* KBC News Klamath Dam Removal/KBRA page
* Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong Dam Removal/KBRA Page
Obama Signs
Monsanto Protection Act, 4/4/13 Fox News:
Obama signs bill that protects makers of
genetically engineered crops from federal courts
Published March 30,

Obama administration 'bailed out' GM salmon firm,
Campaigners say $500,000 grant was made to AquaBounty despite evidence that
the firm could soon run out of cash, Guardian, UK, posted to KBC
Included in the link above is:
Fishlink's/PCFFA/Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen Association
information that these fish could jeopardize wild fish stocks.
an article explaining how Michael Taylor,
Monsanto's super lobbiest, is now Obama's FDA Food Czar.
links of billionaire George Soros huge investment in Monsanto, and huge
investment in Obama's election. Soros funds Earthjustice, who pays the legal
fees of the environmental groups in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration
Matthew 28:5-7
"But the angel answered and said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.
6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
7 And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.' " Sent by Frank Tallerico.
Dolly Parton, He's
scheduled for Oregon gun-control bills, H&N 3/29/13.
Local forestry agencies, industry debate owl lawsuit, H&N, posted to KBC
wary of rules expanding scope of ESA, Capital Press 3/27/13. "cattle
can be subject to greater restrictions on grazing near streams that are
considered critical habitat even if no endangered or threatened fish swim in
them, said Budd-Falen..."
Oregon tuition inequity bill
by Senator Doug Whitsett,
Oregon District 28 3/25/13. "All
sixteen Democrat and three Republican Senators voted to pass the
bill. I joined ten other Republican Senators in voting no...United
States’ citizens who have lived in Oregon all their life before
moving out of state, are denied Oregon in-state tuition for
their children. Yet an illegal alien that sneaks into Oregon
searching for a job, for entitlements, to be with family or for
any other reason, will be allowed in-state tuition for their
children if they have lived here illegally for three or more
Oregon Legislative Update by Representative Gail Whitsett, District 56 posted to KBC 3/27/13.
Interior denies
spinning Klamath science, 3/25/13, PEER.
of Dr. Paul R. Houser, Hydrometeorologist 3/25/13. "The DISO informed
me of her decision to dismiss my February 24, 2012 allegation in a letter
dated January 29, 2013. This letter made significant references to the
August 2012 expert panel report, but did not actually provide the report.
... This report was only made available after repeated requests made to the
DISO via phone/email, a December FOIA request and several requests from
Congressional committees....through a very narrow panel charge and through
its own de-scoping, the important aspects of my allegation were not
evaluated, and no actual investigation was done. So, it seems my allegation
really has not yet been addressed ."
NEWS RELEASE - Draft environmental
assessment of PacifiCorp's Habitat
Conservation Plan available for
public comment - comments due
March 29, 2013
Klamath sucker comments due
DUE -PacifiCorp
Klamath Hydroelectric Project
Proposed Interim Operations Habitat
Conservation Plan for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers
Interim means until the Klamath Settlement is terminated or
the Klamath dams are destroyed
"PacifiCorp is funding long-term ...water quality monitoring
to support dam removal..."
PacifiCorp has already contributed $millions for land
acquisitions and restoration to
flood former ag lands in the Klamath
PacifiCorp contributed and will contribute hundreds of
thousands $ to The Nature
Conservancy restoration projects.
National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation will administer Sucker
Conservation Fund
PacifiCorp will recover costs through rate hikes to customers
NEWS RELEASE: Siskiyou County
challenges critical habitat
designations for Northern Spotted
Owl, Siskiyou County, posted to
KBC 3/24/13
The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem,
Mark 1:1-11, sent by Frank
Tallerico, 3/24/13
California Department of Fish and
Game use of public money to
perpetrate a fraud;
to Mr. Neil Manji, CDFG, from Mark
Baird, Vice President Scott Valley
Protect Our Water 3/23/13.
"Second, your Department claims the
reason for this project, is that low
flow in the above mentioned rivers
is the reason for the continued
decline and possible extinction of
the Coho Salmon, a threatened
species. This claim is simply not
true.... this is a record year for
Salmon returns and next year is
likely to be as good or better, one
can only wonder what the true
motives of CDFG are....deliberately
telling falsehoods to the public in
order to achieve an end is... a
Klamath Water Rights Adjudication Milestone: Oregon Water Resources
Department Submits Its Final Order of Determination to the Klamath County
Circuit Court, Somach, Simmons and Dunn, KWUA attorneys, posted to KBC
U.S. Congressman Doug LaMalfa letter to Janet Nepolitano, Dept. of Homeland
Security: Why did DHS recently purchase 1.6 billion rounds of ammo with
solicitation to buy more? posted to KBC 3/22/13. The letter is
signed by 8 addtional Congressmen.
court refuses bid to block cattle grazing, Capital Press 3/22/13.
industry challenges spotted owl habitat, Capital Press 3/22/13.
