Kill the Land
written by Brian Burns in 2001, 10 years ago, when
government agencies shut off water to the Klamath
Project irrigators. It was the first time in
recorded history that this land went dry
10:30 a.m. 1/31/11: Oregon U.S. Congressman Walden
in Medford regarding Obama creating Siskiyou Crest Monument without vote of
Senate or Congress. Come and support Walden!
KHSA Klamath Hydroelectric
Agreement, by Dr Richard Gierak 1/30/11
Biological Opinion versus Applied Science By Gail Hildreth Whitsett,
written 10 years ago, in 2001. "As a scientist with advanced degrees in geology,
biostratigraphy (paleoecology), and additional research at Princeton
University’s Yellowstone Bighorn Research station, I am continually amazed at
the inaccurate statements being represented as “science” by our governmental
Super size Walmart, by
Dr. Richard Gierak, Yreka 1/30/11. "Walmart,
in partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), created
Acres for America, a 10-year, $35 million commitment to purchase and preserve
one acre of wildlife habitat in the U.S. for every acre of land developed by the
company. Shasta Big Spring Ranch, Calif.: The Nature Conservancy will use
this $750,000 grant to acquire more than 4,000 acres in the Shasta Big Spring
Ranch in Northern California. The property includes six miles of Klamath River
tributaries." (KBC NOTE: George Soros funds Nature Conservancy and NFWF
California Farm Bureau Federation
Friday Review of Bills and Laws, posted to KBC 1/30/11: This issue covers
the “The Reasonable
Use Doctrine and Agricultural Water Use Efficiency”, “The Secure Immigration
Enforcement Act” and a clarification from our last edition on General Fund
support for the Department of Food and Agriculture
Europe Pulling The Plug On
Green Energy Subsidies, CC Net 1/30/11
HERE for KBC Global Warming
Page, and "Climate Change" mandates in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration
The following is on our ecoterrorist
page, but today it belongs right here:
"Isn't the only hope for the
planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"
Maurice Strong, Head of the 1992
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro
"We must make this an insecure
and inhospitable place for
capitalists, and their projects...
We must reclaim the roads and plowed
land, halt dam construction, tear
down existing dams, free shackled
rivers, and return to wilderness
millions of tens of millions of
acres of presently settled land." David Foreman, EarthFirst!
Siskiyou letter requests McClintock’s help
on Klamath issues, Siskiyou Daily News
Do not sign 2011 permits, Siskiyou Daily
News by Liz Bowen, posted 1/26/11-Scott
Chairman Hastings Announces Natural
Resources Subcommittee Assignments, U.S.
House Natural Resources, posted to KBC
Oregonians for
Food and Shelter 1/26/11
DEQ Proposes Revisions for Water Quality
Standards to Help Reduce Toxic Pollutants in
State’s Waterways; Comment
deadline has been extended to Wednesday,
February 23rd
ODA offers three new publications
* Enviro's file another suit - this one
effects the entire nation, not just the
* Timber group sues FWS over 'secret
meetings' on spotted owl
Farmers assess implications of Klamath water
quality plan, California Farm Bureau
Federation, posted to KBC 1/26/11
Foreign and domestic train wreck in the
making - more of the ESA, Budd Falen
Law, posted to KBC 1/26/11
Basin Bulletin Fish and Wildlife News,
posted to KBC 1/26/11. "NOAA Won’t Ask
For Rehearing On Ninth Circuit’s Sea Lion
Removal Ruling"
Buffett to step down from Washington Post
Co. board, January 20, 2011, "Warren
E. Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire
Hathaway, said Thursday he would step down
from the board of The Washington Post Co.
this May. Berkshire Hathaway is the largest
common shareholder in The Post. Buffett, 80,
is chairman of the finance committee of the
board and has long advised Post Co. Chairman
Donald Graham on the financial stewardship
of the company."
