Is Mark Baird a DFG target?
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May 28, 2011 by John Martinez on Rural
DFG officials allude to law enforcement action, because he exercised his first amendment rights.
Mark Baird may find that his outspoken leadership against DFG’s unconstitutional actions in Siskiyou County puts him squarely in the cross hairs and creates a potentially lethal action against him. During a May 18, 2011 public meeting held in DFG offices in Sacramento, California, DFG officials acting as judge, jury, and potentially executioner concluded Baird was an “illegal diverter.” DFG officials specifically mentioned that Baird was quoted in the Range Magazine and another publication as stating “come arrest me.”
Baird’s exercise of his first amendment rights and peaceful assembly appeared to outrage the DFG officials. According to one of the DFG attendees, apparently a law enforcement officer, they would be “getting a pop in funds soon” that would allow them to take care of Baird. Apparently high level DFG law enforcement officials are conspiring to take armed action against a civic leader who freely exercises his First Amendment rights.
The same DFG attendee also stated that NOAA biologists needed to include law enforcement in planning as law enforcement actions can achieve many things. At that time the attendees gloated about destroying a grape farmer who had to pay $250,000 in fines.
Given DFG’s close relationships to radical environmentalists, DFG may call upon radicals to plant fish on his private property in order to destroy Baird economically. The DFG is coming for Baird. Whether they SWAT him or use invidious prosecution by planting evidence — Baird is a marked man.
Written by John Martinez
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