ESA reviews,
listings, proposed
listings, delisting, recovery plans,
habitat, comments and notices
Cliff Wooten, former Lin County Commissioner and former resident of Tulelake, Calif. "With the problems of the "poor" management of the irrigation water (trying to save the "sucker" fish at Klamath Lake) the future of Tulelake farming is in jeopardy. I might add the entire lake was poisoned back in the mid 60's to kill all the sucker fish and now the same irresponsible government agencies are trying to "save" this fish which was destroying habitat of other fish. I can't count all the rowboat loads of dead suckerfish that was removed from Klamath Lake at Moore Park. The dead fished floated up and the wind "stacked" them at the park and I remember working for the Klamath Park Department "scooping up" these fish and our boats were dragged ashore and the dead fish loaded in County trucks and hauled away as fertilizer."
US officials seek limits on "habitat" for imperiled
species, H&N 8/2/20. "The
dispute arose after the Fish and Wildlife Service
designated 1,500 acres of land and ponds in neighboring
Louisiana as critical habitat for the frog even though
none lived there."
Federal Government agrees to reevaluate Northern Spotted
Owl habitat after Supreme Court ruling, H&N 4/15/2020. "The coalition brought legal action
after the Fish and Wildlife Service designated 9.5
million acres of mostly federal lands as NSO critical
habitat across Washington, Oregon and Northern
California in 2012...The ESA
requires the federal government to take “into
consideration the economic impact, the impact on
national security, and any other relevant impact, of
specifying any particular area as critical habitat.”
California adds protections for Klamath spring salmon;
Klamath spring chinook a candidate for CESA listing, H&N 2/8/19. "The
decision was in response to a petition filed last year
by the Karuk Tribe and the Salmon River Restoration
Council." KBC Note: The
Karuk Tribe has
stated that Klamath irrigators are "the enemy," they
want to get "rid of all the farmers," and after the dams
come out they will target "Keno Dam."
Delisting of Wolves passes the house,
11/16/18: H.R. 6784: Manage our Wolves Act:
To provide for removal of the gray wolf in the
contiguous 48 States from the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife published under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973.
H.R. 6784: Manage our
Wolves Act
Passed 196/180
Rep. LaMalfa [R-CA1]:
Rep. Doug LaMalfa
Reclamation Releases Draft Environmental
Document to Supplement Flows in the Lower
Klamath River with Trinity Reservoir Water
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for the Long-Term
Plan To Protect Adult Salmon in the Lower
Klamath River, Humboldt County, California.
Falls meeting Aug 11
DUE Aug 20 (KBC received this link that
works on Aug 20th from the Bureau..the one in
their press release did not work)
Bull trout recovery plan needs local input,
H&N, 6/3/15.
“To achieve recovery, we seek to add seven
additional local populations distributed
among each of the three core areas (two in
the Upper Klamath Lake core area, three in
the Sycan core area, and two in the Upper
Sprague core area)...”
Comments Due November 28: changes in stream
designations for salmon habitat will affect
state wetland and waterway permits
Salmon habitat rules on the table, and
H&N 10/24/14.
Doug Whitsett, R-Ore., said he is concerned
about restrictions being placed on the
diversion canal connecting Lost River to the
Klamath River. He said the diversion is at
the “heart of the Klamath Project.”
300 acres added in Klamath County;
Comments sought
on land for endangered amphibian,
H&N, posted to KBC 6/20/14. "...officials
may designate 68,500 acres and 24 stream
miles throughout Washington and Oregon as
critical habitat for the disappearing
proposed critical habitat 30-day public
comment period opens today and closes July
BLM...seeks public comment (by March 31st),
H&N, posted to KBC 3/16/14. "The
document includes four proposed alternatives
that discuss such issues as timber
management, forest reserves for northern
spotted owls and marbled murrelet critical
habit, protection for older forests and
riparian reserves. The alternatives offer
options that would focus on providing the
most acres, for example, to species
protection as opposed to timber
Sage grouse management,
habitat at stake;
protections may curb ranchers’ grazing
H&N, posted to KBC 1/17/14. "...implementing
the plan could result in the loss of 750
jobs..." "...
preferred alternative would retire about
118,000 acres of rangeland in Eastern
Oregon..." "Although
Hart Mountain has been cattle-free for
23 years, he said sage grouse numbers
have declined." "A
recurring theme among people voicing
concerns was why ranchers are being
targeted with the potential loss of
grazing lands, while no habitat
improvements include predator control."
