FishNews July 29, 2005
Pacific Islands - NOAA Cruise
Supports Hawaiian Monk Seal Research
The NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette
is providing support for scientists
monitoring the highly endangered
Hawaiian monk seal and conducting
research on ways to enhance the
species' recovery. The research
vessel will be at sea for 18 days in
support of the
Marine Mammal Research Program (MMRP),
part of the
Protected Species Division at
the Pacific Islands Fisheries
Science Center. Several partner
agencies are involved in this
research, including the University
of Hawaii, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, and the State of
The ship's primary mission is to
give logistical support to remote
field camps in the Northwestern
Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) that are the
base of operations for monk seal
scientists, and to enable monk seal
population census work at two of the
islands where no camps exist.
Scientists and ship personnel will
also conduct sighting surveys of
whales and dolphins in waters along
the cruise track and collect
oceanographic data. These data are
used to understand the physical
characteristics and dynamics of
ocean habitats and the factors that
affect biological productivity in
the NWHI marine ecosystems.
Click here to learn more about
this research cruise.
Pacific Islands - NOAA Scientists &
Industry Collaborate to Study
Lobsters in the Northwestern
Hawaiian Islands
NOAA Fisheries Service scientists
are working with the Hawaii fishing
industry to collect information that
will help determine the status of
lobster resources in the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI).
In 2000, the commercial fishery for
spiny lobster and slipper lobster in
the NWHI was closed because of
increasing uncertainty about the
status of lobster stocks. A panel of
independent experts recommended that
collaborative research programs
between NOAA and the industry could
provide more accurate estimates of
biological parameters, such as
lobster growth rates, movement and
migration, and natural mortality,
which are vital components of
population models.
This summer, NOAA Fisheries
Service has chartered two
Hawaii-based commercial fishing
Researchers departed Honolulu on
July 16 for spiny and slipper
lobster tagging at Maro Reef and
Necker Island and will return in
mid-August. The recapture of
tagged lobsters in subsequent
research operations provides a
wealth of information on the key
biological parameters. During the
first three years of this
cooperative research program, more
than 35,000 spiny lobsters and
almost 10,000 slipper lobsters were
tagged and released. So far, several
thousand tagged lobsters have been
In addition to tagging lobsters,
researchers on both fishing vessels
are collecting samples of tissue
from sharks caught incidentally in
the lobster traps. Later, DNA will
be extracted from the samples by
scientists at the Hawaii Institute
of Marine Biology of the University
of Hawaii and used for genetic
studies of NWHI shark populations.
Scientists will also videotape the
release of lobsters and record
features of the seafloor. This
information will be used for habitat
studies by the Pacific Islands
Fisheries Science Center's
Coral Reef Ecosystems Division.
Click here to learn more about
this cooperative research. |
Alaska - Final Rule Modifies IFQ &
CDQ Programs for Halibut
A new
final rule
has modified the Individual Fishing
Quota (IFQ) Program and the Western
Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ)
Program to allow quota share holders
in International Pacific Halibut
Commission Regulatory Area 4C to
fish their Area 4C quota in Area 4D.
The IFQ and CDQ Programs were
established to allocate specific
harvesting privileges among U.S.
fishermen and eligible western
Alaska communities in order to
resolve problems associated with
"open access" fishery management,
and to promote the development of
fishery-based economic opportunities
in western Alaska. This action is
intended to enhance harvesting
opportunities for halibut by IFQ and
CDQ fishermen.
For more information, contact |
Alaska - Industry Fee System
Proposed for Fishing Capacity
Reduction Program in the Bering
Sea/Aleutian Islands
NOAA Fisheries Service has proposed
an industry fee system to repay a
Federal loan financing the fishing
capacity reduction program in the
Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and
Tanner Crab fishery. The program's
maximum cost was $100 million
consisting of a 30-year loan to be
repaid by fees on future crab
landings. This rule would establish
the initial fee for the program's
six reduction endorsement fisheries.
After a final rule is published,
NOAA Fisheries will mail
notification to each affected fish
seller and fish buyer. Until this
notification, fish sellers and fish
buyers do not have to either pay or
collect the fee.
All interested parties should
carefully read the
proposed rule.
comments on this proposed rule must
be received by August 29, 2005.
Comments may be submitted by e-mail
to: Include in
the subject line the following
identifier: Bering Sea/Aleutian
Islands Crab Fishing Capacity
Reduction Program RIN 0648-AS46.
