Group seeks help with cleanup
Nonprofit is putting together a cleanup day at
Chiloquin cinder pit
A nonprofit group from Grants Pass is coordinating a community cleanup day next month at the Braymill cinder pit in Chiloquin.
Members of the Clean Forest Project are looking for volunteers to help haul away household trash, old appliances, furniture and other items littering the spot.
Where to meet
Julie Lockman, executive director of the Clean Forest Project, said participants should meet at the site at 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11. To get there, drive four miles on the Sprague River Road and follow signs.
“ We’ve been work i ng i n Klamath County with the Forest Service for the last month,” L ock ma n sa id. “ T hey t old us about it and we went out to take a look. There’s stuff spread out over a large area.”
She said the Braymill pit is the site of a former mining operation where people have taken to dumping illegally over the years.
Similar effort
The effort follows a similar cleanup at Hagelstein Park on Sept. 20 where 33 volunteers showed up to haul debris away. Items ranged from discarded tires to household appliances, furniture and a couple of camping trailers that had been dumped.
“There was a lot of lumber and wood,” Lockman said. “We ended up getting about eight tons of trash.”
Plenty of trash removed
Participants filled a 30-yard Dumpster and half-filled another one that size. In addition, two trucks and a trailer made three trips to the landfill.
The cleanup took place along a three-mile drive in the park, Lockman said, with seven dump sites scattered about. Several U.S. Forest Service workers donated their Saturday morning to the cleanup effort, she said.
More items had been dumped there again just three days after the cleanup, Lockman added. That material also has been hauled away, and Lockman said Clean Forest Project members and the U.S. Forest Service are keeping the area under surveillance. Those who dump illegally can be fined, she said.
Lockman said the Forest Service has given the group a grant. The money will be used to pay for gasoline, tools, overhead costs and supplies, she said.
What to bring
Volunteers for the Braymill cleanup should bring rakes or shovels if they have them. Gloves and trash bags will be supplied.
Participants should meet at the site at 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11. To get there, drive four miles on the Sprague River Road and follow signs.
Call Julie Lockman at (541) 660-6238 for more information or check out the group’s Web site at www.cleanforestproject.org. Information is available about memberships in the group and ways to donate.
Clean Forest Project members will be working to clean up spots in Klamath County through the rest of the year, Lockman said.

Clean Forest Project crew leader Mark Lockman, left,
and volunteer Jared Lockman are shown with some of
the trash removed Sept. 20 from Hagelstein Park