Archive 83 -
April 2009
also see
main archive page
Around 1900, Link River,
between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake
occasionally went dry before
the Klamath Project was built. There
was no hydropower, no hatcheries,
occasionally no fish (fish need
water), no artificially-raised river
flows or lake levels.
HERE for more
helps even out co-op's ups and downs;
Greenbank revives grain
co-op in area troubled by battle for irrigation water.
Capital Press
Tulelake, Calif. - "Ron Greenbank's dream was to
return home and give to the farm community that he
Valley field burning phase-out advances in Senate,
Capital Press 4/30/09.
Alert on
“Navigable” Clean Water Bill, 4/26/09.
April 2009 "Monthly
Briefing" (PDF),
Family Farm Alliance, including California Water March
Draws 10,000.
Disaster, if not extinction,
Times Standard 4/30/09 by Greg King, North Coast Environmental
KBC Response

Ron Greenbank, manager of Newell Grain Growers
Association, inspects a handful of white wheat from a
6,000-ton pile. |
4/29/09 -
Channel 12 report on KBRA Parts 1, 2 and 3
Comment of Channel 12's "reporting on the proposed Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement/KBRA,
by Katherine Lehman, immediate
past president People for the USA Grange 835. "If you had
read the KBRA you would know THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF ANY
WATER TO ANY IRRIGATOR. The KBRA does, though, guarantee
irrigators will lose water, and not just in the upper Klamath
Recently circulated agenda
of a KBRA secret PAIL meeting including mention of Keno
and Link River Dam removal discussions 1/28/09
FBACT Alert on
“Navigable” Clean Water Bill, 4/26/09. To Farm Bureau.
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett Newsletter 4/26/09. Legislative hash,
Plaintiff's Fairness Act, Oregon's first tax on water.
County Supervisors send letter opposing SB670, Siskiyou
Daily News, posted to KBC 4/26/09. See
miner's page. "The
court order, resulting from the Karuk Tribe of California, vs.
the California Department of Fish and Game, was issued in 2006
and ordered DFG to complete its environmental review within 18
months of the judgement."
Walden to Al Gore: Come out to Oregon and see the condition of
the forests, posted to KBC 4/26/09, letter and video.
See forest page.
Rogue dam removal enters final
Irrigators face steep electricity bill for water pumps,
Capital Press 4/26/09
Wolves Endanger Livestock,
The Record Courier. "We
aren’t asking that every wolf in the country be tracked down
and eliminated, but we are asking that we have the right to
defend ourselves and our livestock against the predators
causing the damage."
HERE for Wolf Page
Public lands
coalition plans to 'Take Back Utah', Deseret News, posted
to KBC 4/26/09. "Representatives from a variety of groups
met Monday to plan the "Take Back Utah" Rally, a protest over
federal rules, regulations, policies, laws and practices that
critics say unfairly strip Utahns of their rights of access to
public lands."
Yuroks may
double land size; Tribe hopes to purchase 47,000 acres,
Triplicate 4/25/09
Letter to Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger from
Anthony Intiso, Master Greenhorn Grange # 384, Yreka, opposing
Klamath River Hydro Dam removal,
4/24/09. Intiso is also 2nd vice chair Siskiyou County
Republican Central Committee. "The
undersigned granges from over eleven counties state wide
request you and the other elected and appointed officials who
are receiving a copy of this letter support The Siskiyou
County Board of Supervisors in their position of keeping the
Hydroelectric dams."
Environmental group pulls out of Klamath talks, Oregonian,
KBC Response, posted to KBC 4/24/09, "...Since
there were up to 30" of water on our fields, the US government
issued war veterans, with WWI and WWII homesteads, deeds with
water rights appurtenant to their land for 2.5 feet of water,
the rest going into storage and the river. The feds and
enviros want it all..."
Northcoast Environmental Center steps away from Klamath
agreement, Times Standard 4/24/09. "Greg
King with the NEC said that efforts to submit changes to the
working document were rebuffed. Signing onto the agreement in
its current form, he said, could prevent the center from
taking legal action to protect salmon in the river from
depleted flows...Tucker
also insisted that any group -- whether they sign the
agreement or not -- can still assert its right to litigate to
protect endangered species in the river if necessary."