Siskiyou Board wants stronger letters on
national forest travel plans,
Siskiyou County is attempting to join with a
number of other counties in a dispute with
the United States Forest Service over Travel
Management Plans in the Shasta-Trinity and
Klamath national forests, Siskiyou Daily
News, posted to KBC 1/26/11
Charm Offensive Backfires, Critics Fume Over 'Wild
Lands' Policy, Greenwire, posted to KBC 1/26/11
Court of Appeal Holds That Lead Agencies Cannot Use
Predicted Future Conditions As Baseline in
Environmental Impact Reports, Somach, Simmons
and Dunn 1/25/11
Ninth Circuit Eliminates Prohibition on Intervention
of Right in NEPA Cases, Somach, Simmons and Dunn
Mallams’, Whitsett’s
opinions beat Scronce’s ,
H&N letter 1/23/11
Understanding Sustainable Development - Agenda 21,
"for the people and their public officials." posted
1/23/11. More on Big Picture
his life and quotes 1/23/11
Biomass emission tests should be complete, H&N
letter by Greg Beckman Sr, posted to KBC 1/23/11
Klamath biomass plant site a threat to air quality,
proposed location would also increase Basin’s air
pollution, H&N, posted to KBC 2/6/11
Senator Wyden has town hall meeting (in Klamath
Falls), posted to KBC 1/23/11.
"Tom Mallams, president
of the Klamath Off-Project Water Users Association,
asked Wyden if it is right to move forward on the
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement while roughly
half of the Klamath Basin population opposes it."
1/23/11 -
Sunday's Bible
Verses sent from Frank Tallerico:
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 New King James Version
3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of
4. Who comforts us in all of our tribulation that we
may be able to comfort those who are in
trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves
are comforted by God.
5. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so
our consolation also abounds through Christ.
No board decision yet on Siskiyou water users’ $40,000
request, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 1/23/11
A timber revival for Oregon?
U.S. lawmakers pledge to
open more forestland for wood production,
Agencies wait for
policy revision, and, Endangered Species Act seen as
Government Spending Crisis, from Oregon
Senator Doug Whitsett 1/21/11
Ninth Circuit Abandons the Rule Categorically
Denying Intervention in NEPA Cases,
Groups applaud ruling on environmental lawsuits,
posted to KBC 1/19/11
Siskiyou water users want county support in
Klamath suit (involving Klamath Dam
removal agreements), Siskiyou Daily, posted to
KBC 1/19/11
EPA Grants Itself More Powers, Revokes Permit,
ATR, posted to KBC 1/19/11
Focus should be on a full lake by April 1,
Letter to the editor, H&N
Klamath Basin Improvement
District directors, 1/18/11.
Irrigation districts file Klamath agreement
validation request,
by David Smith,
Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 1/19/11
Basin Restoration Agreement / KBRA and Klamath
Hydro Agreement Circuit Court petition by
Klamath Irrigation District, Malin Irrigation
District, and Shasta View Irrigation District.
YOU MUST file a legal response to the
petition before 10 days after Jan 23rd to
contest the legality of your boards of directors
executing the settlement agreements. 1/16/11

Takacs at 104: ‘Holy cow! I’m getting old!’
H&N, posted to KBC 1/16/11. "‘For
me it’s a great world. I have enjoyed my family.
I have enjoyed my friends. That’s the most
important thing, life. Life and living it."
(Nelle came to Klamath Basin by covered wagon
when she was 3)
U.S Senator Ron Wyden annual Klamath
County town hall meeting Jan 18,
10:00 a.m. at College Union auditorium at OIT.
2010: Klamath Man-Made
Drought: In
an article 8/3/10,
Drought debate goes on,
and other articles, rancher Tom Mallams was singled out
to be the one stating that 2010 drought was a man-made
political drought, which shut off water to 50% of
Project irrigators. However 1/13/11,
Reduced (Klamath)
river flows to stick despite protest,
H&N, states that the drought was due to man-made
rules: "The
reduction is in contrast to what occurred last
winter. A court order required flows to be
maintained at a high level for fish and contributed
to Upper Klamath Lake’s surface elevation being low
at the start of the irrigation season...Irma Lagomarsino,
Northern California office supervisor for the National
Marine Fisheries Service, said a new biological opinion
issued last spring allows greater flexibility in determining
flows and for water to be stored in Upper Klamath Lake for
release in the spring to
benefit fish and
Report forecasts good water supply by summer,
H&N, posted to KBC 1/16/11
51st annual Czech dinner set for Feb. 20,
H&N 1/16/11. "The
lodge was founded after 66 Czech adults moved to
and settled Malin in 1909."
Auburn dam back in play as McClintock takes over
House panel, Sacramento Bee 1/16/11.
