Marzulla Law, LLC is the
nation's leading law
firm for takings claims
against the federal
government. ML
represents landowners,
developers, water
districts, Indian
tribes, business, and
corporate interests in
litigation of property
rights and contract
claims. ML
also represents clients
in environmental
enforcement actions, and
litigation involving
natural resources and
permitting issues, in
federal district courts
and courts of appeal.
We hope that
this Newsletter will
serve as a resource for
you and help you get to
know us better.
Nancie and Roger
Marzulla Law, LLC
Tel.: 202.822.6760
Federal Circuit Rules in
Favor of
Casitas Water Users
Lake Casitas with a view of
Santa Ynez Mountains. |
Last November 2010, Casitas
Municipal Water District was in
trial in the U.S. Court of Federal
Claims in Washington, D.C., seeking
damages for the taking of its water,
following a dramatic reversal of the
takings issue in the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Federal Circuit----in
Casitas' favor.
Early in the case, the Government
took the position that the taking of
any water right was to be analyzed
as a regulatory taking----which
is an almost impossible standard for
the plaintiff to win under----and
not as a physical taking----which
is the standard that has been
historically used in water rights
takings case.
Originally, the Court of Federal
Claims agreed with the Government,
holding that the taking of Casitas'
water rights would be determined
using the regulatory takings test.
But Casitas appealed, and the
Federal Circuit agreed with Casitas,
entirely reversing the trial court's
ruling as to which taking test
applied. The Federal Circuit also
held that Casitas' operation of the
fish ladder----which
the National Marine Fisheries
Service required Casitas build for
the endangered West Coast steelhead
that Casitas provide a portion of
its water----its
The biological opinion describes
diverting water to create flow
through the fish ladder. Of course,
the fish ladder cannot become
operational as required by the
biological opinion unless it is
provided with water. That water, as
the government admitted in oral
argument, comes out of the
Casitas-Robles Canal. In other
words, the water for the fish ladder
comes out of Casitas' allotment of
107,800 acre-feet per year. That is
so because, once the water is in the
canal, it is water that Casitas has
diverted pursuant to its allotment.
It thus has become the property of
Casitas. The operation of the fish
ladder diversion works thus takes
property of Casitas.
The court then held that
this taking is a physical taking,
This is no different than the
government piping the water to a
different location. It is no less
a physical appropriation. ...When
the government diverted the water to
the fish ladder, it took Casitas'
water. The water, and Casitas'
right to use that water, is forever
In 1956 Congress authorized the
construction of the Ventura River
Project to provide a stable water
supply for farmland irrigation and
municipal, domestic, and industrial
use in Ventura County, California.
The Ventura area has a
Mediterranean-type climate, meaning
that it receives most of its
precipitation during the winter and
is generally dry during the summer
months. Rainfall in the area can
vary widely from year to year.
Rainfall amounts have been as little
as 9 inches in some years and as
much as 40 inches in others.
The purpose of the Ventura Project
therefore was to provide a stable
drinking and irrigation water supply
for the Ventura area even through
critical drought periods and to
augment groundwater supplies during
droughts. In fact, Congress
authorized construction of the
Ventura River Project in 1956 during
a period of critical drought
conditions in the Ventura River
Basin that had existed since 1944.
Historical records report the
then-existing wide-spread alarm in
Ventura County over the seriously
depleted water supplies caused by
the long-term drought.
In a 1954 feasibility study sent to
Congress, the Secretary of Interior
and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
explained why the Ventura Project
was urgently needed: "Development of
an additional firm water supply is
urgently needed in the Ventura River
Project area for stabilization of
present agricultural and other
economic activities, for new
irrigated lands, for new industries,
a rapidly expanding population, and
for new economic opportunities. ...[B]ecause
of the precarious supplemental
supply that the beach wells provide,
and the wide range in the quantity
obtainable from the river, the city
of Ventura has an immediate need for
a firm supplemental water supply."
Today, the Ventura Project provides
a dependable water supply for
roughly 6,500 acres of highly
productive citrus and avocado groves
and other crops, drinking water to
residents of Ventura County, and
emergency back-up water to
well-water users and to the city of
Ventura during droughts.
Listing of the Steelhead
Trout as a Federally Endangered
In 1997, nearly forty years after
the Ventura Project was built, the
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
listed the West Coast steelhead
trout as an endangered species in
the Project watershed. This set into
motion a series of events which led
Casitas to file a takings suit in
2005 against the United States.
In 2003, NMFS issued a Biological
Opinion as required by the federal
Endangered Species Act. That Opinion
first required Casitas to construct
a fish ladder at its Diversion Dam
to allow steelhead trout to travel
upstream to habitat above the dam.
That ladder alone cost Casitas $9
million to build. In addition, NMFS
required Casitas to provide on
average approximately 3,500
acre-feet of flows from the Ventura
River to operate the fish ladder.
This is water that Casitas otherwise
would have diverted and stored in
Lake Casitas for delivery to its
water users. |
Expert Witness:
Dr. Rod Smith

Dr. Rod Smith is
President and Managing
Director of Strategic
Water Management LLC,
a water supply
development company.
He is also Senior Vice
President of Stratecon,
Inc., an economics and
strategic planning
consulting firm
specializing in the
economics, finance, law,
and politics of water
resources. Marzulla Law
hired his services as a
valuation expert in the
Casitas case, which is
the lead feature in this
month's newsletter.