(KBC NOTE: we highlight Tucker's statement because up
until now, the stakeholders have tried to convince the people,
contrary to the settlement document, that the KBRA would end
lawsuits and ESA demands on our irrigation water."
Water and Power Agency public meeting on 5/5/09
wilderness coming HR980, Stewards of the Range, 4/24/09.
"HR980, if passed, will designate 24 million acres of new
wilderness in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Eastern Oregon."
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 4/24/09
Oregonians For Food and
Shelter, bills 4/24/09
California water wars heat up, GOP congressmen say there's no
real shortage, SacBee 4/24/09
Clean Water Act's mission may expand;
Senators back bill to remove
‘navigable’ from federal water law,
Capital Press 4/24/09
Water settlement process is flawed
by Tom Mallams, H&N 4/22/09,
Klamath Off-Project Water Users Association. "Once
again the corrupt process overpowers logic, common sense, and
equitable participation. A small non-representative group
being added to the Klamath settlement group is another example
of how corrupt the dam removal and Klamath Basin Restoration
Agreement group process continues to be."
PRESS RELEASE: How did we get here, CA Congressman Wally
Herger, posted to KBC 4/23/09. "Let
me say, without equivocation, that I have always been, and
always will be a supporter of dams and hydroelectric projects.
The benefits that they provide through clean, low-cost energy,
flood control, water storage, local tax revenue, and
recreation are invaluable".
4/23/09 Renewable Energy Conference.
Hillman speaks;
Karuk leader suspended - claims
he's not guilty - after airport meth arrest,
Pioneer Press 4/22/09
Bust, Fishy Implications - the green cloak of corruption,
Pioneer Press 4/22/09. "The vice-chair of the Karuk Tribe
was recently arrested and charged with methamphetamine
possession. The implications of Hillman's arrest, if he's
convicted as charged, strike at the heart of environmental
agencies' credibility as Hillman is a leading advocate of
those agencies' stated and unstated policies and goals."
Stimulus funds go to California
The Triplicate, posted to KBC 4/22/09
Waxman-Markey Climate Legislation: Higher Energy Prices, Fewer
Jobs, and More Government Intrusion, "Under
my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would
necessarily skyrocket … that will cost money. They will pass
that money on to consumers …" President Barack Obama.
Tea Party Revisited,
what's a free American citizen supposed to do, by
Tony Intiso 4/22/09
rally for water supply solutions, San Joaquin
Valley, CFBF 4/22/09
Water system
to get federal stimulus funds, CFBF 4/22/09. Lists where
$260 million stimulus money will be spent.
people running the show and the decision makers are some of
the world's richest people involved in the Trilateral
Commission, the Federal Reserve, global markets of energy,
real estate, investments, computers and Burger King. The
group's scope has expanded to include managing all of
America's physical resources and land uses - rivers, fish,
grazing, agriculture, logging, mines, roads, electricity,
coastal waters and every square inch of the U.S. since it all
drains into a watershed somewhere."
Congratulations to our founder Ron
DeShon; he's a new grandpa!!
Fresno County
Farm Bureau issues statement on water supply for Fresno
County’s federal water contractors, Press Release 4/21/09
ACTION NEEDED by April 20.: If you use carbaryl, carbofuran and
Ore. ranchers
cry for wolf hearings, The
Olympian April 17, 2009. "Endangered
species laws forbid ranchers to kill wolves caught in the act
of attacking livestock"
HERE for
Wolf Page
Fish and
game commission denies petition to halt Karuk fishing at Ishi
Pishi Falls, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 4/19/09
Fishing Industry Launches Campaign to Restore San Francisco Bay Delta and Klamath River California Political Desk, California Chronicle posted to KBC
2/18/07. (KBC NOTE: PCFFA and Karuk Tribe are at the table with 28 groups including Klamath Water Users in the FERC Settlement regarding dam removal, affordable power rates for irrigators, secure water supply, etc, and Karuks made a
film about this cooperative venture. PCFFA and the Karuk Tribe have signed onto this petition: Please read details of this petition signed on by Karuks and PCFFA
"A freeze on any Federal government funding which would divert, allocate or increase any water diversions or construction of facilities which would allow these activities until all impacted fish runs show increases for at least five years in a row."