"McClintock said he'll conduct oversight
hearings, suggesting that San Joaquin River and
Klamath River restoration projects might be ripe
Secretary Salazar, Assistant Secretary Echo Hawk
Submit Draft Consultation Policy to Tribal
Leaders; Framework Provides Greater Role for
Tribes in Federal Decisions Affecting Indian
Country, DOI 1/14/11
Study predicts which
salmon will spawn,
Genetics play role in
deciding which fish will live to reproduce,
H&N 1/14/11
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review
of bills 1/14/11.
* "California’s
state government is still awash in red-ink,
approximately $25.4 billion worth. The governor
is proposing $12.5 billion in spending cuts..."
* AB 78 "... the federal government should
create "a pathway to citizenship" for
undocumented immigrants..."
* AB 10 "...increase the minimum wage for
California workers from $8.00 per hour to $8.50
per hour..."
Expert panel assesses Klamath dam removal
impacts on salmon, steelhead, Siskiyou Daily
Bureau of Reclamation builds water reserves for
Klamath Basin irrigators, KDRV News, posted
to KBC 1/12/11
PacifiCorp initiates KHSA dispute resolution,
Siskiyou Daily 1/13/11.
“The flow reduction recommended by Reclamation,
NMFS and a technical workgroup was developed
without the involvement of or participation by
PacifiCorp,” the notice reads. “Implementation
of reduced flows as directed by Reclamation will
materially impact PacifiCorp’s generation at the
Project in a manner that conflicts with the KHSA.”
Reduced river flows to stick despite protest, H&N
PacifiCorp warns dam removal could be delayed,
Bloomberg, posted to KBC 1/13/11
Siskiyou County responds to ELF, water resources board
briefs, Siskiyou Daily 1/13/11. "...Guarino
also questions the water resources board’s alignment
with the petitioning parties on a number of issues in
the case...The case is Environmental Law Foundation v.
State Water Resources Board, in which the Environmental
Law Foundation and the Pacific Coast Federation of
Fishermen’s Associations Institute for Fisheries
Resources have asked the courts to declare that
groundwater in the Scott River basin can be managed
under the Public Trust Doctrine."
Past President
of Friends of the River James Wheaton,
is President and Legal Director of the Environmental Law
Foundation, and past President of Friends of the River.
He is also a board member of the River Network, ,
along with Wyatt Rockefeller, who served on Obama's EPA
and Obama's campaign.Natural
Resources Defense Council: One of the most
influential environmentalist lobbying groups in the
United States, the Council claims a membership of one
million people. They are supported by George Soros Open
Society Institute. They support
Riverkeepers groups.
They support Waterkeeper, Greenpeace, and Earth First,
among others. Craig Tucker, presently spokesperson for
the Karuk Tribe, at the KBRA table, is founder and board
member of Klamath Riverkeeper, and was past spokesman
for Friends of the River.
of politics shifts on agriculture,
Herger should be motivated to follow lead of
Hastings, McClintock,
by Tom Mallams for H&N 1/9/11. "A
united conservative block of Northwest
congressman would certainly be a powerful,
influential force in Washington, D.C., not only
in defeating the KBRA and KHSA, but influencing
other issues relevant to the survival of
irrigated agriculture in our Basin."
Siskiyou County swims upstream on dam removal; opposes
Dylan Darling,
Record Searchlight, posted
to KBC 1/9/11
Scott Valley Groundwater Advisory Committee,
column by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County
Supervisor, posted to KBC 1/9/11
verses from Frank Tallerico 1/9/11:
Proverbs 3:5-8:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not
on your own understanding; In all your ways
acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your path. Do
not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and
depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones.
Costly Unfulfilled Government Promises, Senator
Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 1/8/11. "Sixteen
years of green energy promotion has netted less than
two percent green jobs, has drained billions of
dollars and innumerable family wage jobs out of our
private sector economy, has insured exponentially
higher utility rates into the future, and has
created the pathway for the destruction of the
hydropower infrastructure that is the economic
engine of the Northwest." "The direct result is the
current effort to destroy the PacifiCorp
hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River as well as
the impending assault on the Lower Snake River Dams.
The Bonneville Power Administration is currently
charging its utility ratepayers more than $975
million each year for salmon mitigation. The total
amount of environmental charges on your BPA utility
bill exceeds 40%."
