McClintock Enews
February 2011
Tom McClintock returned to Washington in
January as a member of the Republican
majority in the House of Representatives.
He was sworn into the 112th Congress on
January 5th by Speaker of the House John
Boehner. Now in his second term,
Congressman McClintock is serving as
chairman of the House Water and Power
Subcommittee and is a member of the
Budget Committee and the
Natural Resources Committee.

Congressman McClintock sworn in to the 112th
Congress by Speaker John Boehner, January 5,
Faith and Credit Act
On January 26th Congressman
introduced legislation in Congress to
ensure that the nation's debt service
payments are made in the event that the debt
ceiling is reached. The legislation will
ensure that the good credit of the United
States is maintained.
"The 'full faith and
credit' of the United States should not hang
in the balance on every adjustment to the
national debt limit," said Congressman
McClintock upon introducing the legislation.
"States protect their credit by pledging
first call on revenues to their debts and so
should the federal government. After all,
before you can 'provide for the common
defense, promote the general welfare and
secure the blessings of liberty,' you have
to be able to finance them."
Link to bill text.
The House Budget
Committee held a hearing January 26th to
examine the fiscal consequences of the new
health care law. Testimony was offered at
the hearing by Richard Foster, Chief Actuary
for Medicare and Medicaid. During testimony
at the hearing Congressman McClintock asked
the actuary if Obamacare will bring costs
down, and if people who like their current
plans can keep them. The exchange went as
McClintock: "True or false: The two
principal promises that were made in support
of Obamacare were one, that it would hold
costs down. True or false"?
Foster: "I would say false, more so than
McClintock: "The other promise... was the
promise that if you like your plan, you can
keep it. True or false"?
Foster: "Not true in all cases."
The exchange was covered widely in
the media as part of the debate about
healthcare and Congressman McClintock
discussed the hearing that evening on the
Great Van Susteren Show. This week the
Budget Committee will hold a hearing on the
state of the United States economy and will
hear testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman
Ben Bernanke.
Click link above to
watch the January 26th interview with Greta
Van Susteren.
House Healthcare Repeal Remarks
On January 18th Congressman
McClintock made remarks on the House floor
noting that the central promises of
Obamacare were that it would bend health
costs down and wouldn't threaten existing
plans, and that both claims have proven to
be false.
Repealing Obamacare
House Chamber, Washington,
M. Speaker: The central
promises of Obamacare were that it would
bend health costs down and wouldn't threaten
existing plans.
We now know that both these claims
were false.
The CBO warns that this law will
increase average private premiums by $2,100
within five years above what they otherwise
would have been without Obamacare. The
administration's own actuary admits that the
law bends the cost curve up – not down – by
$311 billion over the next ten years.
And we now know that many existing
plans are indeed jeopardized and that scores
of companies that offered their employees
basic plans have either dropped them or
continue them only with waivers left to the
whims of Administration officials.
But the most dangerous provision
of this law is the federal government's
assertion that it has the power to force
every American to purchase products the
government believes they should purchase,
whether or not they want them, need them, or
can afford them.
Watch or
read full remarks.
The Royal Forests
On January 7th Congressman
McClintock spoke on the House floor about
policies of the U.S. Forest Service, and he
discussed complaints he has received from
constituents about vehicle restrictions in
the Plumas National Forest.
Royal Forests
House Chamber, Washington,
M. Speaker: Much of my district
comprises forests managed by the U.S. Forest
Service. Over the last two years, I have
received a growing volume of complaints
protesting the increasingly exclusionary and
elitist policies of this agency.
These complaints charge the Forest Service,
among other things, with:
• Imposing inflated fees that are forcing
the abandonment of family cabins held for
• Charging exorbitant new fees that are
closing down long-established community
events upon which many small and struggling
mountain towns depend for tourism;
• Expelling long-standing grazing operations
on specious grounds – causing damage both to
the local economy and the federal
government's revenues; and
• Obstructing the sound management of our
forests through a policy that can only be
described as benign neglect, creating both
severe fire dangers and massive
Practiced in the marketplace, we
would renounce these tactics as predatory
and abusive. In the public service sector,
they are intolerable.
Combined, these actions evince an
ideologically driven hostility to the
public's enjoyment of the public's land –
and a clear intention to deny the public the
responsible and sustainable use of that
Watch or
read full remarks.
Prosperity Congress
On January 6th, shortly after
the 112th Congress convened, Congressman
McClintock delivered remarks on the House
floor about the upcoming Congress, job
creation, prosperity and freedom.
Prosperity Congress
House Chamber, Washington,
M. Speaker: I rise to express the
hope that historians will look back on the
112th Congress as the session that restored
American prosperity – and to express my
strong agreement with the new leaders of
this House who have declared that every
action of this body must be measured against
this goal.
We speak of "jobs, jobs, jobs,"
but jobs are a product of prosperity. And
prosperity is the product of freedom.
Government does not create jobs or
wealth – it merely redistributes them. Jobs
and wealth can only be created through the
free exchange of goods and services in a
free market. Government's role is to create
and protect the conditions which promote
Watch or
read full remarks.
District Events
On January 31st Congressman McClintock
held an open house at his new district
office in Granite Bay.
Open house at
Congressman McClintock's office in Granite
Town hall meetings were held in Roseville
on February 1st and in Grass Valley on
February 4th.
Left, town hall
meeting in Roseville at Woodcreek High
School. Right, town hall meeting at
Hennessy Elementary School in Grass Valley.
Congressman McClintock was the keynote
speaker at a dinner meeting of the Placer
County Contractors Association held on
January 21st in Auburn.
On February 1st in El Dorado
Hills Congressman McClintock received the
local NAM (National Association of
Manufactures) Award for Manufacturing
Legislative Excellence, and took part in a
roundtable discussion with local group
On a February 2nd visit to Nevada County
Congressman McClintock participated in an
Economic Resource Council of Nevada County
roundtable discussion about jobs and the
economy, and he spoke to an
agriculture-government class at Nevada Union
High School about government and natural
resources. Later in the day he met with the
Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to
discuss wildfire prevention and forestry
issues, and he spoke at the Nevada City
Rotary Club luncheon about issues currently
pending before Congress.
Congressman McClintock
with students at Nevada Union High School in
Grass Valley, left, and speaking to an
agriculture-government class at the school,
Congressman McClintock was the keynote
speaker at the "We the People" luncheon in
Sacramento on February 4th. The program
promotes civic competence and responsibility
among the nation's elementary and secondary
students. It enhances students'
understanding of the institutions of
American constitutional democracy and the
contemporary relevance of the Constitution
and Bill of Rights.
Congressman McClintock's office staff
delivered donated books from the Library of
Congress to Hennessy Elementary School in
Grass Valley on January 26. On February 2nd
staff delivered books to Del Oro High School
in Loomis and to Placer High School in
Auburn. On February 4th books were
delivered to Gold Run Elementary School in
Nevada City and to Downieville School in
Sierra County.