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ARTICLES and Letters

Josephine County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gil Gilbertson letter to U. S. Vice President Joe Biden 1/16/13: "As such, any rule, regulation, or executive order repugnant to the constitutional rights of the citizens of this County will be ignored by this Office, nor will this office, or the citizens, allow enforcement of unconstitutional activities by federal officers."
Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller to Vice President Joe Biden 1/16/13. "...I will not permit enforcement of any unconstitutional regulation or orders by federal officers in the borders of Linn County, Oregon."
Constitutional Sheriffs in Grants Pass 9/22/12
Constitutional Sheriffs in
Ukiah Aug. 18, 2012.
Letter from Mark Baird,
owner of KSYC Radio, to John Bowman, Siskiyou Daily News, criticizing Bowman's
"Riverkeepers" agenda in the Sheriff Jon Lopey article, 7/17/12.
KBC Editor:
Siskiyou Sheriff Lopey is a Christian, an American citizen, and a sheriff who
believes in his oath of upholding the United States Constitution. HERE is
KBC News' Craig Tucker / Riverkeeper Page
Letter from Norman R.
Malmberg, Captain, US Navy (Ret.) to John Bowman (editor)and Mr. Dowse,
(publisher) Siskiyou Daily News, asking Bowman to apologize to Sheriff Lopey for
Bowman's slanderous article about Lopey,
Letter from Liz
Bowen, editor of PieNPolitics, to Siskiyou Daily News editor John Bowman and
publisher Rod Dowse criticizing Bowman's Huffington Post slander in his Jon
Lopey article, posted to KBC 7/16/12.
Sheriff Lopey of Siskiyou County,
by Fred Kelly Grant 7/13/12. "Jon Lopey, sheriff of Siskiyou County, Calif,
knows what it means to be a sheriff. He represents the old school of
sheriffs---those who served as leader of the people's interests and rights."
7 Elected Sheriffs
will meet in Del Norte County July 14, Support Rural America 7/10/12.
"Sheriff Wilson cites expanded bans on hunting and fishing as threats to his
citizens’ rights. Federal agencies are also reducing and prohibiting the use of
“public” lands. Then, over-regulation attacking water and property rights
continues to affect livelihoods."
Modoc Sheriffs’ Event a success, by Liz Bowen, PienPolitics, posted 4/26/12. "Wyoming attorney Karen Budd-Falen spoke on protecting property rights as a special guest. Phil Johnston, Assistant Sheriff to Tehama County Sheriff Dave Hencratt, was the newest participant in the Sheriffs’ Panel. They came from North, South, West and farther West to discuss local issues and the Constitution."
Six Sheriffs and
Attorney (Karen Budd-Falen) will
hold panel in Modoc
Sheriff will brief voters on levy, laws, Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 4/14/12
Six Sheriffs and Attorney (Karen Budd-Falen) will hold panel in Modoc on April 21, Support Rural America Press Release 4/7/12. "Those who believe the Constitution is the law of the land will find hope in this panel of sheriffs."
WALLAWA SHERIFF - Locals Level Concerns Against Forest Service's Law Officers, OPB, posted to KBC 4/7/12.
Sheriffs share concerns
at Support Rural
America event, Mt. Shasta News,
posted to KBC 2/29/12
HERE for photos of the Feb. 25th Yreka
Sheriff event on Pie N Politics
website (scroll down on that webpage)
Support Rural America Sheriffs’
hosted by Siskyou Sheriff Jon Lopey 2/25/12, Yreka.
Panel of
Constitutional Sheriffs will speak, Q & A to follow
Sheriffs standing with the people against the feds, NWV, posted to KBC 1/9/12. "Siskiyou County, California Sheriff Jon Lopey has said: 'I have told federal and state officials over and over that, yes, we want to preserve the environment, but you care more about the fish, frogs, trees and birds than you do about the human race. When will you start to balance your decisions to the needs of the people?...We are right now in a fight for our survival.' "
VIDEO Sheriffs stand tall for the Constitution. Eight county sheriffs from Northern CA and Southern OR spoke on at panel October 22, 2011 in Yreka. Despite the low media coverage there were about 700 people in attendance from all over California, Oregon and as far away as Wyoming.
Sheriff Mack: Power of the Sheriff Part 1. Power of the county sheriff. "The supreme law of the land is the Constitution; nothing supersedes the Constitution."
Sheriff Mack: Power of the Sheriff Part 2. Department of homeland security
Sheriff Mack: Power of the Sheriff Part 3. Water rights and state rights.
Sheriff Mack: Power of the Sheriff Part 4. Building a militia/posse |