News from the
Front #83:The Great
Summer Spill Hoax
On Friday, June 10, 2005, United States District
Judge James Redden declared that the DAM operators
(he has taken to capitalizing the term) must turn
off the smolt transportation system that has
assisted Columbia and Snake River salmon for thirty
years. He ordered the DAM operators to spill
juvenile fish back into the River during July and
August, probably a death sentence for most of those
fish. This decision is widely hailed by the
ignorant, including all newspapermen, as being "for
the fish".
The Judge reached this remarkable decision by a
methodology now common in federal court
environmental cases. The salmon advocates file
written testimony riddled with outright lies and
distortions. All normal processes of litigation are
denied. Here, the Judge denied permission to
question the witnesses proffered by the salmon
advocates. The Judge denied permission to summon
them to testify in Court. There was no trial, just
a oral argument with no witnesses. The argument
time was so severely limited that there was no hope
of explaining the complicated issues to the Judge.
All that parties opposing the salmon advocates can
do is file their own written testimony, and hope
that the Judge will read it.
The salmon advocates claimed that their summer
spill plan would save fish. According to the
federal scientists, the advocates' plan would kill
fish. Indeed, the federal scientists testified that
the salmon advocates typed the wrong input
parameters into the federal scientists' computer
models to reach the "save fish" conclusions. The
only real case the salmon advocates could make is
that the scientific evidence on spill and
transportation was not definitive.
The Judge's
opinion makes no reference to the complicated
and disputed scientific issues. The Judge reduced
the whole question of whether smolt transportation
is better or worse than in-river migration to two
sentences: "This restriction (no spill at smolt
collector projects) would not preserve even a
semblance of the spread-the-risk considerations NOAA
contends govern the spring migration program.
It would not allow a meaningful evaluation of the
summer transportation program." (Emphasis added.)
NOAA had decided that in the spring months, when
water temperatures are cooler, the Corps of
Engineers should "spread the risk" by allowing some
spill to remove fish from the transport program. In
the summer however, when hotter conditions reduce
fish survival, NOAA had decided to maximize
transportation and minimize spill. This strategy
was associated with striking run increases in recent
years for these summer-migrating fish:

The Snake River fall chinook population has even
recently exceeded the draft recovery goals (the
horizontal line). But the Judge is immune to
progress, having declared last month that "it is
apparent that the listed species are in serious
decline and not evidencing signs of recovery".
As to "meaningful evaluation of the summer
transportation program", the fish advocates had shut
down any such evaluation for over a decade until
this year, when the Corps of Engineers finally
decided to do the study without their consent. The
Judge, by sharply reducing the number of fish
transported, has sharply reduced the
reliability of the study.
Any elementary school bully receives more due
process of law than those seeking to defend the DAMS
from the lies of the salmon advocates. But we are
now in a different era of "law": the law of the
salmon commissars. Lenin famously remarked that if
you want to make an omelet, you have to break some
eggs. The salmon commissars, his close kin, will
kill fish without hesitation in their larger quest
to destroy the DAMS.
Dr. Don Chapman, a pre-eminent Northwest fishery
scientist, who twice won the American Fishery
Society's annual award for the most significant
scientific paper of the year, declared a few years
ago that “to deliberately send smolts through a
system to make a political point in support of dam
breaching is, at worst, irresponsible, hypocritical,
and criminal". That is precisely what Judge Redden
has done, even as he disparages the influence of
other politicians on salmon recovery.
© James Buchal, June 12, 2005
You have permission to reprint this article, and
are encouraged to do so. The sooner people figure
out what's going on, the quicker we'll have more
fish in the rivers.

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