H&N photos by
Andrew Mariman
ABOVE: Don Kirby
watches as mint oil is extracted
at the University of
California's Interior Mountain
Research and Extension Center's
distillery. |
First run for mint still
Kinks resolved,
equipment will aid research
By Ty Beaver, Herald and News 8/17/06
The Intermountain
Research and Extension Center had an
opportunity to use one of its newer
pieces of equipment last week.
With the harvest of
the center’s first peppermint trial
crops, staff began to use the still,
purchased last year for the center,
to distill the oil from the plants
as part of the center’s experiments.
Despite some unexpected problems,
the still is expected to be useful
as the center continues to research
mint, director Harry Carlson said.
Unlike commercial
stills that can process thousands of
pounds of mint at a time, the still
at the center uses batches of 30
pounds, Carlson said. The center
grows smaller amounts of mint so it
can more effectively track results
for its experiments, thus producing
smaller harvests.