Persistence & innovation; Liskey family found
ways to profit from geothermal water
Mateusz Perkowski Capital Press 3/16/07

With technological innovations and
public service, Klamath Basin farmer
Tracey Liskey has devoted himself to
keeping agriculture viable by fighting for
the rights of farmers throughout Oregon.
On March 22, Liskey and other growers and
organizations will be honored for their
contributions to farming at the Oregon
Department of Agriculture’s 2007 Ag
Progress Awards Dinner in Salem. |
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The day hot water
was discovered gushing from a spring on
their farm seven decades ago, the Liskey
family was presented with a seemingly
limitless source of innovation.
Subsequent generations have repeatedly
found new ways to put the geothermal
opportunity to use, but their efforts have
met with varying degrees of success.
Flooding corn fields for frost protection
proved futile, since even Nostradamus
would have been unable to predict every
sudden temperature drop in the Klamath
Basin's fickle climate.
"You had to outguess Mother Nature," said
Tracey Liskey, grandson of the farm's
founder. "We can have a freeze at any
time. It's a tough area to grow in."
Cooking potatoes in the 195-degree F water
to keep cattle from choking on frozen
spuds was effective, but declining numbers
of both potato farmers and feedlots in the
region prompted an end to the practice.
the late 1970s, the family launched its
geothermal greenhouse operation, in which
water pumps through fin pipes that radiate
heat into the air. Initially, the idea was
to raise tree seedlings in test tubes for
forestry purposes, but the process was
prohibitively complicated. Several
partners who offered to help never made
good on their promises, and after five
years the operation was shut down. |
like learning to farm again in a half-inch
tube," Liskey said. "They didn't come through
like they said they were going to."
The family refused to call it quits, though,
and persistence paid off. After Liskey's
sister, Vickie, obtained a degree in
horticulture, they restarted the greenhouse
business in 1990 with a focus on spring
bedding plants.
Liskey Farms is now one of the few major
nursery retailers in the region; developing
the niche helped the company survive when
irrigation water was cut off to Klamath
growers in 2001, Liskey said.
However, he said, he knows not every farmer in
the Klamath Basin is lucky enough to be
sitting on a vast store of water heated by
faults in the Earth's crust. For this reason,
Liskey has devoted himself to keeping
agriculture viable by fighting for the rights
of farmers in the Klamath basin and throughout
On March 22, Liskey and other growers and
organizations will be honored for their
contributions to farming at the Oregon
Department of Agriculture's 2007 Ag Progress
Awards Dinner in Salem. Rick Jacobson, retired
CEO of NORPAC Foods, and Clint Smith, former
chairman of the State Board of Agriculture,
will be recognized alongside Liskey as
individual contributors.
Liskey is known for his tireless public
service at the regional and state level, said
Bruce Pokarney, director of communications for
the ODA. "He's a very highly respected leader
in the industry."
After 18 years with the Oregon Farm Bureau,
Liskey has risen to the rank of first vice
president. He has also served on the Oregon
Water Resource Congress board, the Oregon
Sustainability Board and the Klamath County
Economic Development Association board, and he
is involved with numerous other organizations.
Liskey has also joined the ODA on trade
missions to Europe in 2003 and Asia in 2006.
Although his involvement varies season to
season, Liskey serves on up to 20 committees
at a time.
One of Liskey's proudest achievements is
helping the ODA set rules for non-point
pollution in its agricultural water quality
management program, which was mandated by
Senate Bill 1010 in 1993. Where he talks the
talk, Liskey also walks the walk. With
assistance from the USDA's Environmental
Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), he has
implemented about $400,000 worth of
water-quality improvements on his cattle and
hay acreage.
Since 2001, Liskey has installed four new
center pivots, which use much less water than
flood irrigation and reduce erosion and
pollution. Increased fencing on the family's
1,500-acre cattle operation allows rotation of
pastures, which prevents overgrazing and
To shrink the amount of water needed for flood
irrigation, Liskey leveled about 200 acres of
farm ground. In one field, eliminating the
slope cut yearly water usage by more than 90
percent, from 337,000 cubic yards to 22,000
cubic yards.
"One of the things I'm really proud of is that
it's not polluting the water and it's more
efficient at the same time," Liskey said.
Looking to the future, Liskey also hopes to
expand his geothermal operation to include
about 40 to 50 acres of marginal farm ground.
The heated water already serves multiple
purposes. A biodiesel plant, launched on the
farm earlier this year by farmer Rick Walsh,
will use it for processing canola seeds. Spent
water from the greenhouse operation also warms
about 28 small ponds to 85 degrees F, where
aquaculture expert Ron Barnes raises
freshwater tropical fish.
In addition to leasing more ground to
entrepreneurs like Walsh and Barnes, Liskey
plans to turn the geothermal resource into an
energy supply. The water can heat a
refrigerant such as Freon, causing it to
expand into a gas. This will force turbines to
rotate and generate electricity.
As the Liskey family further explores the
potential beneath its soil, the goal is to
bring more jobs to the Klamath Basin. By
advancing on-farm technology and representing
agriculture in the public sphere, Liskey aims
to maintain agriculture's vitality for years
to come.
"There are a lot of people who are trying to
keep the Klamath Basin floating, and I'm just
one part of it," he said. "It takes us all to
get it done."
Mateusz Perkowski is based in Salem. His
e-mail address is