Fish passage facilities around Copco
1 and three other PacifiCorp
hydroelectric generating facilities
below the federal Klamath Reclamation
Project are sought by two federal
agencies as a condition of renewing the
power company licenses that expired this
month. |
What’s next |
PacifiCorp, holder of the Klamath
hydroelectric license, has a team of
experts pouring through the massive
documents filed last week with FERC. The
company has until May 15 to respond.
Spokesman Dave Kvamme said the applicant
can challenge any of the material facts
used to justify proposed conditions. It
can also offer alternatives to any
But Kvamme said the parallel track of
settlement talks among parties offers an
opportunity for resolving many of the
conditions proposed last week. In past
PacifiCorp license renewals, settlement
talks rather than the formal FERC
process led to resolution of issues.
Bottom line, Kvamme said, are conditions
with practical solutions that can be
implemented and that pass review by the
California and Oregon public utility
commissions as beneficial to
PacifiCorp’s rate payers.
The Klamath project generates enough
electricity in a year to light about
70,000 homes. That’s more than the
number of customers – residential,
commercial and agricultural – in the far
Northern California part of PacifiCorp’s
service area.
For the entire PacifiCorp system, Kvamme
said, Klamath hydro is significant
because “it is low-cost power. Those
facilities were bought and paid for a
long time ago.”
Klamath hydro players put cards on table
Tam Moore
Press Staff Writer April 12, 2006

Major players in the ongoing Klamath River
saga last week weighed in for either forcing
PacifiCorp to remove hydroelectric dams or
build fish passage facilities to restore over
200 river miles of habitat blocked since 1918.
The deluge of official filings came March 27
at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
PacifiCorp, owner of the 151-megawatt
generating system, seeks a license renewal on
most of the facilities. All except a small
plant on Spring Creek in Northern California
depend to a large extent on water stored by
the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Klamath
Project, which irrigates around 200,000 acres
of cropland, pasture and federal wildlife
refuges straddling the California-Oregon
border about 175 miles inland from the Pacific
“Whether through dam removals or
implementation of our fishway prescriptions,
successful reintroduction of anadromous fish
into the historic habitats above Iron Gate Dam
will substantially enhance the restoration of
struggling Pacific salmon stocks,” NMFS
regional administrator Rodney McInnis said in
the March 27 filing with FERC.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which
provides primary staffing to the Klamath
Fisheries Task Force created by a 1986 law,
filed proposed conditions mirroring the NMFS
paper. Three American Indian tribes – one from
the upper basin, two in the lower basin –
issued a press release supporting the federal
conditions and continued talks among parties.
“To obtain resolution in this matter, we will
need the political support of our state and
federal representatives,” said Leaf Hillman of
the mid-river Karuk Tribe. “Our aim is to keep
the farmers farming and the fishermen
A 1991 federal Klamath Fisheries Task Force
report said underlying reasons for salmon and
steelhead declines are:
• Construction and operation of the
hydroelectric system dams;
• Stream diversions for irrigation and
wildlife refuges; and
• “Adverse” land-use practices in the timbered
While many of the recommendations FERC
received are little more than requests, under
federal law, NMFS and FWS can require
fishery-related conditions in relicensing
hydro projects. The two fishery agency filings
are called “preliminary” and make reference to
negotiations under way that could alter actual
mandatory license conditions.
At least three closed-door “settlement”
conferences are scheduled by parties in the
next six weeks.
“I am convinced that a locally driven,
basinwide approach holds significant hope of
finding a comprehensive solution to the
river’s problems,” Steve Thompson, regional
FWS manager, said in a prepared statement.
The lowest PacifiCorp dams – Iron Gate, Copco
1 and Copco 2 – don’t have any fish-passage
facilities. In a consultant’s paper prepared
for the relicensing, the company estimated it
would cost around $200 million to build fish
ladders or construct a “trap and haul” system
around those dams. On top of that, biologists
studying salmon survival questioned
temperature and water quality in the
reservoirs. They said it may not be possible
to sustain anadromous fish runs even if
up-and-downstream passage is assured.
The J.C. Boyle Dam, built in 1958, has
fish-passage facilities, but they don’t
conform to current standards. At Keno Dam, a
water regulating facility below Klamath
Reclamation Project diversions and return flow
sites, state and federal agencies want
modification to passageways. PacifiCorp wants
to relinquish responsibility by removing it
from FERC jurisdiction. A 2005 federal project
installed new fish ladders at the farthest
upstream obstruction, Link River Dam, where
PacifiCorp plans to decommission hydro
Another upstream dam in the Klamath system,
near the town of Chiloquin on the Sprague
River, is slated for removal after this
irrigation season and is not part of the
PacifiCorp system.
California’s Department of Fish and Game
objects to removing Keno Dam from FERC
jurisdiction, saying waters held behind the
regulating dam “significantly degrade water
quality” with effects seen 200 miles
The California filing puts completion of Iron
Gate, the downstream dam, in 1962, as start of
decline for Klamath spring-run chinook. The
river was blocked with completion of Copco 1,
upstream from Iron Gate, in 1918.
PacifiCorp pays for a large fish hatchery just
below Iron Gate, which was built as part of
the 1962 project to mitigate for loss of
upstream habitat. The CDFG wants FERC to make
continued operation of the hatchery a
condition of license renewal. In a typical
year about 20,000 adult chinook return to the
California wants a set of minimum flows below
Keno and the downstream dams, and it asks FERC
to adopt flows below Iron Gate using a 2001
study by Utah State University hydrologist
Thomas Hardy. The controversial Hardy flows
have been under revision, and in late 2005 yet
another draft of Hardy flows circulated among
California’s Siskiyou County, where most of
the hydro project is located, told FERC it
does not support dam removal.
Instead, it joins in asking conditions that
improve water quality.
“We do not believe it is either prudent
environmental or energy policy to eliminate
low-cost, renewable electrical power
generation,” says the response filed by
attorneys for Siskiyou County.
The Yurok Tribe, which has a reservation near
the mouth of the Klamath, took a contrary view
to the whole process. It recommended that FERC
flat deny the PacifiCorp license and order
removal of all dams. As an alternate, the
Yuroks propose a 10-year license with removal
of dams complete by expiration of the shorter
“The benefits of the project simply do not
compare with the tremendous costs to the
public, and for most of the impacts there are
no available protection, mitigation or
enhancements,” concludes the Yurok filing made
by Howard McConnell, chairman of the tribal
The Quartz Valley Tribe, with ancestral lands
in the Scott Valley, a tributary of the
Klamath west of Yreka, Calif., also proposes
removal of the PacifiCorp dams.
“Decommissioning these four dams is the only
reasonable remedy,” the tribe filing said.
- Friday, April 7, 2006
Tam Moore is based in Medford, Ore. His e-mail
address is