"A moratorium on any California Delta or Klamath water development project or water contract unless it can be proven it will have no negative impact on fisheries
"Klamath River water was allocated to farmers resulting in one of the largest salmon kills in history"
"The Government dewatered the Klamath killing fish and has taken no action "
"A freeze on any government funding which would allow more water diversions until fish runs are restored "
"Full compliance and recovery funding under the Endangered Species Act"
"This Plan is exactly what is needed. We will fully support it.” Zeke Grader, PCFFA "1. Full restoration of the flows of the Klamath River and other river changes needed for a minimum of 30% increase in migratory fish runs annually."
Detailed Petition " |
Schwarzenegger declines to endorse lifting ESA protections,
Capital Press 4/17/09
Proposed Calif. bill would ban suction dredge mining, KDRV
parade draws thousands;
‘There’s plenty of water,
but it’s going for fish’, Capital Press 4/17/09
Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett Newsletter 4/17/09: Tea Party, National Debt, and
wilderness reserves
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 4/17/09
Oregonians for Food and Shelter
Legislative Update 4/17/09
NEEDED: If you use carbaryl, carbofuran and methomyl , this
message is for you,
by Oregonians for Food and Shelter 4/17/09
Why you can't trust the trust, Range Magazine, by Toni
Thayer, environmentalist activist. Toni, a past regular on our
discussion forum, reminded us of her 2003 article. If you
question what's happening to our land, rights, and
communities, this is a must read. She was forced into hiding
from exposing the truth. WHO ARE the "environmentalists"?
HERE is her recent forum post.
'New' groups join Klamath talks?
by Tom Mallams, President, Klamath Off-Project Water Users
Capital Press 4/16/09. "The
obvious intention is to exclude any group that is not in
complete agreement, to force the public, without due process,
into dam removal, a tribal land gift and the so-called
"promise" of water guarantee for the Klamath Project, under
the guise of "saving the river."
California March For Water, April 14-17, near
Fresno, Calif.
Tulelake Irrigation District
held informational public meeting, by KBC, edited by TID,
Yuroks seek $20 million state
loan for land,
Times Standard 4/15/09. More on
Klamath River Indian Tribes
The Latino Water
Coalition’s “March for Water” kicked off yesterday, by Dan
Keppen, Family Farm Alliance 4/15/09
Interior chief says California water system
outdated, Capital Press 4/15/09
County supervisors pass renewable energy
resolution, Siskiyou Daily News 4/14/09
April 15, Klamath Tea
Party, Klamath Falls
Veteran's Park noon to 7
Thousands join mile-long parade to protest water cuts,
Capital Press 4/14/09
Energy Conference Invitation 4/23/09,
from Jennifer Simon, USDA FSA
Executive Director
* Agenda >
USDA Rural Energy Programs, posted to KBC
Ore. jobless
rate hits 12.1 percent, Capital Press 4/14/09. KBC NOTE:
What is the result of letting special interest groups sue to
shut down most of the timber industry, coastal fisheries, and
downsize agriculture?
far too valuable for them to be removed, letter to editor
Herald and News 4/14/09
April 13, 2009 TID monthly meeting agenda
Thousands expected to march for water in California,
Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/12/09
NEW ANNOUNCEMENT: Calif. March for water, 4/12/09
2009 Klamath Project
Operations Plan
Carlson looks back at years of problem solving, H&N
Carlson narrated:
Klamath Basin harvest brings good prices, many challenges Capital Press 12/14/08
Fall-run Chinook lags; coho run will be huge, Statesman
Journal, posted to KBC 4/12/09
board discusses Klamath with county leaders, Siskiyou
Daily News, posted to KBC 4/10/09. "Measurements
at the state line show Oregon has problems,” ...Overall
opportunities for improvement, he said, might include
centralized treatment facilities and reduction of nutrients
and organic loads through wetlands and other treatment
systems." (KBC NOTE: Last month the state water board came
to Tulelake. Residents from Oregon and Calif. explained to the
board that the water in Upper Klamath lake is naturally high
in Phosphorus, and
100,000 acres of Off-Project Ag land.have already
been taken out of production and turned into wetlands. The
result was less water available because of evaporation and
worse water quality. Here for Tulelake report >
Regional Water Quality Control
Board wants Klamath Project's historically putrid water to
become cold and clean.
