steele Coming to Oregon March 12
Michael Steele is the first African-American to chair the
Republican National Committee and the second to chair
either major U.S. party's National Committee after Ron
Brown, who chaired the Democratic National Committee.
Steele was also the first African American to serve in a
state-wide office in Maryland, as the Lieutenant Governor
of Maryland from 2003 to 2007, and he was the first
Republican elected to that office. Steele is coming on
behalf of the Oregon Republican Party. Thursday, March
12th, The Hilton Hotel, 921 SW 6th Avenue, Portland.
The OFS Board appreciates our contributing members
whose dollars keep our doors open and our staff
working diligently to represent your needs at the
state and federal levels. We need everyone who is
concerned about maintaining their pesticide,
fertilizer or bio-tech tools to pitch in and support
OFS's efforts - whether that's $50 or $5,000. Now
more than ever we must be totally united, a task OFS
Grass Roots Director Paulette Pyle is uniquely
talented in accomplishing. So please go on line
at http://www.ofsonline.org/February/OFS%20Contribution%20Form%202009(a).pdf for
a contribution form, or contact Sandi at
sandi@ofsonline.org for more information or an
invoice or to pay by credit card.
Please contact us with any questions or comments:
Have a terrific weekend!
Paulette and Sandi