Alaska - Groundfish Reserve to
Supplement Yellowfin Sole TAC
NOAA Fisheries Service has
apportioned amounts of the
non-specified reserve of groundfish
to the yellowfin sole initial total
allowable catch (TAC) in the Bering
Sea and Aleutian Islands management
area. This temporary rule is
necessary to allow the fishery to
continue operating. The 2005 TAC of
yellowfin sole in the Bering Sea and
Aleutian Islands management area was
established at 77,083 metric tons.
Through this action, 6,800 metric
tons from the non-specified reserve
of groundfish has been apportioned
to the yellowfin sole TAC.
comments must be received by 4:30pm,
Alaska local time, on August 9.
Comments may be sent by e-mail to
For more information, contact |
New England - New Temporary Measures
to Protect Right Whales
On July 12, an aerial survey
reported a sighting of 31 endangered
right whales southeast of Chatham,
MA in an area known as the Great
South Channel. On July 24, five
right whales were sighted east of
Boston, MA. These sightings have
triggered two separate Dynamic Area
Management actions under the
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction
Lobster trap/pot and anchored
gillnet gear is prohibited in an
area southeast of Chatham, MA
(effective July 28-August 11), and
in an area east of Boaston MA
(effective August 4-18), unless it
is modified in the manner described
in the temporary rules. A
description of the requirements and
nautical maps of the affected areas
can be downloaded at
For more information, please
contact or call
(978) 281-9300 x 6505. |
Mid-Atlantic - Proposed Changes
Would Facilitate Year-End Commercial
Quota Transfers in the Bluefish and
Summer Flounder Fisheries
Under current regulations for the
bluefish and summer flounder
fisheries, states may request
written approval to transfer all or
part of their annual commercial
quota to other states. The
Mid-Atlantic Council has raised a
concern regarding the current NOAA
policy of considering only quota
transfer requests submitted by
December 15 of each year.
Unforeseen circumstances such as
severe weather may prevent vessels
from returning safely to their
intended port of landing during the
second half of December in any given
proposed rule
would allow NOAA Fisheries Service
to consider and process state
commercial quota transfer requests
for the commercial bluefish and
summer flounder fisheries through
December 31. The intent of
this action is to provide
flexibility to address unpredictable
late-season events that may result
in safety concerns.
Written comments must be received by
August 10, 2005. Comments may
be sent by e-mail to: Include
in the subject line the following
identifier: Comments on Bluefish and
Summer Flounder State Quota Transfer
Amendment. |
South Atlantic - Draft EIS Available
for Red Porgy, Black Sea Bass,
Vermilion Snapper, Snowy Grouper and
Golden Tilefish
NOAA Fisheries Service and the South
Atlantic Fishery Management Council
are evaluating the environmental
impacts of a range of management
actions for red porgy, black sea
bass, vermilion snapper, snowy
grouper, and golden tilefish in a
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS). These management actions are
part of a regulatory amendment to
the Fishery Management Plan (FMP)
for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of
the South Atlantic Region.
Stock assessments have been
completed for red porgy, black sea
bass, vermilion snapper, golden
tilefish, and snowy grouper through
the Southeast Data, Assessment, and
Review process. The assessments
revealed that all of these stocks,
except red porgy, are subject to
overfishing, and all stocks, except
for golden tilefish and vermilion
snapper, are overfished. (The
biomass level of vermilion snapper
is unknown). The red porgy stock is
recovering as planned, indicating
the rebuilding schedule approved for
that stock in FMP Amendment 12 would
support a moderate harvest increase.
The Council decided at its June 2005
meeting to consider management
actions for these five recently
assessed stocks in a regulatory
The proposed actions would address
overfishing of black sea bass,
vermilion snapper, golden tilefish,
and snowy grouper, and increase red
porgy harvest to a level supported
by the approved rebuilding schedule
for that stock. Management measures
currently being evaluated for the
commercial sector in this draft EIS
include new or adjusted catch
quotas, size limits, trip limits,
seasonal closures, fishing year
start dates, and gear restrictions.
Management measures currently being
evaluated for the recreational
sector include new or adjusted catch
allocations, bag limits, size
limits, and seasonal closures. The
Council will continue to work on
Amendment 13B while preparing the
regulatory amendment.
Written comments on the scope of
this Draft EIS will be accepted
through August 25, 2005.
