When the Klamath
Project was built, water was stored in Clear
Lake, formerly a meadow, for evaporation and
storage, and in Klamath Lake specifically
for irrigation. Since the Tribes have
insisted on taking our stored water for
suckers and salmon, raising Klamath Lake
levels and river flows extremely higher than
historic levels and flows for more than 20
years contrary to the National Research
Council's 'best available science,' suckers
and salmon have declined, and more than
100,000 acres have been taken out of ag
production to satisfy lake level and river
flow management. The tribes have used the
ESA/Endangered Species Act and tribal
"science" to use stored irrigation water as
a bargaining tool to obtain land that they
sold. The environmentalists and government
agencies have used tribal "science" and the
ESA to rewild the West, including the goal
of ripping out the Klamath River
hydroelectric dams.
for the failed
closed-door "agreements" they have conducted
for 20 years.
Link River
Around 1900 Link River,
between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Ewauna,
occasionally went dry before the Klamath
Project was built. |
1905 -
Tule Lake,
before the Klamath Project was built, was up
to 30' feet deep.
It was a navigable
That's why on our deeds, signed by US President, we were
deeded 2+ acre feet of water for our crops,
appurtenant to our land, reuse it 7 times,
then all the runoff we pump uphill, at our
expense, divert it out of our
closed basin, through the Tule Lake and
Lower Klamath Refuges supporting more than
400 species of wildlife, and into the
Klamath River. |
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