Dam Removal, Channel 5 News, Video, including audio
by Calif. Congressman Tom McClintock, posted to
KBC 1/8/10. Congressmen McClintock and Hastings are
against dam removal, and Siskiyou County voted
against it 4-1.
Congress must sink 'wild'
grab, Capital Press,
posted to KBC 1/8/11
EPA to impose stricter water
quality standards for lower
Klamath River, KDRV,
posted to KBC 1/8/11
Interior visit expected on Klamath issues,
by David Smith, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to
KBC 1/8/11
U.S Congressman Wally Herger: Department of
Interior’s “Christmas Present” to the American
Public: Lockup More Federal Land, posted to KBC
1/7/11. " the Obama Administration continues
to claim that it has no plans to designate national
monuments in response to a leaked memo describing
potential monument sites (including two within our
Northern California Congressional District), this
latest action further undermines their credibility.
Instead, these statements simply reinforce the
Administration’s “lock it up” agenda with respect to
multiple-use of federal lands."
from U.S. Congressman Greg Walden, Oregon,
posted to KBC 1/7/11
approves Klamath River TMDLs, Siskiyou Daily
Water regulations may affect irrigation, H&N
followed by
EPA approves water quality plan for Klamath River
KBC links to
KBRA "friends" (Including PCFFA Glen Spain and
Klamath Riverkeeper/Craig Tucker) who sued State
water boards to force unattainable mandates on
Klamath irrigators. This is the same water board
that is the lead agency with Klamath River Tribes
strategizing how to increase flows and downsize
EPA PRESS RELEASE: EPA Approves Historic Salmon
Restoration Plan for Klamath River, with
additional media PCFFA and Calif State Water Control
Board 1/5/11
Klamath River
pollution limits approved;
New rules for
Oregon, California likely would be costly
for city, agriculture,
H&N 1/5/11,
followed by
Pollution plan
under review
D.C. Court of Appeals
will not hear Hoopa trout suit,
Siskiyou Daily 1/5/11
1/2/11, Two Years Ago Today:
Karuk Tribe
sues U.S. government to acquire village and portion
of Siskiyou County
Yurok Tribe pursuing acquisition of Redwood National
Park land, NY Times and Crescent City
Triplicate, posted to KBC 1/2/11
Salmonids in the Pacific NorthWest, by Dr.
Richard Gierak, Yreka 1/4/11
Klamath Water and
Power Agency meeting 1/4/11
April (Fools Day)
set for target
release date of Klamath environmental review
one year after the the Siskiyou County Board of
Supervisors took a majority vote to not sign either
Siskiyou Daily, posted 1/2/11.
Look Ahead by Senator Doug Whitsett, H&N, posted
to KBC 1/2/11
Hastings Announces Natural Resources
Subcommittee Chairs, establishes new Indian
and Alaska Native Affairs Subcommittee,
posted 1/2/11
Understanding Sustainable Development,
United Nation's Agenda 21, posted
1/2/11. This pamphlet explains what it is
doing in coordination with the Wildlands
Project, redistribution of wealth and
population, and what we can do about it.
John Spencer: Klamath River has rich history,
Redding Record Searchlight, posted to KBC
1/2/11. "What
am I hearing about all of this? What is all
this dam removal going to cost and who will
pay for it? What about lake bottom silt? How
about flood control? Will there be radical
environmental changes? Will all the
fantastic yellow perch fishing disappear?
Will removing the dams actually destroy
environments and aquatic insects? What will
removal do to the basin farmers? How will it
affect whitewater rafting and fishing? The
list goes on. Surely, there are
one was to multiply this type of hoarding
roe with hundreds of boats that fish the
salmon runs each year, I would assume that
in itself is a serious threat to the salmon
BLM may post grazing lease, permittee
addresses, Current-Argus, posted to KBC
May God bless
you in 2011!
We at KBC will
continue to search for the truth, and share
it with you.
"You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:32.
This is your website; we need your input,
and your help sharing the truth to set your
families, neighbors, and country free.
government and "leaders" are big, but God is
bigger. "With
God all things are possible"
Matthew 19:26.
Psalm 77, sent by Frank Tallerico
1/1/11. "Psalm
77 chronicles the lament of a person in distress who
felt as if God no longer cared"