Water quality, supply key to Klamath
By TAM MOORE Oregon Staff Writer

William Lewis, chairman of a National
Research Council committee that found gaps
in the scientific foundation of Klamath
Basin irrigation water management, fears
Upper Klamath Lake water quality can’t be
fixed. |
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — The Lost River and
shortnosed suckers are tough, long-lived fish
native to the Upper Klamath Basin. They’ve
been on hard times at least since the 1980s.
Sacred to American Indian tribes, once so
numerous they supported a commercial “mullet”
fishery, the two sucker fish ended up on the
Endangered Species List in 1988. Last week
after four days of talk about suckers, it
appears the ancient fish are far from recovery
even as some debate how to measure sucker
In 2004, sucker numbers remain below historic
levels. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
defends itself against a lawsuit seeking to
delist suckers, and the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation anticipates difficulties holding
its largest reservoir — Upper Klamath Lake —
at levels required in a 2002 USFWS biological
opinion that’s supposed to cover 10 years of
Participants in last week’s Upper Klamath
Basin Science Workshop heard that suckers are
key to the operation of the BuRec Klamath
Project serving 1,400 farms and ranches. They
also heard an expert in chemical behavior of
lakes declare that poor water quality is key
to sucker survival, and there may not be a
short-term way to improve that water quality.
“By changing the land use (around the lake) we
may have created a change in the water that is
causing us problems. If that is so, it will be
very hard to change,” said William Lewis, the
University of Colorado limnologist who was
chairman of the National Research Council team
that spent nearly two years reviewing science
behind the 2001 sucker biological opinion that
in a drought year was part of the reason for a
much-publicized cutoff of water to 1,100
Klamath Project farms.
Lewis repeated committee suggestions for
research needs in the upper basin as part of a
keynote speech early in the conference. He
suggested that because it may be so difficult
to alter land use around the 90,000-acre Upper
Klamath Lake if saving suckers remains a
national priority, USFWS should look to
boosting fish populations in other parts of
the basin where conditions are more favorable.
The poor water quality can be directly
connected with emergence of bluegreen algae as
dominant aquatic vegetation 30 or 40 years
ago, Lewis said. Algae blooms, apparently
fueled by warm summers and liquid phosphorus
brought into Upper Klamath Lake by tributary
streams, takes oxygen from the water. That
creates temporary lethal conditions for adult
sucker fish living in the lake.
Lewis also counseled agency managers to tread
easy on wetland restoration projects around
the lake until they know how those actions
impact water quality. Tens of thousands of
acres of former wetlands around the lake were
reclaimed for farming and livestock pasture,
most of the work accomplished between 1920 and
BuRec Area Manager Dave Sabo, a biologist by
training, said it’s clear that manipulation of
Klamath irrigation project deliveries “won’t
improve the water quality or recover the
sucker fish.” In an interview, he said BuRec
intends to hold talks with USFWS to modify
mandated lake levels, but despite controversy
stirred up by the NRC report, neither agency
wants to scrap the concept.
BuRec, under court order, is renegotiating the
Klamath Project’s other biological opinion. It
sets minimum downstream water releases in the
main Klamath River to provide habitat for coho
salmon, also under Endangered Species Act
“We’re well along on that,” Sabo said last
Chip Dale, who manages fresh water fisheries
for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,
said he supports getting more water into Upper
Klamath Lake, but not until the algae question
is resolved.
“Getting more water, if it is of poor quality,
may not help the fish,” said Dale.
Tam Moore is based in Medford, Ore. His e-mail
address is cappress@charter.net. |