Sage grouse plan seeking comments by
Jan. 13 , H&N 1/2/14.
draft EIS has six possible management
alternatives for maintaining and
increasing habitat for greater sage
grouse on BLM lands in Oregon. The BLM
has about 10 million acres in Oregon
that provides greater sage grouse
Officials oppose Oregon spotted frog habitat; all three commissioners voted to send an opposition letter to USFW,
H&N, 12/7/13. "Klamath County commissioners are voicing their opposition to designating more than 56,000 acres in Oregon as critical habitat for the Oregon spotted frog, which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to list as a threatened species...of the 53,866 acres in Oregon considered for critical habitat, 27,825 are in Klamath County and 8,823 acres in Klamath County are on private land."
Spotted Frog Protection; Endangered listing could have impact on Basin; some say ruling would be positive; others disagree, H&N, posted toKBC 9/1/13. "The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced Wednesday a one-year period to assess whether to designate the Oregon spotted frog as threatened, and whether 68,192 acres and 23 stream miles should be listed as critical habitat throughout Washington and Oregon."
Lack of forest logging to blame for fires, H&N letter to editor, posted to KBC 7/9/13. "I’m still waiting for just one environmentalist, one environmental group, or anyone else who played an active or sedentary role in stopping logging to save the spotted owl, to come forward and publicly protest the illegal marijuana grows in our national forests, national parks, and Native American Indian reservations, after it’s been proven the pesticides used on these grows are killing spotted owls and fishers."
Public Comments for over
2 million acres proposed toad and frog
habitat due 6/24/13 pt
1 and
Sucker recovery
cost: $135M, H&N, posted to KBC 4/26/13
News Release:
Revised Recovery Plan for Lost River and Short Nose Suckers, posted to
KBC 4/26/13
Revised Recovery Plan for Lost River and Short Nose Suckers, posted to
KBC 4/26/13
One public comment
to the Sucker Plan by a KBC Editor, posted to KBC 4/26/13. "...Now you have decided you want a certain number of fish at
certain ages to live in this former meadow /man-made reservoir
so you can deny irrigators use of that water and create road use
and grazing regulations, and control ground water use. .."
NEWS RELEASE - Draft environmental
assessment of PacifiCorp's Habitat
Conservation Plan available for
public comment - comments due
March 29, 2013
Klamath sucker comments due
DUE -PacifiCorp
Klamath Hydroelectric Project
Proposed Interim Operations Habitat
Conservation Plan for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers
Interim means until the Klamath Settlement is terminated or
the Klamath dams are destroyed
"PacifiCorp is funding long-term ...water quality monitoring
to support dam removal..."
PacifiCorp has already contributed $millions for land
acquisitions and restoration to
flood former ag lands in the Klamath
PacifiCorp contributed and will contribute hundreds of
thousands $ to The Nature
Conservancy restoration projects.
National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation will administer Sucker
Conservation Fund
PacifiCorp will recover costs through rate hikes to customers
NEWS RELEASE: Siskiyou County
challenges critical habitat
designations for Northern Spotted
Owl, Siskiyou County, posted to
KBC 3/24/13
Department of Interior Federal Register: over 2
million acres proposed critical habitat for
yellow legged frog and Yosemite toad,
1,105,400 acres. 750,926 acres in Yosemite:
Part 2
Part 3
Public Comments due June 24, 2013. Mining
and timber country..."Butte,
Plumas, Lassen, Sierra, Nevada, Placer, El
Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Alpine, Mariposa,
Mono, Madera, Tuolumne, Fresno, and Inyo
Counties, California"
Klamath sucker public meeting
2/20/13, comments due 3/28/13. "In December, Fish
and Wildlife issued a final rule designating
critical habitat for Lost River and shortnose
suckers. It included about 282 miles of streams
and 241,438 acres of lakes and reservoirs in
Oregon's Klamath and Lake counties and
California's Modoc County...the
agency will hold a public meeting at 5 p.m. Feb. 20 at its office at 1936
California Ave., Klamath Falls, Ore., to give an overview of the plan and
answer questions."
Agency seeks comments on plan for Klamath suckers Capital Press 1/28/13
Public meeting Feb. 20
Public Comments due March 28
U.S Fish and Wildlife Service designates critical habitat for Klamath Basin suckers, FWS PRESS RELEASE, posted to KBC 12/13/12. "Approximately 282 miles of streams, and 241,438 acres of lakes and reservoirs are included in the final
critical habitat designation in Klamath and Lake Counties in Oregon, and in Modoc County, California."
