U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee,
Chairman Doc Hastings
Administration Admits it Doesn’t Have Statutory Authority to
Prioritize Wild Lands over other Uses
Yesterday, during a Natural Resources Committee hearing on
the Administration’s “Wild Lands” order, Chairman Doc
Hastings questioned Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director
Bob Abbey on the Administration’s
legal authority to prioritize “Wild Lands” above other
multiple-uses of BLM lands.
Under the
Secretarial Order No. 3310, Secretary Salazar directed BLM
to re-review its land inventories to further identify lands
with wilderness characteristics. Under the Secretary’s
order, these lands would be designated as Wild Lands and the
agency’s Resource Management Plans would be adapted to
reflect this new category. Except in Wilderness Areas and
Wilderness Study Areas, most BLM land is managed for
multiple-uses in order to obtain both economic and
conservation benefits as required by law. By focusing
solely on Wilderness values in the Secretary’s directive the
Administration is elevating Wilderness areas above other
multiple-purpose uses.
Director Abbey
admitted that the Administration does not have statutory
authority to elevate “Wild Lands” above other uses.
When questioned, Abbey states, “I’m not sure it exists

Click here to watch the Q&A
Designating an area
as Wilderness imposes the most restrictive land use policies
and places severe limitations on public access, prohibits
many popular forms of recreation and severely restricts
job-creating and energy-producing activities. That is why,
under the Wilderness Act of 1964, only Congress has the
authority to designate Wilderness areas.
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