Comments may be sent by e-mail to:
For more information, please contact |
Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee
(MAFAC) Request for Nominations
Monday, August 1st a request for
nominations to MAFAC will publish in the
Federal Register and be posted onto the
MAFAC webpage at NOAA
Fisheries anticipates selecting up to
eight new members to serve during the
2006-2009 term. The MAFAC is a national
body of representative stakeholders with
expertise in fisheries science and
management issues that advises the
Secretary of Commerce on all matters
concerning living marine resources.
Members serve a term of three years with
two meetings each year. Members may
serve no more than two consecutive terms
and may not be a Federal employee or a
member of a Regional Fishery Management
Nominations are open from August 1 -
September 15, 2005.
NOAA Seeking Industry & Trade
Specialist; Vacancy Closes August 15
NOAA Fisheries Service is seeking a
Trade Specialist for the Office of
Constituent Services. The incumbent will
plan and coordinate trade development
programs and events to promote U.S.
exports; analyze and recommend positions
on complex trade issues and negotiating
strategies; develop and disseminate
trade information to U.S. businesses and
associations; and provide export
counseling to constituents.
will be accepted through August 15.
This is a full time, permanent position
in Silver Spring, MD. All U.S. citizens
are eligible, and potential candidates
now working outside of NOAA are
encouraged to apply.
For more information, please go to
and search for Job Announcement Number:
Right Whale Research Grant Program
Deadline Extended to August 15
Fisheries Service has extended the
solicitation period for the Right Whale
Research Grant Program
(NMFS-NEFSC-2006-2000252) from August 1
to August 15, 2005.
proposals must be received by 5pm
eastern time on August 15.
For more information, please contact
Pacific Council Seeks Nominees to
Advisory Bodies; Deadline August 30
The Pacific Fishery Management
Council has requested nominations to
fill vacancies on the following Council
Advisory Bodies:
nominations must be submitted by August
For more information, contact, or call toll
free (866) 806-7204.
New ESA Report to Congress Available
NOAA Fisheries' Office of Protected
Resources has issued the 2002-04
Biennial Report to Congress on the
Recovery Program for Threatened and
Endangered Species. Required by section
4(f)(3) of the Endangered Species Act
(ESA), this report summarizes efforts to
recover all domestic ESA-listed species
under the jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheries
Service. The report includes accounts of
each species, including its status,
current threats, conservation actions
undertaken during the two-year reporting
period, and priority actions needed.
The 2002-04 Biennial
Report is posted
Directory of State Aquaculture
Coordinators Available Online
An updated directory with contact
information for all state aquaculture
coordinators is now available online
through the National Association of
State Aquaculture Coordinators.
For more information, contact Karl
Roscher at, or call
(410) 841 5724.
New Web Site for NOAA's Undersea
Research Program
NOAA Undersea Research Program (NURP),
which operates the nation's only manned
underwater observatory, has launched a
revamped Web site. NURP, part of NOAA
Research, provides NOAA with direct
access to the undersea environment
through the use of submersibles, robots
and seafloor observations.
The new Web site features
descriptions of NURP's scientific
research and discoveries, and contains a
searchable multimedia database of
underwater photographs and video
collected by NURP-supported scientists.
A link to the NURP library provides
access to a wealth of multimedia
content, with subjects ranging from
artificial reefs to zebra mussels, and a
gallery of still photographs of subjects
ranging from marine mammals to undersea
habitats. All images are in the public
domain, making them excellent resources
for students and teachers.
Fish Point Dedication Ceremony to
Take Place August 4 in Bristol, ME
On August
4, 2005, a dedication ceremony will be
held in Bristol, ME for the Pemaquid
Salt Marsh Restoration Project at Fish
Point. This project, funded by
NOAA Community-based Restoration Program,
Gulf of Maine Council, Corporate Wetland
Restoration Partnership, and Town of
Bristol, restored a six-acre
back-barrier marsh to allow natural
tidal flow to the area. Post-restoration
monitoring showed equivalent tide levels
on either side of a newly installed
culvert indicating project success. A
local watershed group will continue to
monitor the marsh for the next three
years to document changes in marsh
species after restoration of tidal flow.