Lawsuit by Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement parties
causes Water Board to target Klamath Project water users.
KBC report 3/16/09
This is where is all began:
Klamath River
Fisheries Task Force meeting with Fish and Wildlife in Hoopa
10/5/93. Attending: Tulelake farmer John Crawford, Klamath
Forest Alliance founder Felice Pace, etc. Discussed are
strategies to plant endangered fish in the Klamath Basin,
remove dams, seek mandatory minimum stream flows, oppose large
water storage, and create a timeline. In 1993 they seeked
consensus. In 2009 at the KBRA/settlement agreement table with
closed door meetings, if you do not agree you are not allowed
at the table.
Group joins water discussion, Upper
Klamath Water Users Association will have a vote,
H&N 4/10/09. "The Upper Klamath Water Users Association has
only existed for a few months, has a relatively small
membership and primarily serves off-Project water users. Board
members include
Becky Hyde, Karl Scronce, Bob Sanders and Matt Walter."
(KBC NOTE: According to Tom Mallams, president of the
Off-Project Water Users, Klamath Project negotiator Steve
Kandra and the Karuk, Yurok, and Klamath Tribes and some
others voted to oppose Mallam's group from attending the
PacifiCorp closed-door meetings because OPWU oppose dam
removal and several components of the Settlement Agreement.
However, settlement group allowed Hyde's new little group
encompassing 200 acres to
join the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement negotiations with
opposition from some groups. The Off-Project Resource
Conservancy encompasses 125,000 irrigated acres and hundreds
of people, yet they are not allowed a seat at the table.
Hyde's land is in a partnership with the Klamath Tribes,
government agencies, and environmental groups.)
Fuzzy Government
Math, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 4/10/09
AB 268 Stops
Required Inspections For Septic Systems, Farm Team Action
Alert 4/10//09
Commissioners push for more
water storage, Elliott
will attend meetings aimed at settling water disagreements,
H&N 4/10/09.
Keep dams, and
put in fish ladders, H&N, letter by Patrick Rodgers,
posted to KBC 4/10/09
Again Recommends Closing Most Salmon Fishing Off California,
Southern Oregon Coast,
CBB 4/10/09
sought for watershed restoration program, H&N 4/10/09
Casino: All bets
off, Siskiyou Daily News 4/9/09
APRIL 6, 2001,
Irrigation water was shut
off to 1400 family farms in the Klamath Reclamation
Project. There were bankruptcies, auctions, suicides,
heart attacks, exodus of farm workers and their families,
many who had resided in the Klamath Basin more than 20
years, and massive depression. |
The following explains
what happened. Who? Why? |
Basin Crisis - Endangered Species Act Gone Wrong, by Chris
Moudry, Basin Fertilizer, Merrill, Oregon April 2001.
"In 1988, the Klamath Tribes petitioned the federal government to list the once plentiful Short-nosed and
Lost River Suckerfish as endangered, believing that only 8000 or so remained in Upper Klamath Lake. Since
that time, these suckers have been found throughout lakes
and rivers in the area and are estimated to exist by tens
if not hundreds of thousands.
Through the Clinton years, the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the Klamath
Tribes spent millions of dollars studying the sucker and
its habitat."
Bucket Brigade for ESA reform, by Ric Costales,
Environment and Climate News Auguat 2001
The late
Velma Robison
how they felt the day their irrigation water was shut off
in 2001.
