Rapanos v. United
States: Background, Blog, and Briefs
Washington,DC; May 17, 2006: As detailed on the
new Rapanos
Blog,, the United States Supreme Court has
heard oral arguments in Pacific Legal Foundation's
landmark case Rapanos v. United States, the most
important property rights case before the Court
this year. On behalf of John Rapanos, PLF is
asking the High Court to rein in federal officials
who for years have pushed their authority to
regulate wetlands on private property far beyond
what Congress intended and our Constitution
Pacific Legal Foundation is representing John
Rapanos, a 70-year-old grandfather of 6 who has
stood up to federal regulators’ 18-year crusade
against him--all because he moved sand on his own
property without a federal permit.

Federal regulators want control over John
Rapanos’s property--even though it is 20 miles
from any waterway that could trigger federal
oversight. The law limits federal jurisdiction to
"navigable waterways" used for shipping and
commerce and adjacent wetlands; inland wetlands
are protected by state and local rules. But rather
than follow the law, government officials asked a
judge to put Mr. Rapanos in prison for 5 years.
The trial judge refused, expressing disgust that
the government gives drug dealers better
treatment. But federal regulators appealed,
forcing John Rapanos and his family into a 12-year
court battle. Last year, Mr. Rapanos was
vindicated in his criminal case when the trial
judge refused--for the third time--to put him in
jail, calling Mr. Rapanos "the kind of person that
the Constitution was passed to protect."
Now, PLF is defending John Rapanos in his civil
case before the U.S. Supreme Court, against
potentially millions of dollars in government
fines and mitigation fees.
The federal government argues, under the banner of
protecting wetlands, that it can regulate
virtually any water in the nation--despite the
clear limits of the law. But if the Court reins in
the federal government, inland waters will
continue to be subject to vigorous protections
imposed by states.
When one citizen is abused by government, we all
lose. That's why a broad coalition of people have
joined PLF in standing with John Rapanos and
asking the Supreme Court to settle, once and for
all, where federal jurisdiction ends and state
jurisdiction begins.
Groups representing hundreds of government
agencies that provide clean water for tens of
millions of Americans are supporting Mr. Rapanos.
Supporters include the largest urban water
district in the nation, the largest coalition of
public water agencies in the nation, and a
coalition of water agencies that provide clean
water to more than 30 million citizens in six
states in the Western United States.
With this case, the High Court can clearly limit
the federal government's power and leave
regulation of inland wetlands to states as the law
demands. By doing so, the Court can strongly
affirm the constitutionally protected property
rights of all Americans.
Court Briefs & Resources
U.S. Supreme Court Briefs
Amici Curiae Briefs in Support of John Rapanos
- States of Alaska and Utah, Western Urban Water
Coalition, National Water Resources Association,
Association of California Water Agencies, Central
Arizona Water Conservation District, State Water
Contractors, Metropolitan Water District of
Southern California, Westlands Water District, San
Diego County Water Authority and California Farm
Bureau Federation
Amicus Brief
- Western Coalition of Arid States
Amicus Brief
- American Farm Bureau Federation
Amicus Brief
- Attainable Housing Alliance
Amicus Brief
- Croplife America, National Cattlemen's Beef
Association, National Corn Growers Association,
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National
Pork Producers Council, Dairy Producers of New
Mexico, Kansas Livestock Association, and Texas
Cattle Feeders Association
Amicus Brief
- Foundation for Environmental and Economic
Progress, National Association of Realtors®,
Utility Water Act Group, and Chamber of Commerce
of the United States of America
Amicus Brief
- Home Builders Association of Central Arizona
Amicus Brief
- The Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Amicus Brief
- The American Petroleum Institute
Amicus Brief
Press Releases
Media Coverage
- Michigan cases test court on property rights -
Justices asked to define right of Congress to
regulate wetlands, Editorial,
Detroit News, February 21, 2006
- Supreme Clean Water Day - The big
environmental cases on Justice Alito’s first day
of argument,
National Review Online, February 21, 2006
- Don't fill in that puddle! 'Wetlands' cases
advance to the U.S. Supreme Court – Editorial,
Las Vegas Review Journal, February 20, 2006
- Water rights on tap, Op-Ed,
Washington Times, by Roderick E. Walston,
February 19, 2006
- Supreme Court must address water authority
issues, Op-Ed, By Thomas W. Birmingham,
Fresno Bee, February 20, 2006
- On Tap For The Court: Authority Over Water,
Op-Ed, by Rob Rivett,
The Tampa Tribune Febrauary 20, 2006
- Big stake in wetlands case, Op-Ed, By Shikha
Dalmia and Leonard Gilroy,
Washington Times, February 20, 2006
Landowners with so much as a puddle on their
property should prepare for a showdown: Tomorrow
the U.S. Supreme Court is going to hear two cases
that might settle once and for all whether the
1970 Clean Water Act allows federal bureaucrats to
regulate any wetland anywhere -- as they are
effectively claiming -- or if there are some
constitutional limits to their reach.
- "Wetlands Desperado,"
The Wall St. Journal, Editorial--August 29,
- "American Despotism,"
TownHall.com Commentary by Walter
Williams--September 29, 2004
News Stories
- Reach of Clean Water Act Is at Issue in 2
Supreme Court Cases,
New York Times, February 20, 2006
- Justices to Study Scope of '72 Clean Water
Los Angeles Times, February 21, 2006
- Water wars await Alito in debut on high court
Future of nation's rivers, wetlands hinges on 2
key cases,
San Francisco Chronicle, February 20, 2006
- Michigan cases key to wetlands - Newly
configured U.S. Supreme Court to decide issues of
landowners' rights and jurisdiction,
Detroit News, February 21, 2006
- Landowners go head to head with Washington
over water ecosystem,
Financial Times, February 21, 2006
- Supreme Court to hear wetlands case challenge,
Gannett News Service, February 19, 2006
- "High court will review regulation of
The Associated Press, October 12, 2005
- "Supreme Court to Consider Cutting Wetlands
San Francisco Chronicle, October 12, 2005
- "High court review of wetland case sought,"
The Associated Press, February 4, 2005