Representative Tom Allen will speak at
the dedication event along with NOAA's
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Timothy
For more information, contact
Gulf Coast Seafood Expo to Take
Place August 6-8 in New Orleans
Fisheries Service will participate in
the 52nd Annual Louisiana
Foodservice Expo to be held August
6-8 in New Orleans, LA. The Expo
is the biggest and most comprehensive
foodservice event in the Gulf area. More
than 16,000 attendees involved in the
food and seafood industry are expected
to visit the exhibition hall. At the
NOAA Fisheries booth, attendees will
have the opportunity to speak with Bill
Hogarth, Assistant Administrator NOAA
Fisheries Service, and experts from
NOAA's Southeast Regional. Visitors can
also pick up Fisheries' new Business
Report, and a copy of the popular and
updated "Celebrating Seafood" brochure.
NOAA is again this year sponsoring the
Great American Seafood Cookoff.
For more information, go to:

Reminder About Gulf Council's
Ecosystem Workshops; Ft Myers Workshop
Rescheduled for August 8
Due to Hurricane Dennis, the Gulf of
Mexico Fishery Management Council has
rescheduled its July 11 ecosystem
workshop. The
workshop will take place August 8, in
conjunction with the rescheduled meeting
of the Council in Ft. Myers Beach, FL.
These public workshops are being
conducted by an independent facilitator,
who will report the results to the
Council at its September 2005 meeting in
New Orleans.
Click here to view the revised
workshop schedule.
New England Council's
Magnuson-Stevens Committee to Meet
August 10 in Framingham, MA
The New England Fishery Management
Council is scheduling a public meeting
of its Magnuson-Stevens Committee.
Recommendations from this group will be
brought to the full Council for formal
consideration and action, if
The meeting will be held on August 10,
at 9:30am, at the Sheraton Hotel in
Framingham, MA.
For more information, contact the
Council at: (978) 465-0492.
ASMFC to Meet August 15-18 in
Alexandria, VA
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
Commission (ASMFC) will meet August
15-18, at the Radisson Hotel in Old Town
Alexandria. This meeting will
include deliberations by the Habitat
Committee, and the Management Boards for
Weakfish, Summer Flounder, Scup & Black
Sea Bass, South Atlantic State/Federal
Fisheries, Winter Flounder, American
Eel, Atlantic Menhaden, American
Lobster, Shad & River Herring, Spiny
Dogfish & Coastal Shark, and Atlantic
Striped Bass. There will be
opportunities for public comment
throughout the agenda.
For more information, visit
Salmon Model Evaluation Workgroup to
Meet August 16 in Olympia, WA
Pacific Fishery Management Council's
salmon Model Evaluation Workgroup will
hold a work session on August 16 from
9am to 4pm, to develop and review
documentation for the Chinook and Coho
Fishery Regulation Assessment Models.
The work session will be held at
the Northwest Indian Fisheries
Commission Conference Room, in Olympia,
For more information, contact
Notice for Bottom-Trawl Fishermen in
Pacific Northwest
NOAA Fisheries Service has alerted
participants in the Pacific Coast
groundfish trawl fishing and processing
sectors that the catch of petrale sole
and canary rockfish is higher than
expected in the bottom trawl fishery. If
catch rates do not slow for these two
species, substantial restrictions will
need to be placed on the limited entry
bottom trawl fishery in the late summer
or early fall to keep the total
mortality of these species within their
acceptable biological catch and/or
harvest guidelines.
Click here to read the public
Please call NOAA Fisheries Service at
(206)526-6140 with any questions.
Directed Fishing for Rockfish
Prohibited in the Western Gulf of Alaska
NOAA Fisheries Service has prohibited
directed fishing for northern rockfish
and "other rockfish" in the Western
Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alaska.
The category "other rockfish" consists
of all slope and demersal shelf
rockfish. These actions are necessary to
comply with the 2005 total allowable
catch (TAC) in this area. The
prohibitions remain in effect through
December 31, 2005.
For more information, contact
Directed Fishing for Pacific Ocean
Perch Prohibited in Specified Areas
NOAA Fisheries Service has prohibited
directed fishing for Pacific Ocean perch
in the West Yakutat District of the Gulf
of Alaska, the Western Regulatory Area
of the Gulf of Alaska, and the Western
Aleutian District of the Bering Sea and
Aleutian Islands management area,
through December 31, 2005. This action
is necessary to prevent exceeding the
2005 TAC of Pacific Ocean perch in these
For more information, contact
Directed Fishing for Pelagic Shelf
Rockfish Prohibited in the West Yakutat
NOAA Fisheries Service has prohibited
directed fishing for pelagic shelf
rockfish in the West Yakutat District of
the Gulf of Alaska. This action is
necessary to prevent exceeding the 2005
TAC of pelagic shelf rockfish in the
West Yakutat District. The prohibition
is effective through 2400 hrs, December
31, 2005.
