Klamath Water Users
2455 Patterson Street, Suite 3
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Phone (541) 883-6100
FAX (541) 883-8893
kwua@cvcwireless.net |
Weekly Update
July 16, 2004 |
Water Focus on Klamath
Falls: Two Key Events Planned in the Next Four Days
Water will be the focus
of two high profile events scheduled to occur in the next four days in
Klamath Falls. Tomorrow, a congressional field hearing is planned that
will address a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report that could act
as a blueprint for change in the Klamath River watershed. On Tuesday,
July 20th, the Governor Kulongoski will be honored at the 50th
Annual Meeting of the Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA) at Reames
Country Club. A common theme will be likely be interwoven into both
events: the need to employ a collaborative, watershed-based approach to
solving the fishery challenges of the Klamath River watershed, using
many of the recommendations put forth in the NAS report.
"We hope the NAS report
can be used as a catalyst to improve the collaboration required to
address the basin-wide problems we face," KWUA noted in testimony
submitted to Congress last week. "We know we can develop locally derived
solutions to address most of the NAS report recommendations."
The House Resources
Committee will hold a field hearing tomorrow in Klamath Falls
on the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The hearing, to be held at
9:00 a.m. at the Ross Ragland Theater in downtown Klamath Falls, will
cover the ESA's impact on the Klamath Project, one of the nation's
oldest federal irrigation projects.
A recent report completed
by the NAS National Research Council (NRC) on Klamath River fishes will
also be addressed at the hearing. Local community leaders are preparing
for this important event, and are organizing a pre-hearing rally in
Klamath Falls (see related information, pages 2-3).
Water Focus on K Falls:
Two Key Events Planned in the Next Four Days (Cont’d)
Earlier this week, it was
learned that Congressman George Radanovich (R-CA), who represents
Central Valley Project irrigators near Fresno, will be the fifth
congressman in attendance at the hearing. He will join Rep. Ken Calvert,
Rep. Wally Herger, Rep. John Doolittle, and Rep. Greg Walden tomorrow in
Klamath Falls.
Three days later, as part
of a two-day visit to Klamath Falls, Oregon Governor Ted
Kulongoski will be honored by local water users at KWUA’s 50th
Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Reames Golf and Country
Club in Klamath Falls on Tuesday, July 20, 2004. The Governor also will
be meeting with the Klamath Tribes and the Hatfield Group on July 21,
2004, as part of his ongoing efforts to further dialogue and bring
long-term resolution to Klamath Basin water issues.
"It is an honor to us and
a testimony to his commitment to our Basin that Governor Kulongoski is
coming to our meeting", said Dan Keppen, KWUA Executive Director. "We
want to publicly thank him for his efforts to promote the economic,
social and environmental viability of the agricultural community served
by the Klamath Irrigation Project. Our fiftieth anniversary is a special
occasion, and we’re lucky to have such a special guest attend."
The luncheon buffet will
be opened at 11:15 a.m. and the meeting is scheduled to begin at noon.
The governor will stay for the first hour of a 90-minute program. A
meeting agenda is shown on page 2 of this update.
Klamath Water Users
2455 Patterson Street, Suite 3
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Phone (541) 883-6100
FAX (541) 883-8893
kwua@cvcwireless.net |
Weekly Update
Ju;y 16, 2004 |
KWUA 50th
Annual Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Reames Golf and Country Club
4201 Highway 97 S, Klamath Falls
11:15 a.m. Begin
Buffet Service for Lunch
12:00 p.m. Begin Program
- Mark Campbell, KWUA Vice-President.
Invocation - Claude Hagerty, Malin,
Pledge of Allegiance - Claude
Introductions - Mark Campbell.
Short Documentary Film- "Where the Water Goes" -
Donald Haynes, OIT. Video of the
Governor’s 2003 Visit to Klamath Falls –Anders Tomlinson.
Introduction of Gov. Kulongoski: Sheriff Tim Evinger.
Remarks: Gov. Kulongoski.
Presentation of Award to Governor: Steve
Kandra, KWUA President.
President's Address: Steve Kandra, KWUA
Executive Director's Address: Dan Keppen,
KWUA Executive Director.
1:05 p.m. KWUA
Consultant Updates:
Water Supply –
including Long Lake and the draft U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
study on "naturalized" Upper Basin flow conditions. (Marc
Van Camp, MBK Engineers, Sacramento, California)
Legal Update - (Paul Simmons, Somach, Simmons and Dunn,
Sacramento, CA)
Washington, D.C. Political Update - (Jeff Eisenberg,
Washington, D.C.)
2006 Power Rate- (Larry Cable, Cable Huston Benedict
Haagensen & Lloyd. Portland, OR)
1:30 p.m. Questions
and Answers
1:45 p.m. "Fields of Splendor" – film excerpts from Anders
Closing Remarks - Lon Baley, KWUA Secretary-Treasurer
BROOKE HEINEY AT KWUA: (541)-883-6100
March Through Klamath
Falls and Rally Scheduled Before Field Hearing
Local community
leaders are organizing a pre-hearing rally in Klamath Falls that
will begin with an early morning march through the streets of the
city. Several logging, recreation, and agricultural groups are
involved with putting this together. The procession will feature
farmers, loggers, community youth organizations, and over 40 mounted
horsemen. The group will proceed to the Ross Ragland Theatre for a
pre-hearing rally.
Itinerary: July 17th March & Rally
7:00 a.m. -
Gather @ Veteran’s Park in Klamath Falls
7:25 a.m. -
March to Ross Ragland
7:45 a.m. -
Rally - with invited speakers
8:40 a.m. –
Doors Open to Theatre
The Ross Ragland
Theatre is located at 218 N. 7th Street in downtown
Klamath Falls. The street area in front of the theatre will be
cordoned off to accommodate pedestrian traffic.
The speakers invited
to the rally represent a diversified group of resource managers and
policy makers involved with Klamath River issues. Klamath watershed
farmers, timber companies and fishermen – from Crater Lake to the
Pacific Ocean - have completed an impressive array of conservation
measures in the past decade. These hardworking rural Americans know
that more actions can, and will, be taken – but incentives and
regulatory relief to landowners, rather than more regulations –
should drive these measures.
Klamath Water Users
2455 Patterson Street, Suite 3
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Phone (541) 883-6100
FAX (541) 883-8893
kwua@cvcwireless.net |
Weekly Update
July 16, 2004 |
17, 2004 Rally at
Ross Ragland Theatre
Speeches Will Begin
Between 7:45-8:00 a.m.
Master of Ceremonies:
John Elliott,
Klamath County Board of Commissioners.
The speakers:
The Honorable Doug
LaMalfa, California State Assembly, Sacramento, California.
Barry Bushue,
President, Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, Salem, Oregon.
Dan Keppen,
Klamath Water Users Association, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Bill Krum, Save
our Scott and Shasta Valleys and Towns (SOSS), Yreka, California.
Bill Pauli,
President, California Farm Bureau Federation, Sacramento,
Rob Rivett,
Pacific Legal Foundation, Sacramento, California.
Elliott Schwarz,
Rural Resource Alliance, Brookings, Oregon.
Craig Smith,
Family Farm Alliance, Salem, Oregon.
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