Public Comment on Revised Critical Habitat Proposed for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers from 2/5/12 by a KBC News editor: Contains info from Fisheries scientist David Vogel, National Academy of Science, and significant details including the fact that proposed habitat Clear Lake historically was a meadow.
Letter and documentation to
Irma Largomarcino, Supervisor National Marine Fishery Service
Arcata Area Office, and California Biodiversity Council, from Siskiyou
County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong regarding coho genetics in the Klamath,
Public comments taken on critical habitat plan (for Lost River and Shortnose
suckers) through Aug 27.
Comments Due Oregon Spotted Frog
Oregon says bald eagles are good to go without special protection, H&N, posted to KBC 4/6/12
recovery plan is no good,
by Dr. Richard Gierak, Yreka, letter to
the editor of Herald and News 2/18/12.
Comments Due 3/8/12 on ESA language
Plenty of Chinook and Coho
This Year,
KBND, posted to KBC 3/11/12. "Fishery
managers project 1.6 million adult
Chinook in the Klamath River this fall,
four times more than last year and 15
times than in 2006."
Regarding the NOAA Coho Recovery Plan, by Dr. Richard Gierak 3/6/12. "Should
the (Klamath) dam be breached the Yellow
Perch will decimate any and all salmon
eggs and fingerlings to feed their
ravenous appetites."
Coho concerns, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 3/7/12
NOAA seeks coho comments (Thursday
in Yreka),
Coho recovery draft plan
comments due
March 5
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Review Oregon Spotted Frog ESA Status, info due 4/20/12, FWS, posted 2/23/12. " Currently, this species is known to inhabit emergent wetland habitats from extreme southwestern British Columbia south through the east side of the Puget/Willamette Valley Trough and the Columbia River Gorge in south-central Washington to the Cascades Range and the Klamath Valley in Oregon"
(Siskiyou) County requests approval of coho supplementation program, Siskiyou Daily 2/22/12.
Public meeting on the Draft Recovery
Plan for Southern Oregon/Northern
California Coast Coho Salmon, Yreka
on 2/14/12
Revised Critical Habitat
Proposed for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers,"The proposal includes two critical habitat units totaling
241,438 acres and 274 stream miles in southern Oregon and northern California." Meeting Jan 19.
Comments due Feb. 6.
Public meeting on the Draft Recovery Plan for Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Coho Salmon, Yreka on 2/14/12
NMFS website (
Sage grouse listing would destroy
(livestock) industry, H&N letter
by Gail Whitsett 1/20/12. "Multi-millions
of public acres in 10 states,
including Oregon, may become useless
if the potential ESA-listed sage
grouse habitat is determined to be
impacted by the influence of
controlled cattle grazing...Cattle
remain Klamath and Lake counties’
largest agricultural commodity...Sage
grouse listing will do to Oregon
agriculture what the spotted owl did
to the timber industry and the
fisheries biological opinions have
done to the Klamath Basin’s
Revised Critical Habitat
Proposed for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers, posted to KBC 12/16/11, "The proposal includes two critical habitat units totaling
241,438 acres and 274 stream miles in southern Oregon and northern California."
Meeting Jan 19. Comments due Feb. 6.
Comments due on sucker recovery plan Dec 19 - Press Release.
HERE for plan
Revised Critical Habitat Proposed for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers, posted to KBC 12/16/11, "The proposal includes two critical habitat units totaling 241,438 acres and 274 stream miles in southern Oregon and northern California." Comments due Feb. 6.
Suckers Critical Habitat Designation Proposed, Courthouse News Service, posted to KBC 12/11/11
Protection sought for Upper Klamath Lake snail,
Columbian, posted to KBC 11/16/11
Northwest – NOAA Fisheries Releases Klamath River Basin: 2011 Report to Congress 10/24/11
PRESS RELEASE: Revised Recovery Plan for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers now available, USFWS, posted to KBC 10/19/11. Comments due Dec. 19, 2011
HERE for Draft Revised Recovery Plan for Lost River Sucker and Shortnose Sucker posted 11/19/11
Comments due Oct 17 on Leona's blue butterfly ESA listing.