Rod has consulted
extensively for public
and private sector
clients on business and
public policy issues
concerning water
resources, including
California's Drought
Water Bank, the
government of New South
Wales, Australia's
effort to privatize
organizations, and the
economic, financial,
legal, and political
dimensions of water
transactions in many
western states. Rod has
also served as an expert
witness in the economic
valuation of groundwater
resources and disputes
over the economic
interpretation of water
Rod received his Ph.D.
in Economics from the
University of Chicago
and a Bachelor of Arts
in Economics from the
University of California
at Los Angeles. Prior to
making a full time
commitment to the
private sector, he was a
professor of economics
at Claremont McKenna
College for fifteen
Court of Federal
Claims Updates and
The U.S. Court
of Federal Claims'
Annual Law Day
Observance Luncheon
will be held on May 10,
2011 at the Willard
Intercontinental Hotel
in Washington, D.C.
More Details Here
Federal Circuit
2011 BENCH & BAR
June 22nd-25th, 2011
The Ritz-Carlton
Key Biscayne, Florida
The mandatory diversion of Casitas'
water for fish protection purposes
results in a permanent loss to
Casitas of its valuable water
supply, worth many millions of
dollars, and puts at risk the
drinking and irrigation water for
many thousands of water users in
Ventura County. And ironically, as
it turns out, the steelhead trout
were gone from the portion of the
Ventura River where the Ventura
River Project is located before the
Project was even built. As a
result, although Casitas now has a
fish ladder and provides its water
to make the ladder operational as
required in the Biological Opinion,
since 2005----fewer
than 20 steelhead trout have been
documented as having used the
The Case
In 2005 Casitas filed a takings
lawsuit with the U.S. Court of
Federal Claims asserting that it
should not have to bear the cost of
the loss to its water supply.
Casitas argued that the Fifth
Amendment requires that the cost of
the loss to its water supply be
borne by the federal government,
which took Casitas' water for a
public use.
In 2007 the Court of Federal Claims
ruled in the government's favor,
holding that the deprivation of
water from Casitas was regulatory
not physical.
But in 2008 the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Federal Circuit
reversed the decision of the
Court of Federal Claims, holding
that the taking of Casitas' water to
protect endangered fish is to be
analyzed as a physical, not a
regulatory, taking: "[T]he water
from the Robles-Diverson Canal is
permanently gone. Casitas will
never, at the end of any period of
time, be able to get that water back
... The government requirement that
Casitas build the fish ladder and
divert water to it should be
analyzed under the physical takings
Significance of the Federal
Circuit decision
"The Federal Circuit's decision on
the takings test was profoundly
important," said Casitas' attorney,
Nancie Marzulla. Marzulla further
stated that "had the Federal Circuit
held that the regulatory takings
test applied, it would have been
virtually impossible for a water
user to prevail in a takings case.
In other words, the federal
government would have been able to
take anyone's water without paying
just compensation for the water
taken. Thankfully, however, the
Federal Circuit agreed with Casitas,
recognizing that the unique nature
of water means that the only takings
test that makes sense is a physical
takings test."
Staff Spotlight
Jared Pliner
Jared Pliner is the
wonderful voice you hear
when you call Marzulla Law.
His great speaking voice is
no accident. He will
graduate this May 2011 from
George Washington University
(GW), majoring in journalism
and mass communication with
a minor in political
At GW Jared led the news and
talk departments of WRGW
District Radio and interned
at ABC News across a variety
of programs based in
Washington, D.C. and New
York City. Jared aspires to
be a network correspondent,
and in his spare time he
enjoys reading, cooking and
listening to opera. In
addition to answering the
telephone at Marzulla Law,
Jared is heavily involved in
assisting the attorneys in
preparing documents and
briefs for trial and
pretrial activities.
"If you want to hear a great
speaking voice, call the
office!" says Brittany Zale,
Jared's supervisor. "I even
asked him to rerecord our
office greeting and message
system because we were all
so impressed with his great
"It has been a thrill to
work alongside such a
dedicated, talented and
close-knit staff at Marzulla
Law," says Jared. "And
wherever my career takes me,
I owe them much gratitude
for such a first-rate start.
They are family to me." |
About Our Law Firm
Marzulla Law, LLC is a
Washington D.C.-based law
firm. Nancie G. Marzulla and
Roger J. Marzulla help
property owners get paid
just compensation when the
Government takes their
property through inverse
ML lawyers practice in the
federal courts, especially
the U.S. Court of Federal
Claims, the Federal Circuit
Court of Appeals, and the
U.S. District Court for
District of Columbia, as
well as other federal
district courts, appellate
courts, and the U.S. Supreme
Court. ML also represents
clients in administrative
agencies, such as the
District of Columbia Office
of Administrative Hearings
or the Interior Board of
Indian Appeals.
Chambers has recognized
Marzulla Law as one of the
top ten water rights
litigation firms in the
country. Nancie Marzulla and
Roger Marzulla have been
selected by their peers to
be included on the list of
Best Lawyers in America, and
their firm has the highest
AV-rating from
Martindale-Hubble. Nancie
and Roger Marzulla are
listed in Best Lawyers for
environmental law, and
Marzulla Law is a member of
the International Network of
Boutique Law Firms.
The information
you obtain in this newsletter is not, nor is it
intended to be, legal advice. Results are not
guaranteed. You should consult an attorney for
advice regarding your individual situation. We
invite you to contact us and welcome your calls,
letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not
create an attorney-client relationship. Please do
not send any confidential information to us until
such time as an attorney-client relationship has
been established