Basin Fish and Wildlife News Bulletin
See Below For Table of
Contents And Links To Excerpts
Now Available For Digital Download
Columbia Basin Bulletin Issue Summary
Salmon and Hydro
An Account of Litigation over Federal Columbia
River Power System Biological Opinions for
Salmon and Steelhead, 1991-2009
First Edition, February 2009
NOAA Fisheries "biological opinion" is the
federal government's primary guide
for recovering13 species of Columbia River Basin
salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered
Species Act . A "BiOp" must insure that these
ESA-listed fish survive and thrive in
the Columbia/Snake River Basin hydropower system
. Yet, since the first salmon ESA-listings in
1991, these biological opinions have been the
subject of continual litigation. It is in
federal court where one sees most clearly the
divisions and difficulties of Columbia Basin
salmon recovery. This issue summary offers a
historical account of this continual litigation
since the first ESA listings and summarizes the
major issues that have dominated Columbia Basin
Salmon recovery since 1991.
Salmon and Hydro: An Account of
Litigation over Federal Columbia River Power
System Biological Opinions for Salmon and
Steelhead, 1991-2009, a 77-page
document in an easy-to-read Adobe PDF format,
is available for digital download
through our secure payment system. Price: $19.95
For purchase of bound, printed copies in
volume, or for other information about this
product, contact Bill Crampton at 541-312-8860,
Note: PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader
for viewing. If your system is unable to view
this file type you can download Adobe Acrobat
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For Excerpts Click These Links:
I. 1991-1995: Three ESA Listings, Four
Biological Opinions, Five Court Challenges
II. 1995-1998: Reasonable And Prudent
Alternatives, Spread The Risk, Long-Term
Configuration, Adaptive Management; River
Governance; Regional Parties Stake Their
Positions; A BiOp Finally Passes Legal Muster
III. 1998-1999: More ESA Listings; A
Supplemental Steelhead BiOp Guiding River
Operations; Independent Science Advisory Board
Weighs In On Smolt Transportation; Appeals Court
Upholds 1995 BiOp; Supplemental BiOps On New
Listings, Snake Water
IV. 1999-2004: Not Just Hydro, But All
The ‘Hs’; Recovery In 48 years?; Mitigation Must
Be Certain To Occur; Another BiOp Bites The
Dust; A Remand; Corps Rules On Snake River Dam
V. 2004-2008: A New BiOp Says No Jeopardy From
Hydro Operations; A New ‘Environmental
Baseline’; Redden Says No Again; Discretionary
Actions vs. Non-Discretionary (Dams’ Existence);
Court Runs The River; Upper Snake River Gets Own
VI. 2008-2009: A ‘Collaborative’ BiOp; New Fish
Funding Agreements, New BiOp Support; Montana
Finally Likes The Reservoir Plan; Earthjustice
Says New Approach Inadequate; Oregon Left As
Only State Opposed To BiOp; Should Independent
Scientists Evaluate BiOp?; Parties To Litigation
Grows; Clean Water Act Now An Issue; A New Round
Of Briefings
VII. Conclusion: Rushing To Redden’s Finish Line