California Legislature

Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa
Vice-Chair Assembly Natural
Resources Committee
California State Assembly
Before the Committee on
United States House of
The Endangered Species Act 30
Years Later:
The Klamath Project
July 17, 2004
House Resources Committee
Water and Power Subcommittee
Field Hearing
July 17, 2004
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Testimony for Assemblyman Doug
The Honorable Richard Pombo, Chairman
House Resources Committee
1324 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Ken Calvert, Chairman
House Water and Power Subcommittee
1522 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Thank you Chairman Pombo, Chairman Calvert,
and Members of the Committee, for allowing me to
testify on the issue of the Klamath River Basin
and the future of the application of the
Endangered Species Act in this region. I come
here today, not just to testify as an
Assemblyman who represents people and
communities harmed by the initial water shut
off, but also as a lifelong rice farmer who
understands the vital need of water to producing
crops, protecting the environment, and the
survival of our rural communities.
This is not strictly a multi-sided struggle
between environmentalists, local tribes,
farmers, and the government. Many of the water
users have implemented many different programs
in an attempt to aid the recovery of the
endangered sucker and coho salmon species’ that
instigated the Bureau of Reclamation’s (Bureau)
initial shut off of the water supply on April 6,
2001. Assistance on creating and restoring
wildlife refuges, ecosystem enhancement, water
quality projects and strong attempts at water
efficiency are just a few of the things that
local communities have taken upon themselves in
order to mitigate harmful effects on these
endangered species.
The impact of the sudden unforeseen
availability of water to these local communities
was devastating. Not only were farmers and
ranchers immediately harmed, leaving thousands
of acres of vital farmland unable to produce,
but the resulting trickle-down effect to the
broader communities and region at large was
nearly insurmountable. The loss of water
inflicted $200 million worth of economic damage
to the Klamath region. You will hear individuals
testify today that entire communities were
almost wiped out entirely by this random and
inappropriate application of the Endangered
Species Act (ESA).
After the wholesale destruction of an entire
region’s way of life, a study showed that the
application of the ESA to shut off availability
of Klamath water was inappropriate and
incomplete. Moreover, the report rejects the
idea that there was any scientific justification
behind the 2001 shut-off of Klamath Project
Water to stakeholders. There was not enough
scientifically based proof that higher lake and
river levels would have any effect on the
endangered fish. It is a national tragedy that
it took such widespread harm to show the lack of
credibility in the standards set forward in the
The final report by the National Research
Council (NRC) on the issue of these endangered
species has shown that shutting the water off at
the Klamath Project was absolutely the incorrect
response to the discovery of the low numbers of
these fish. The final report shows that a full
watershed approach will be the only effective
means to protect these fish--a watershed
approach that would necessarily include the
farmers and ranchers in the area. It is ironic
that those individuals who suffered the most
from the hasty and panicked response in the
first place, will be the individuals who are
integrally involved in the recovery of the
Hype, fear, and incomplete science almost led
to the destruction of an entire vital
agricultural region. We cannot allow that to
ever happen again, and we must act to restore
stability and harmony between the stakeholders
of the water in this region.
It is imperative that any solution that is
implemented to the myriad challenges in this
region must be achieved cooperatively. There
must be input from all the different
stakeholders and such solutions must be based
upon sound scientific principles as laid out by
NRC report. The foundation of these solutions
must not pander to fear or mass hysteria.
The west coast’s farmland is not just
food-producing and economy-boosting land, it is
land that supports the health of the local
watershed, it is land that feeds, houses, and
protects local wildlife, it is land that
promotes and maintains open space. It is a
fallacy to believe that without the use of local
farmland and the cooperation of local farmers
and ranchers that the proposed improvements to
the watershed can be made to protect these
endangered species. This is why any plan for
this area must be a coordinated effort between
all the stakeholders. The scientific condition
of the watershed must be determined, and a
realistic balanced approach to improving it must
be worked out at the local level. Regulations
and bans, depriving agricultural land of the
vital water it needs, and painting local farmers
as the enemy of the local wildlife are all
ineffective solutions to a watershed-wide
problem. Those have been the only solutions
attempted thus far. That’s a travesty.
We need only look back on the oil embargoes
of the 1970’s and the current spike in steel and
concrete prices today, driven by actions of our
rivals around the globe. They do not have
America’s best interests in mind. Do we want to
depend on them for our food security now by
essentially offshoring our farming as well? We
must be more thoughtful about what regulations
and ESA policies have wrought on our American
heartland and the salt-of the earth families who
work it for all of us.
The NRC report has provided many different
approaches and ideas on how to solve this
problem. These solutions must be reviewed and a
balanced, region-wide solution based on sound
scientific principles that works for all
stakeholders must be adopted.
Current application of the Endangered Species
Act simply isn’t working. It didn’t work here,
and this is just an example of how dangerous
faulty implementation or faulty original
standards can be. A cooperative approach to
revising the ESA based upon solid scientific
principles is critical to preventing the "mass
hysteria" approach to application that was
apparently utilized here on the Klamath.
Constructive changes must be made that consider
long-term solutions.
Many so-called "environmental problems" are
attempted to be solved by outright bans, strict
regulations, or other sudden and unpredictable
changes in the law or its application. This
"shotgun" approach to protecting the environment
is too random and too harmful to the people,
businesses, and communities that it affects.
Solutions should be implemented over a period of
time, so that the people and environments that
are affected can have time to adapt and
implement the ultimate goal. To suddenly shut
off the water tap to an agricultural community,
to suddenly determine that a certain fertilizer
or pesticide can no longer be used, or to
suddenly mandate the levels of emissions that
have to be met because of environmental concerns
is unrealistic. It gives farmers, ranchers, and
other affected parties no time to implement
changes over a period of time, effectively
damaging or destroying their businesses, their
communities, and their way of life.
I would like to emphasize that farmers and
ranchers are definitely NOT against
environmental protection, or to making changes,
adaptations or improvements to their businesses
for environmental reasons. The agricultural
community has shown time and again their
willingness and ability to utilize their land
for open space preservation, watershed
conservation, and wildlife habitat. They have
worked hand-in-hand with the environmental
community to change things for the better, when
they have been approached. As a rice grower, the
success of our industry as a positive partner
for local wildlife habitat has been not only a
huge success, but also a vital link in the chain
between environmentalism and economy.
This is the direction that the Endangered
Species Act should go. We must endeavor to find
ways to phase in thoughtful environmental policy
changes over a period of time by working
together with stakeholders and involving the
actual people on the ground who will be
affected, instead of adopting arbitrary
decisions with no warning that devastate
businesses, communities and lives.
The current pattern here in the Klamath Basin
is flawed, the status quo cannot continue. None
of the stakeholders are happy or satisfied with
the uninformed, illogical, and capricious way
that the issue of the Klamath Project has been
treated. Resources management here needs to take
place in an objective and reasonable way that
balances the needs of all the people who will be
affected, with the needs of the environment. The
solution needs to be comprehensive and
scientifically justified, it needs to approach
the issue in a way that can be utilized and
maintained effectively in that region.