Tribes renew offer to settle Klamath water
By TAM MOORE Oregon Staff Writer

Dan Keppen, executive director of
Klamath Water Users Association, tells a
June 8 conference on conflict resolution
that it appears last week’s effort failed
to resolve a lawsuit over the Klamath
River coho salmon. Environmentalists,
joined by downriver California American
Indian tribes, brought the litigation in
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – As a downstream lawsuit
over federal irrigation policy and salmon
protection appeared headed for trial this
fall, upper basin American Indian tribal
leaders renewed attempts to resolve a water
rights adjudication process now in its 29th
The settlement offer came from Allen Foreman,
re-elected this spring to a third term as
chairman of the Klamath Tribal Council. It was
repeated by Jeff Mitchell, a former council
chairman. Both men spoke at a June 8
conference on resolving conflicts in the
Klamath Basin.
“A stipulated agreement (to Oregon water
adjudication) would short-circuit a legal
process,” said Foreman. He told the conference
– sponsored by Jeld-Wen corporation and the
Montana-based Property and Environmental
Research Center – that settling water rights
alone won’t address all issues sought by the
Leaders have tried for at least three years to
bundle community support of associated issues,
including support of resuming ownership of
former reservation lands now under national
forest management, into negotiated water
settlements with farmers and ranchers who
contest tribal claims.
“For the tribes, our door has been open, and
it is going to continue to be open,” said
Mitchell. “Bring your ideas to the table.
Let’s sit down and see how we can work them
into a solution for all of us.”
Mitchell said most veterans of the
adjudication realize that no one will get all
they seek.
Reed Marbut, who coordinates Klamath claims
before Oregon Department of Water Resources
administrative law judges, predicted it will
take “years” to resolve complex issues in the
tribal claims. Ranchers and farmers within the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Klamath Project
argue that if the tribes got all they sought
in support of treaty rights for hunting,
fishing and gathering wetland-grown
foodstuffs, there would be little water left
in most years for agriculture.
The downstream settlement conference is over a
lawsuit environmentalists brought in 2002
challenging the federal NOAA Fisheries
biological opinion for coho salmon. It depends
on water stored and managed for the U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation Klamath Project.
Dan Keppen, executive director of Klamath
Water Users Association, a group of 17
irrigation districts within the project, told
the conference it appears June 4 talks on an
out-of-court settlement failed. Keppen was
part of the group of federal, tribal and other
interests with standing in the suit who met in
Crescent City.
While the upper basin stakeholders were
meeting this week in Klamath Falls, most of
the lower basin interests were holding a
Klamath science conference in Arcata, Calif.
BuRec sponsored the symposium, a companion to
a similar event held in the upper basin three
months ago.
Tam Moore is based in Medford, Ore. His e-mail
address is