For more information, contact
Directed Deep-Water Fishery in Gulf
of Alaska Closed Until September 1
NOAA Fisheries Service has prohibited
directed fishing for species that
comprise the deep-water species fishery
by vessels using trawl gear in the Gulf
of Alaska. This action is necessary
because the third seasonal apportionment
of the 2005 Pacific halibut bycatch
allowance specified for the deep-water
species fishery in the Gulf of Alaska
has been reached. The deep-water fishery
species include all rockfish of the
genera Sebastes and Sebastolobus,
deep-water flatfish, rex sole,
arrowtooth flounder, and sablefish.
prohibition is in effect through 1200
hrs, Alaska local time, on September 1,
For more information, contact
Yellowfin Sole Fishery Opens in the
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
The directed fishery for yellowfin
sole has reopened in the Bering Sea and
Aleutian Islands. NOAA Fisheries Service
closed the directed fishery for
yellowfin sole in the Bering Sea and
Aleutian Islands on May 19, but
subsequently determined that as of June
20 approximately 7,862 metric tons of
yellowfin sole remained in the 2005 TAC.
Therefore, directed fishing for
yellowfin sole has been reopened in this
area, effective July 25.
For more information, contact
Central Bering Sea Pollock Workshop
Reports Available Online
Reports from the Central Bering
Sea Pollock Workshop on Acceptable
Harvest Level and Stock Identification
held June 6-9, 2005 in Seattle, WA are
now available
online in pdf format.
Red Snapper Commercial Fishery in
Gulf of Mexico to Open August 1-10
commercial fishery for red snapper in
Gulf of Mexico federal waters will open
at noon, local time, on August 1, 2005,
and will close at noon, local time, on
August 10, 2005.
For more information, contact
Elephant Trunk Area Closed to
Scallop Fishing by All Vessels
Amendment 10 to the Atlantic Sea
Scallop FMP established the Elephant
Trunk Area in the Mid-Atlantic as a
Rotational Closed Area.
The closure
is effective July 23, 2004 through
February 28, 2007. During this
time, vessels may not fish for, possess,
or land any sea scallops in or from that
Click here to view the letter to
permit holders, including a map of the
closed area.
For a list of only those actions open
for public comment, try going to and
scroll search for National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration.
For a list of all daily actions,
check the Federal register online at:
July 25, 2005
Rule - Reef Fish Fishery of
the Gulf of Mexico; Grouper
Recreational Management Measures.
Rule - Fisheries of the
Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska;
Pelagic Shelf Rockfish in the West
Yakutat District of the Gulf of
Rule - Sea Turtle
Conservation; Exceptions to Taking
Proposed Rule - Taking of
Marine Mammals in the Beaufort Sea.
Notice - Marine Mammals;
Permit 960-1528 and FWS Permit
Notice - Notice of Intent
to Conduct Public Scoping Meetings
and to Prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement. |
July 26, 2005
Rule - Atlantic Large Whale
Take Reduction Plan Dynamic Area
Management in Chatham, MA area.
Notice - Marine Mammals;
File Nos. 782-1768 and 486-1790
Notice - Endangered
Species; Permits (23 Scientific and
Research permits)
Notice - Endangered
Species; Permit 1535 (R2 Resource
Consultants, Inc.)
Proposed Rule - Atlantic
Bluefish and Summer Flounder
Notice - Fisheries of the
Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South
Atlantic; South Atlantic Snapper
Grouper Regulatory Amendment.
Notice - Marine Mammals;
Permit No. 699-1720-01.
- New England FMC's
Magnuson-Stevens Committee Meeting.
July 27, 2005
Rule - Pacific Halibut
Fisheries Off Alaska; Individual
Fishing Quota Program; Community
Development Quota Program.
Rule - "Other Rockfish" in
the Western Regulatory Area of the
Gulf of Alaska.
Rule - Yellowfin Sole in
the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands.
Rule - Deep-Water Species
Fishery by Vessels Using Trawl Gear
in the Gulf of Alaska.
Notice - Availability of
Grants Funds for Fiscal Year 2006;
Extension of Application Deadline.
Notice - Endangered
Species; Permit No. 1254.
July 28, 2005
Rule - Yellowfin Sole in
the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
Management Area.
Proposed Rule - Fishing
Capacity Reduction Loan System. |