Federal money for Basin water needs: Part of the
Published Feb. 16, 2004
Budget would provide unprecedented help for
Basin watershed by John Keys, guest columnist
This administration's commitment to help Klamath
Basin communities restore their watershed and
avoid future water supply crises was
demonstrated once again in President Bush's
recent budget initiative.
In his proposed budget for fiscal year 2005, the
president calls for investing $105 million in
federal government projects in the Klamath Basin
to accelerate habitat rehabilitation for three
threatened and endangered fish, spur water
quality and quantity improvements, and advance
the pace of scientific research to help solve
these problems. |

John Keys is commissioner of the Bureau of
Reclamation, which has jurisdiction over the
Klamath Reclamation Project. |
The investment, a 38 percent increase in funding
over fiscal year 2003 and a 21 percent increase over
fiscal year 2004, would provide an unprecedented
level of restoration and water enhancement projects
for the 12,000-square-mile watershed.
Many of these projects reflect the recommendations
of the National Academy of Science's National
Research Council, which issued a report last year
urging federal agencies to broaden the scope of
their recovery plans and more directly encourage
stakeholders to take voluntary actions that benefit
endangered and threatened fish in Klamath Lake and
the Klamath River. The report also emphasized
improving conditions on Klamath tributaries, such as
the Trinity and Shasta rivers, to address problems
on the Lower Klamath River.
From the outset, this administration has made the
Klamath Basin a top priority, and during my recent
meetings with community leaders and local officials
in the area, numerous residents expressed their
sincere appreciation for the president's continuing
That commitment dates from 2001, when drought and
legal requirements for threatened and endangered
fish led to the severe curtailment of water for
agricultural use in the Bureau of Reclamation's
Klamath Project.
Working group established
Because the events in 2001 were the culmination of
years of dispute over water quality and allocation
in the Basin, President Bush established a
Cabinet-level Klamath River Basin Federal Working
Group to address the complex economic and legal
issues involved in the dispute, coordinate the
federal government's Klamath efforts, and recommend
immediate steps and long-term solutions.
Leading the working group are Secretary of the
Interior Gale Norton, Secretary of Agriculture Ann
M. Veneman, Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans, and
Chairman of the White House Council on Environmental
Quality James Connaughton. The working group's goal
is to ensure that the farming community that depends
on the Klamath Project has access to a sustainable
water supply while the project complies with federal
environmental laws protecting threatened and
endangered species and respecting tribal trust
In formulating this advice, the working group seeks
input from stakeholders, including members of the
farming and fishing communities; residents of the
Basin; representatives of conservation,
environmental, and water-use organizations; the
states of Oregon and California; local governments;
and representatives of Klamath River Basin tribal
The working group has accomplished a number of
Klamath-related restoration projects, including
requesting the National Research Council report,
overseeing an $18 million effort that provided new
flow gates and a fish screen complex at the head of
the Klamath Project's main diversion canal, and
coordinating a $13 million initiative that conserved
vital water supplies by increasing irrigation
efficiency on 16,000 acres of agricultural lands
while meeting crop needs and increasing
The working group's most recent recommendation to
the president was, in fact, the historic levels of
funding for Klamath projects reflected in the fiscal
year 2005 budget proposal. Among the major increases
over fiscal year 2003 Klamath-related funding are
increases of:
$12 million for the Agriculture Department's Natural
Resource Conservation Service's on-farm assistance
to private landowners in the Klamath Basin for
conservation systems planning and implementation,
irrigation water management, upland watershed
management, and wetland, wildlife and conservation
buffer enhancement.
$5.9 million in the Fish and Wildlife Service's
collaborative partnerships for restoring fish
$4.6 million to purchase critical land and return it
to natural wetlands, enhance populations of
endangered suckers and increase the amount of water
that can be stored in Upper Klamath Lake.
$2.5 million for new studies of the endangered
species and studies on water quality aspects of
Klamath Lake; the increase in funds responds to
recommendations of the National Research Council and
will develop their information on which to base
endangered species recovery actions.
$2.1 million to remove the Chiloquin Dam and reopen
70 miles of sucker habitat on the Sprague River.
$2 million to bolster coho salmon recovery, habitat
restoration and science in lower Basin tributaries.
$2.9 million for water banks with broadened
eligibility among farmers and ranchers who
voluntarily conserve water.
Under the guidance of the working group, the Bureau
of Reclamation will focus the myriad Klamath
scientific and restoration efforts to the recovery
of the endangered Lost River and shortnose suckers
and the threatened coho salmon. Modeled after
similar Bureau of Reclamation programs in other
Western river basins, this conservation
implementation program will unify many of the
efforts of work groups, task forces, tribes, water
users, and environmental interests, using a
science-based approach to define critical fishery
needs and prioritize funding to maximize the
recovery strategies for the endangered fish.
All of these efforts reflect the president's
steadfast commitment to restoring the health of the
Klamath Basin, which will require a broad watershed
approach, the participation of a wide range of
partners, and a long-term approach that benefits all
Klamath communities.
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