* The late Paul Christy
tells his feelings about
* John Staunton tells how
he felt about what happened to his community in
Here for Pioneer and
Homesteader impressions
and some photos
See 2001
Archives and photos |
Irrigation District well reports April 7, 2009
2004 water bank blackmail, ESA
double standard, and TID targeted again, by a project irrigator
Oregon: The
Agriculture Quarterly, Oregon Dept. of Agriculture,
4/6/09. "Klamath County,
"$301 million 2008 gross farm
and ranch sales."
settlement remains in limbo, H&N 4/6/09
Merrill Townhall meeting with Klamath County
Commissioners, 4/5/09 by KBC News -- notes and quotes
about the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and a little
background information. Response by Katherine Lehman:
"When your
neighbor starts a brushfire that threatens everything you own;
only a fool starts writing a fire suppression plan. Even with
evidence that more than one neighbor took part in starting the
fire - time spent weighing possible motives while the fire is
burning distracts you from the primary job at hand - STOP THE
FIRE! Once that's accomplished there will be plenty of time to
talk about plans, motives, desires, options, etc. Neighbors
that would taunt you for fighting the fire when you don't have
a "plan" are not your friends, and should not be trusted."
Leaf Grant Hillman, 44, of Orleans, Calif. Hillman
appeared Thursday in Circuit Court on an indictment
charging him with possession of methamphetamine. He was
booked into jail and released on his own recognizance.
Mail Tribune 4/5/09.
KBC NOTE: Karuk Tribe Vice Chairman and spiritual leader
Hillman is an advocate of Klamath hydropower dam
removal in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
Karuk Tribal Vice Chairman and
spiritual leader
Leaf Hillman: Taxpayers help miners hurt fish habitat
followed by 31 Comments,
Sacramento Bee , posted to KBC
3/8/09. "Hillman,
who lives in Orleans, is charged
with one count corporal
injury on a spouse or cohabitant, and with two special
allegations: inflicting great bodily injury and using a deadly
weapon. Hillman's bail has been set at $50,000....the victim
had been "hit on the head with a beer bottle"
What caused
salmon deaths?,
Barry Clausen 2/16/03. "...The DFG report states, "No substances were
found at concentrations toxic to fish and
therefore, were not a factor in the 2002 fish
kill." However, that may not be the case.
According to the Del Norte Sheriff's Department,
the Humboldt County Sheriff's Department and Larry
Hand of the California Conservation Corps (CCC), a
CCC crew run by John Buttons discovered several
large glass flasks used for cooking methamphetamine ... in
the summer of 2002... It now turns out the flasks
were part of what is known as a "meth
dump..." |
Central Valley irrigators look to Klamath Basin for
assistance, H&N 4/5/09. New
California Central Valley website:
RELEASE: Reclamation Announces Start Date for Klamath Project
Water Deliveries, Bureau of Reclamation, posted to KBC
California March For Water, "The
multi-day march is scheduled to start in the City of Mendota,
approximately 40 miles west of Fresno. It will conclude at San
Luis Reservoir. Mendota is one of the towns hardest hit by
drought with 40% unemployment, unrelenting poverty and a stark
example of what would happen to other cities if water were to
stop flowing from natural and/or man-made causes."
irrigation season to start by April 10,
H&N 4/3/09
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett 4/3/09 Newsletter:
PacifiCorp’s Proposal for
Higher Rates;
House Concurrent Resolution 5:
Honoring Danny Miles;
Ways & Means Update: 2009-11
Agency-Proposed 30 Percent Reduction Lists
Rebuttal to Leaf Hillman (Karuk Indian) by Dave McCracken,
gold miner, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 4/3/09. "Hillman
claims our gold mining threatens the salmon in the Klamath
River. He has picked a particularly poor time to make that
accusation. A few days ago, the Times-Herald of Eureka
reported that while the number of Sacramento River salmon is
near record lows, the Klamath salmon run is "booming" this
year. Even more important, there is not a scrap of scientific
evidence that suction dredge mining has ever hurt a single
salmon. The same cannot be said of Hillman's own Karuk
Effort against dams tries to
‘re-wild’ area,
letter to H&N by Nita Still,
Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update, 4/3/09
Another Empty Bucket, by Susan Sutton, April 2009