Who did the spotted owl studies?
Former Yurok forestry director released from jail; Raymond accused of embezzling tribal funds, posted to KBC 3/7/13. "Raymond and two biologists are accused of using an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three-year period of wildlife preservation studies." (these included faked spotted owl studies). For more, see
Klamath Science Misconduct page
Forests and logging page
ESA Page
Gun control by the U.N., The White House attempts an end run around the House, Washington Times editorial, posted to KBC 3/22/13
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/22/13: Water, Labor and Animal Welfare
Scientist testifies against GE fish ban, label bill, Capital Press, posted to KBC 3/22/13. "They grow fast. They grow large. And they are aggressive, and they can outcompete for habitat," Holvey said of the GE fish. "This is too big a risk for us to take to watch the native species of Pacific salmon potentially get decimated."
Here for Frankenfish Page
3/17/13 - 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12: "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, only He, who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, when the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous, deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteous." Sent from Frank Tallerico
The official Klamath River Pacific Fisheries Management Council's (PFMC) Chinook Salmon count is in! by Steve Rapalyea 3/17/13. "With a 2012 return almost double the highest documented
pre dam return, it is obvious we must hurry and get the
dams removed on the Klamath to "restore" the runs to
their much smaller pre dam size!"
The statewide cost of PERS to Oregon taxpayers has increased one billion one hundred million dollars, Senator Doug Whitsett, Oregon District 28 3/14/13.
Oregon Rep. Gail Whitsett Legislative Update 3/14/13.
KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency OPP / On-Project Plan "community meeting" March 14, 3 p.m. at Merrill Civic Center. The meeting gives a "brief background of the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and the On-Project Plan." "The KBRA describes certain agreed upon 'Diversion Limits' for water diverted from Upper Klamath Lake and the Klamath River ..."
KBRA - Klamath On Project Plan Newsletter 3/13/13. "Dan Keppen has created the OPP newsletter Issue 5." Keppen is a former employee of Bureau of Reclamation, former director of Klamath Water Users Association, and currently works for KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency, and is the Executive Director of Family Farm Alliance. The newsletter explains several of the water management details mandated for KWAPA by the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, including "water transfers and water acquisitions." Keppen's newsletter explains why KWAPA determined, "Storage Option Not Recommended for Further Study." The KBRA mandates California to have a groundwater management plan with "no adverse impacts." "This voluntary action has been taken recently by Tulelake Irrigation District..." There will be a "limit on diversion." OPP's first goal and objective is to "meet commitments specified in the KBRA."
3/12/13 Order by Klamath County Commissioners to withdraw from KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.
VIDEO - 2013-15 Oregon Democratic Co-Chairs’ vs. Republican Leadership Budgets, with Rep Richardson and Senator Whitsett, posted to KBC 3/12/13.
Prospects Are Solid For Strong Season Of Chinook Fishing, Medford Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 3/12/13. "This year's Klamath preseason estimate is 728,100 chinook."
County Commissioners 3/12/13 agenda item J-3 voting on intention to withdraw
from the KBRA and KHSA, 9:00 AM.
Basin Restoration Agreement/dam removal agreement;
Can they
do that?, H&N
Followed by:
What does KBRA say about opting
What's next for the KBRA?
Will the commissioners decision effect dam removal?
Reactions to the commissioner's decision?
How to guarantee water.
KBC News Note - in a nutshell: Klamath County ousted 3 pro-KBA
commissioners in the past 2 elections and voted in 3 commissioners who
oppose the KBRA. Citizens were denied a vote on whether they supported or
opposed the KBRA so they voted for these 3 men to represent them. KCC voted
to withdraw from the KBRA. Herald and News supports the KBRA, and the the
above link contains their stories. Siskiyou County were allowed a vote and
they voted to oppose it. Dozens of environmental groups, government
agencies, tribes and Klamath Water Users Association are demanding Klamath
County remain in the controversial dam-removal KBRA against the wishes of
their constituents.
