2006 Freedom21 Conference

(These are rather
large, MP3 files, suitable for downloading
to your computer or iPod.)
Session #1- "Why we must advance the
principles of freedom" - (File size: 20.5MB
- Run time: 51:22)
Opening ceremonies, Welcome, and Tom
DeWeese, President of the American Policy
Center, delivers one of his more memorable
Session #2 - "How to protect your
community from Sustainable Development" -
(File size: 38.5MB - Run time: 96:15)
Michael Shaw, founder of Freedom21 Santa
Cruz, calls on Daniel Beckett, Roy Avila,
and Joanne Nathan to provide instructions
based on their experiences in Santa Cruz,
California, the nation's first "Local
Agenda 21 City."
Session #3 - "How to build an effective
organization" - (File size: 18.5MB - Run
time: 46:18)
Norman Davis, founder of Take Back
Kentucky, explains how his organization
has become one of the most effective
grassroots organizations in the nation.
Session #3(a) - "How to use "Think
Tanks" in the grassroots effort" - (File
size: 16.2MB Run time: 40:34)
Christopher Derry, founder of the
Bluegrass Institute, on why and how his
organization supports the state coalition
Session #4 "How to control education in
your state" - (File size: 38.9MB - Run time:
Allen Quist, Michael Chapman, and Dr.
Karen Effrem explain how their
organization, EdWatch, in Minnesota, has
prevented the introduction of liberal
curriculum into their schools.
Session #5 - What to do with 47 U.N.
Biosphere Reserves? (File size: 39.8 - Run
time: 99:27)
Henry Lamb, Tom Gilbert, Dr. Stewart
Foster, Tom McDonnell, and Dr. Michael
Coffman present the pro and con arguments
for the existence of U.N. Biosphere
Reserves in the U.S.
Luncheon Speaker "Principles of Freedom"
- (File size: 21.7MB - Run time: 54:17)
Steve Pratt delivers one of the most
challenging and inspirational
presentations ever heard at a Freedom21
Session #6 - "How to deal with
government agencies" - (File size: 32.5MB -
Run time: 81:23)
Don Casey and Ken Freeman, from Alabama's
Alliance for Citizens' Rights, share their
successes working through both local and
state governments.
John Riley and Larry Brown explain how
they were able to end the Vehicle
Emissions Testing (VET) programs in
Session #7 - "How to become more
effective" - (File size: 32.6MB - Run time:
Jim Beers, former U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service bureaucrat, explains how to
effectively work with government agencies.
Howard Hutchinson, Director of the
Arizona/New Mexico Coalition of Counties,
demonstrates how the "consensus process"
is designed to achieve a pre-determined
outcome, before the meeting even begins.
Session #8 "How to fund your
organization" - (File size: 15 MB - Run
time: 37:37)
Tom DeWeese and Michael Shaw mingle with
the audience in a wide ranging discussion
on ideas to improve funding for grassroots
Session #9 - "How to prevent the U.S.
military from serving under U.N. command" -
(File size: 20.2 - Run time: 50:32)
Daniel New discusses legislation
introduced that will prevent U.S. military
personnel from serving under U.N. command.
Session #10 "How to influence
legislation" - (File size: 16.3MB - Run
time: 40:52)
Kent Snyder, Director of Ron Paul's
Liberty Committee, and Mike Hardiman,
author of ECO's "Washington Watch,"
discuss various legislation now pending in
Session #10(a) "How to stop NAIS" -
(File size: 19.9MB - Run time: 49:51)
Judith McGeary, director of Farm and Ranch
Freedom Alliance, and member of the
Liberty Ark Coalition steering committee,
explains why the National Animal
Identification System must be stopped.
Session #11 "Reports from the
Field" - (File size: 42.6MB - Run time:
Duggan Flanakin, from the Committee for a
Constructive Tommorrow, reports on his
organization's international Freedom21
Shirley Daniel, President of Kentucky
Eagle Forum, reports on the impact of the
North American Union.
Russell Wood, President of the Ozarks
Property Rights Congress, reports on his
organization's success in defeating
regional government legislation in
Marilyn Taylor, from Everett,
Washington, explains the range of
activities underway in her state.
Banquet Speaker - (File size: 20.2 - Run
time: 50:38)
Herb Titus, nationally-known
Constitutional attorney, discusses the
difference between the principles of
freedom enshrined in the U.S.
Constitution, compared with the allocation
of freedoms granted by the U.N.
Declaration of Human Rights.