Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
![]() The KBRA/KHSA represent the environmental swindle of the century.This is an attempt by the California Department of Fish and Game, California Natural Resources Agency, acting in concert with environmental and other special interest groups, to defraud the taxpayers of California. CDFG is the perfect example of government out of control. This project, if successful, will do massive environmental harm to fish, wild life and to the people of the Klamath Watershed.THE BIG LIES OF THE KBRA/KHSA ARE AS FOLLOWS:Lie: The Dams must be removed to restore the Coho Salmon to the Upper Basin.Historical records prove the Coho Salmon are not native to the Upper Basin. Historical records by the earliest explorers show the upper and lower Klamath basins to be warm water, high alkali, volcanic basins composed of peat marshes and shallow, alkali lakes. Coho Salmon are cold water fish. They do not thrive in alkaline, warm water environments. Salmon were not able to reach the Upper and Lower Klamath Lakes due to the geographic barriers. (History of the Klamath Basin 1904-1961, Foster), (Herald, September 24,1908).Lie: Dam Removal will save you money on your power bill.Hydro Electric is the cleanest and least expensive power available in the world. The increases in your electric bills are already beginning. You are already starting to pay for dam removal. Rates will continue to increase significantly if the dams are removed. Pacific Corp was bullied and threatened into cooperation with these agreements.The KBRA/KHSA are available on the Internet. Read the agreements. See for yourselves. You will be paying for the removal of the Dams with your power bills and your tax money.Lie: The KBRA/KHSA will restore the environment for fish and for the people.The KBRA/KHSA is one of the largest environmental pork projects in history! How will buying the Klamath tribe a 92,000 acre property, with taxpayers money, restore the environment? I do not know how any one could look at this agreement and fail to see this for the bribe that it is. How does tearing out the Dams below the reclamation project help to guarantee more water for the Upper Basin? Water quality is poor in the Klamath Basin. Volcanic basins with naturally warm water and high mineral content produce poor water quality. The Klamath Basin has been that way for millions of years. TheKlamath River is the only volcanic basin in the United States that drains to the ocean. The Dams trap the water and allow the phosphorus and mobile nitrogen to settle to the bottom of the lakes. Water quality is far better below the dams than above them. It would be an environmental disaster to remove the dams and release over 20 million cubic yards of toxic sediment into the main stem of the Klamath River.Lie: Toxic Blue Green Algae is killing people and harming the environment.There has never been a recorded case of anyone becoming ill from the algae. There are several companies which use the naturally occurring algae taken from the lakes in the Klamath Basin, to make nutritional supplements.This is a deliberate hoax designed to scare people into supporting dam removal. I urge you to go on the Internet. Type Klamath Blue Green Algae into your Search Engine to see the truth.THE KBRA/KHSA IS A FRAUD AND A SCAM!!!!! The signers of these agreements are using the fish and the environment, to line up for the biggest environmental paycheck in history.THE KLAMATH BASIN COORDINATING COUNSEL IS A FRAUD!!!! This is a commission of appointed officials which will have control over your lives and your property. The government of the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic. We vote for our leaders!The KBRA/KHSA are unconstitutional agreements designed to make the stakeholders billions of Dollars.THE KBRA/KHSA WILL PUT ONE AND ONE HALF BILLION DOLLARS OF YOUR MONEY INTO THE POCKETS OF THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS WHO HAVE SIGNED THE AGREEMENTS. THESE AGREEMENTS, IF COMPLETED, WILL CAUSE MASSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. THESE AGREEMENTS, IF COMPLETED WILL CAUSE MASSIVE FINANCIAL DAMAGE AND THE LOSS OF PROPERTY VALUE FOR THE VOTERS AND TAXPAYERS OF SISKIYOU COUNTY.VOTE NO ON GMark BairdVice President Siskiyou County Water Users AssociationVice President Protect Our Water
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Page Updated: Monday January 19, 2015 01:14 AM Pacific
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