Photos and Story by Gail
This will be a continuing story, return to this page often and see how the project
is progressing.
See California Department of Water Resources, drought
page with map of well sites
The first well is finished, just waiting to test
Well One
Current Depth: 740 ft.
Total Depth: 740 ft.
Production Zone 260-700 ft.
Drilling Company : Lang
Estimated Production: 4,000 - 8,000 gpm (gallons per minute)
Comments: Finished, Waiting to Test Pump
See the "Governor
Gray Davis’s Proclamation of the State of Emergency"
for Modoc and Siskiyou Counties, that provide the money for the wells.
See, Well
Site Information: including number of wells, depths, and choosing
Day 1
May 23, 2001
The TID bulldozer carved out an area 6-7 ft
deep for a mud pit. Cultural Resource Survey conducted by member of Chico
State University staff. Also an Environmental Study was conducted by Dave
Bogener, Wildlife Specialist IV, Northern District, State of California
Department of Water Resources.

Conducting a Cultural Resource Survey and checking for Endangered Species.
Day 2
May 24, 2001
of well drilling equipment. Varieties
sizes of casing pipes. The drill and two drill bits.
A truck with the crane and two diesel generators.
A truck carrying all the additional supplies.
Concrete mix was brought in for the casing.