November 22, 2006 EDITORIAL Sacramento
Here's a ceremony we look forward to
witnessing: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger,
standing on the banks of the Klamath
River, along with his Oregon
counterpart, Gov. Ted Kulongoski, and
legendary investor Warren Buffett, an
old friend of Schwarzenegger.
three men are there to celebrate the
removal of four obsolete dams on the
Klamath. The removal of these dams kicks
off a major restoration project for
Northern California's second-largest
river, which has its headwaters in the
Oregon Cascades, and an end to the water
wars that have long consumed this
region. All the old warriors are there:
the farmers, the environmentalists, the
Indian tribes and Pacific Coast
fishermen, who look forward to the
return of robust salmon runs on the
The conditions are ripe for such a
historic deal. Buffett, the billionaire
investor, could end up being the
linchpin. Buffett's MidAmerican Energy
Holdings owns
PacifiCorp, a utility that receives
about 2 percent of its energy from
hydroelectric power plants at these
dams. PacifiCorp hasn't yet agreed to
decommission these dams. There are
several reasons why it should do so.
For nearly a decade, conflict has
embroiled the Klamath. In 2001, the
federal government cut back irrigation
water to farmers so it could help salmon
and other fish protected under the
Endangered Species Act. Farmers
protested, and suddenly the entire
nation was watching. Since then, the
federal government has spent about $40
million a year on water banking and
other programs aimed at avoiding a
repeat of the Klamath crisis.
It hasn't worked. Over the decades,
Indian tribes and commercial fishermen
have watched the salmon runs on the
Klamath dwindle. In 2002, a mysterious
disease littered the river with dead
salmon and further depleted the
population. This year, federal
regulators restricted ocean catches all
along the Oregon and California coast to
protect Klamath salmon that survived
that awful year. Those restrictions
turned a watershed crisis into a West
Coast fishing disaster, hurting not only
fishermen, but also a
multibillion-dollar industry.
That's the bad news. What you
probably haven't heard is the good news.
For many months, all the old combatants
on the Klamath have been quietly meeting
to hash out a historic agreement. Nearly
all sides agree that removing the four
dams -- Iron Gate, Copco 1 & 2, J.C.
Boyle and Keno -- could suddenly open up
more than 300 miles of spawning habitat
for salmon. These dams also trap
nutrients and pollutants -- causing
sickening algae blooms -- so their
removal could also benefit water
The Klamath dams generate about $20
million a year for PacifiCorp, but even
if the dams stay upright, these profits
are sure to fall. The utility is now
seeking a new 50-year license from the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
and federal agencies are recommending
that, at a minimum, the utility install
fish ladders on its dams to assist
salmon. After installing ladders and
taking other measures, the utility would
lose about $28 million a year, according
to a
FERC analysis.
Schwarzenegger and Kulongoski have
scheduled a
summit next month on the Klamath, so
the next few weeks will be crucial. All
sides must compromise on remaining
details, including how to pay for dam
removal (up to $85 million) and how to
ensure reasonable power rates for
Klamath farmers.
PacifiCorp officials must engage as
never before. If they don't, a
monumental opportunity could be lost,
and the next decade could be another one
of lawsuits, finger pointing, angry
farmers and dead fish.
About the writer:

Tens of thousands
of salmon died in September, 2002 on
the Klamath, one of many fish kills
over the years. Scientists blame
diseases, pollution low water flows,
high water temperatures and loss of
habitat for the decline. Associated
Press/Elizabeth J. Finney

In August of 2004,
the Copco 1 reservoir grew green with
algae. Some scientists blame the dams
for trapping nutients and allow this
toxic algae to grow. Karuk Tribe

Thousands of
farmers and their supporters protested
in August, 2001 against the federal
government's decision to reduce
irrigation water to farms in the
Klamath basin of Oregon and Northern
California. Sacramento Bee Staff
Photo/Anne Chadwick Williams