Related -
David Vogel, fisheries
scientist now with nearly 50 years experience, 14
working for U.S. Fish and wildlife Service: "In 1986
the U.S. F&W Service staff responsible for whether or
not to pursue these (ESA) listings believed there were
only 12,000 Lost River suckers in the Upper Klamath
Lake...they didn't believe they were endangered. A
couple years later...we now know for a fact that numbers
were exceeded by tens of thousands of Lost River
suckers. Now they flip flop and they say they are
endangered? What constitutes endangered?" July 17,
2004 Congressional Hearing in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
KID / Klamath Irrigation District March
NOTICE: Request for Water Conservation Program Support
March 2022.
Irrigation District March 15 agenda
Sustainable Groundwater Management Plan, and March 16
agenda. This mandatory plan will evaluate our
groundwater and control your ability to pump it to
irrigate your field.
Eleanor Bolesta, former
WWII Wave, Tulelake Homesteader
years ago, March 13, 1947 - War Veterans Win
Tulelake Homesteads
"Eighty-five veterans of
the last war, some still wearing a jacket, shirt or a
pair of trousers issued to them while in the service,
stepped to the platform in the Bureau of Reclamation
hall this morning, laid a finger on a big map and as
winners in the big Tulelake homestead drawing, became
land owners." H&N 3/13/22
Buried Klamath Treasure and Chia Pets, by Rudy Hiley,
Tulelake 3/12/22. "Findings
indicate contributions from agricultural land adjacent
to Klamath Lake have been overestimated, and the Klamath
Irrigation Project is probably a net sink for nutrients
diverted out of Klamath Lake and Klamath River. Data to
support these assertions are presented.”
Klamath Ukraine
by Rudy Hiley, Klamath Basin 3/6/22. "...it
is alarming to see any population or group try to
punitively reclaim land or resources or both just
because it was once theirs, no matter how long ago.
Incursion is part of the process of attempting to
occupy, control, or re-occupying a geographic area that
an aggressor really wants, or used to have, or has
strong feelings about, yet no longer commands legal
ownership of..."
States Legal Foundation: "Shoot Owls to
Save Owls?
That's The ESA in Action (Reuters) Big Green
and Bill Clinton used northern spotted owl
"protections" as a pretext for throwing lumber
producers off U.S. forests. But loggers weren't
the bird's biggest problem, as it turns out. Now the
feds are shooting barred owls in order to "save" spotted
owls, all with the blessing of the 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals, in another Endangered Species Act absurdity:
Government can kill invasive owls to study effect on
threatened ones – 9th Circuit, Reuters 3/5/22. "The
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service legally authorized the
killing of thousands of barred owls in Oregon’s
old-growth forests to see if it would help the
threatened northern spotted owl make a comeback in the
area, a federal appeals court affirmed Friday."
officials talk dams, Klamath Basin, hydropower, drought.
What's up
with water in the West? Q&A with western water officials,
Capital Press 3/4/22.
Conant, Bureau of
Reclamation Regional Director
Capital Press: "What’s
the game plan for the Klamath Basin? I’m looking for
specific ideas or plans that are under consideration to
alleviate the crisis there."
Conant, Bureau of Reclamation Regional Director, "...We
don’t have any specific plans right now. We’re looking
at a lot of different options to take a more strategic
long-term approach. It’s just a very difficult situation
because we have all these competing interests over
endangered species, the interests of various tribes and
farmers....I can’t be much more specific at this
point....The bipartisan infrastructure law has $162
million that goes to projects in the Klamath Basin the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be handling. There
are a number of things that could be done to improve the
fishery, for example, thereby taking off some
pressure...There’s a process being set up for people to
apply for the bipartisan infrastructure money, so
different districts in Klamath could apply for
conservation or infrastructure grants like you’re
referring to.I’m sorry I can’t give you more specifics
about grand plans. There is no grand plan at this
Agencies working to sustain groundwater, AgAlert,
CFBF 2/23/22. "...The Sustainable Groundwater
Management Act, if you haven't heard about it, it's
knocking on your door... East Kaweah added emergency
restrictions on groundwater pumping last October and set
a maximum allocation and a fine of $500 per acre-foot
for those who exceed the pumping restriction..."
Yellowstone starts bison cull as animals migrate to
Montana, Intermountain Farm and Ranch 3/4/22.
program to cull the animals to prevent them from
spreading disease to cattle.."
Nation purchases ranches near Sheepy Ridge 1/7/22.
may be headed to the Klamath Basin — along with, tribal
leadership hopes, cultural healing..."

< 2/28/22 For Reclamations's in-depth
monthly updates visit
KBC NOTE: This photo was taken February 9, 2022 of
thousands of acres of the world famous Tule Lake Refuge,
the most important stop in the Pacific Flyway for
migrating waterfowl. According to U.S.Fish and
Wildlife Service, "For more than 10,000 years, Native
Americans camped along the lakeshore to hunt, fish and
harvest a variety of marsh plants..." In 2021
the Bureau of Reclamation for the first time in history
denied our stored water to our refuges and farms,
against a court order, for an entire year.
With the pretext of protecting Endangered suckers to throw farmers
off their land, the Bureau of Reclamation kept our
stored irrigation water in the full Upper Klamath Lake
to supposedly help 2 species of suckers, threatening 433
species of wildlife and our farms. Hundreds of domestic
wells went dry. The Bureau is succeeding in eliminating
farmers and ranchers like the government agencies
destroyed hundreds of lumber mills. In the past 2 years
alone California and Oregon have lost millions of acres
of forests, millions of animals and spotted owls, many
towns and lives due to wildfires from overgrown and many
diseased trees in the guise of protecting the endangered
owl from loggers. The Bureau plans to withhold our water
again in 2022, keeping Klamath Lake higher than
historically possible, for the two suckers which
continue to decline with this extreme Klamath Lake
level, against advice from the peer-reviewed National
Resources Committee.
industry leader David King succumbs to cancer at age 62,
Capital Press 2/7/22.