Wolf plan |
The wolf-management plan adopted
by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife
Commission describes the
measures that will be taken when
wolves -- listed as endangered
by the federal and state
government -- cross the border
into Oregon from Idaho. The
measures include:
Wolves may be considered for
removal from the state
endangered-species list once the
population reaches four breeding
pairs for three consecutive
years in Eastern Oregon.
Landowners can distract
wolves, without a permit, from a
livestock operation or area of
human activity by firing shots
into the air or shouting.
A landowner needs a permit to
injure a wolf with rubber
bullets or bean-bag projectiles,
or kill a wolf in the act of
attacking livestock.
Wildlife officials may
relocate a wolf to resolve a
localized, immediate problem.
To read the plan, go to
www.dfw.state.or.us/wolves. |
What's next |
The state wolf-management plan
is being sent to federal
officials for approval, which is
supposed to happen within the
next three months.
In the 2007 legislative
session, Oregon Department of
Fish and Wildlife staff will
assist in introducing a bill
that includes additional
protections for livestock
producers dealing with wolves.
Ranchers upset by approved wolf plan
Livestock owners want to be able to kill
threatening wolves
BETH CASPER Statesman Journal 12/2/05
Oregon Fish and
Wildlife commissioners voted Thursday to approve
a state wolf-management plan without the
additional protections that livestock owners
said they need.
Livestock owners want
the right to kill a wolf that threatens their
sheep or cattle and state-funded compensation
for livestock losses.
However, commissioners
cannot take those actions on their own; the
changes must be put into law.
Despite legislators
not passing laws during the 2005 session to help
livestock owners, the commissioners plan to
fight to get the laws passed in 2007.
Wildlife experts
predict wolves that cross into Oregon from Idaho
soon will establish packs.
Wolves are native to
the state but were extirpated more than 50 years
Wildlife advocates
argue that livestock owners are asking for too
much because they don't want wolves in the state
at all.
"The public, wildlife
officials and wolves that enter Oregon are in a
much better place" because of the state's
wolf-management plan, said Amaroq Weiss of
Defenders of Wildlife.
Livestock producers
are frustrated to have any plan for wolves in
"The livestock
industry spoke out very clearly against the
entire plan because it violated property rights
and offered no reasonable management of wolves,"
Mike Colton, the Baker County Livestock
Association president, said at the commission
meeting Thursday.
Colton explained that
the Oregon Cattlemen's Association is organizing
a plan to restrict access to private lands for
hunting or any other public use unless the
commission decides to rescind the wolf plan.
Short of removing the
plan, livestock producers want a state-funded
compensation fund and the unregulated right to
injure or kill wolves that are causing harm to
"We need the right to
protect livestock without a permit," Colton
said. "It's still in the plan that you have to
catch the wolf in the act of attacking
livestock. I'd be better off trying to win the
lottery than see that."
Craig Ely of the
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said he
is hopeful that the amendments to help
landowners will be approved in 2007.
"For me, the real
satisfaction will come when we have the first
wolf here and we communicate with the livestock
industry and we follow through with all of the
commitments we made to them," Ely said.
bcasper@StatesmanJournal.com or (503)
589-6994 |