Klamath Falls - 26 West Coast Snails and Slugs Will Be Considered for Federal Protection; Fish & Wildlife Service opens a 60-day comment period prior to detailed review, USFWS News Release 10/4/11
Klamath Basin: Comments taken on proposed ESA listing (for butterfly), H&N, posted to KBC 8/21/11. "The butterfly was discovered in 1995 and exists in a 6-square-mile area, mostly in the Mazama Tree Farm and partly in the Fremont-Winema National Forest." Comments due by Oct. 17.
Comment Period Lost River Suckers and 53
endangered species until 7/25/11, FWS
Petition to Delist Coho Salmon presented by Siskiyou County Water Users Association 7/18/11, prepared by Dr. Richard A. Gierak
a second
in the
to KBC
Review period opens for
Basin suckers, H&N
Fish listing affects
(Klamath) Basin irrigators,
H&N 6/16/11
June 13 NMFS accepting public comment of
possible endangered listing of Klamath chinook
Comment Period Lost River Suckers
and 53 endangered species
including suckers, plants, flowers,
flys, butterflys, moths, birds,
snakes, shrimp, frogs, salamanders
until 7/25/11, FWS
Chairman Hastings’ Statement on Fish & Wildlife
Service’s Announcement to Re-Open Draft Spotted Owl
“I’m glad FWS agrees parts of this flawed plan
need more public comment, but much more
comprehensive revisions will be required”
May 23:
Spotted Owl public comment deadline
Editorial: Chinook listing would be new blow to region,
Redding Record Searchlight April 15, 2011
Spring chinook season on lower Columbia extended,
DFW, posted 4/16/11
Fish & Wildlife Service
Completes 5 Year Reviews for 50 Species in California, Nevada
and Southern Oregon
Recommends Uplisting Bay Checkerspot
Butterfly to Endangered
and Downlisting Arroyo Toad, Modoc Sucker, and Santa Cruz
Cypress to Threatened, posted to KBC 10/25/09
Comment for Oregon coho salmon, extended to
Attorney James Buchal's letter to
AP writer Jeff Barnard: "I
have not seen the determination, but understand it to have
rejected any change in status for either species. If that is
the case, my comment is: "The Service's determination shows that
the political imperative to pillage the economy of the Klamath
Basin drives the Service's decisions, not good science, since
the Service rejected the opinions of its own scientists and its
own status review that called for downlisting at least one
species. "In fact, both species are in no appreciable danger of
extinction, and the lakes and ponds of the Klamath Basin are
filled with literally millions of listed suckers." 6/26/09
fish still endangered, H&N 6/27/09. "The
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service delivered a blow to Klamath Basin
irrigators Friday when
it said the Lost River and shortnosed suckers still belong on
the endangered species list."
NOAA Seeks Public Comment on
Proposal to Protect Threatened Green Sturgeon, NOAA.
Rule proposed to further protect green sturgeon,, posted to KBC 5/28/09
NOAA Fisheries Proposes Listing
Columbia River Smelt As Threatened Under ESA,
CB Bulletin 3/13/09
Revised Critical
Habitat Designated for Canada Lynx, FWS, posted 2/25/09.
miles fall within the boundaries of the revised critical
habitat designation....Excluded
areas include: Tribal lands..."
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sucker
Recovery Public Meeting Wednesday,
October 15, 2008, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Shilo Inn, Klamath Falls. Posted 10/5/08
PLF Continues To Press Oregon Coastal
Coho ESA Listing Case, CB Bulletin
Sucker revision under way, H&N,
posted 6/20/08. "
appointed group of stakeholders,
meetings and consultation from Desert
Research Institute researchers will
guide the revisions...A
fisheries biologist from the Klamath
Tribes, the Nature Conservancy and
individuals from Oregon State University
and the U.S. Geological Survey will
participate as stakeholders...Commissioner
Brown was concerned to not see a
representative from the irrigation
community in the stakeholder group and
asked if that could be changed. Buettner
said the group was established by
regional director Steve Thompson..."
Fish and Wildlife
Service to Provide Additional Opportunity to Comment on Proposal to Revise
Critical Habitat for the Canada Lynx in July 2008, FWS 4/30/08. "Service
is proposing to designate approximately 42,753 square miles of habitat..."
A new test
for Oregon's salmon plan;
Return of
coastal coho to the endangered species
list puts landowners' recovery efforts
in the spotlight,
posted to KBC 2/17/08
Fish and Wildlife rejects salamander
protection, Seattle pi, posted to
KBC 1/25/08
Plover comment period by 1/4/08