Romans 15:13: "Now may the
God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing , that you may
abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Sent from Frank
Klamath River Basin water adjudication gets positive reactions, H&N
Global Warming Explained: Short Video, Evergreen Foundation, posted to
KBC 3/9/13
Letter from House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee
Doc Hastings to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar regarding Klamath
River Dam science misconduct by Interior in firing whistleblower Dr. Paul
Houser. Hastings requests documents regarding communications by March
Largest U.S.
dam removal releases huge amount of sediment,
Yale Environment 360.
tracking the aftermath of the largest dam removal in U.S. history say the
dismantling of a dam in northwestern Washington state
has unleashed about 34 million cubic yards of sediment
and debris...sediment
— enough to fill 3 million truckloads — could create murkier water
conditions, threatening the reproduction of salmon and blocking light for
marine life."
Are Solid For Strong Season Of Chinook Fishing, Mail Tribune 3/9/13.
TID monthly board meeting
agenda 3/11/13
Legal flap erupts over (Klamath) county's exit from KBRA, Capital Press 3/7/13.
* KBC News Klamath Dam Removal/KBRA page
* Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong Dam Removal/KBRA Page
Congratulations to the Herald and News for going "green," letter to the editor of H&N by Bruce Topham, rancher from Sprague River, Oregon, 3/7/13.
Who did the spotted owl studies? Former Yurok forestry director released from jail; Raymond accused of embezzling tribal funds, posted to KBC 3/7/13. "Raymond and two biologists are accused of using an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three-year period of wildlife preservation studies." (these included faked spotted owl studies). For more, see
Klamath Science Misconduct page
Comcast Cable Network Bans All Firearms Related Advertising, by Godfather Politics, with response by James Beers, 3/7/13.
Gun deaths, violent crime overall are down in District and U.S., but reasons are elusive, Washington Post, posted to KBC 3/7/13. "...the number of guns owned by Americans has soared..."
2013-15 Oregon Democratic Co-Chairs’ vs. Republican Leadership Budgets by Oregon Rep. Richardson 3/7/13
Oregon Legislative Update, Representative Gail Whitsett, House District 56, 3/5/13.
"HB 3200...would ban many semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity gun magazines"
"Prohibits Water Resources Department collection of periodic or recurring fee or charge pertaining to well allowing ground water use for single or group domestic purposes"
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,
District 28, 3/5/13,
Oregon Transportation HB
PRESS RELEASE: Representative LaMalfa Calls on President to Change Tactics on Sequester, 3/5/13.
"The across-the-board sequester cuts were originally proposed by the Obama White House as part of the 2011 Budget Control Act, reducing the amount of additional government spending by $85 billion or 2.3% in 2013. Even with the reduction, federal spending is projected to increase $30 billion over 2012 levels.
Another sad story:
Explosive Fed. Mandate Killing Thousands of Red Snapper, local15tv,
posted to KBC 3/4/13. " 'They tell us not to fish [red
snapper] but they’re blowing them up,' charter boat Captain Jason Domange
told Local 15, 'It’s a cryin’ shame.' "
(Klamath Basin's Whitsetts) Lawmakers prepare for legislative session; State legislators discuss divides between Ore. urban, rural areas, H&N 2/5/13, posted to KBC 3/4/13
3/3/13 - James 3:13-18, "Who is wise and
understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are
done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking
in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not
descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and
self-seeking exist, confusion and every thing evil are there. But the
wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to
yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without
hypocrisy. Now the fruit righteousness is shown in peace by those who make
peace." sent by Frank Tallerico
Addressing KBRA a good first move, H&N letter by Al Jones, Dairy, posted
to KBC 3/2/13.
"The message became especially clear when both of the newly elected
individuals, as citizens, were known to be against the KBRA as it is
written... So do not try to tell me that the KBRA plan as currently written
is supported by a majority of county voters."
At home in Oregon’s House, First term Rep. Gail Whitsett knows her way around the Capitol, H&N, posted to KBC 3/2/13
President Obama
nominates Sally Jewell for DOI Secretary - A jewel or a lump of coal?
SAWS News, posted to KBC 3/2/13. "Sally
Jewell, current CEO of Seattle based REI, was recently nominated by
President Obama for the Secretary of the Department of Interior...REI's
bigger influence, however, has come from funneling money to radical groups
via the
Conservation Alliance...Alliance
has contributed more than $11.2 million to grassroots conservation groups
throughout North America.... Alliance funding has helped save more than 42
million acres of wildlands; protect 2,748 miles of rivers; stop or remove 25
dams; designate five marine reserves; and purchase nine climbing areas."
CFBF Friday Legislative Review 3/1/13. "This week Farm Bureau Governmental Affairs Division staff have been reviewing the 2100 plus bills introduced to identify those of interest to agriculture. Some of the bills are reintroductions of previous legislation or of a subject matter on which there is clear policy guidance. Still others are “spot bills”, the final language of which won’t be fleshed out for some time."