KBC Photo
Archive II

White Pelicans are found in most of the
Tulelake Irrigation District canals
and ditches, where there are 1152 miles of shoreline habitat.

Antelope graze on
farmland west of Tulelake, 11/23/05 by Jacqui Krizo

©Anders Tomlinson dry refuge
2001 After the US
government cut of water to farms and wildl

KBC photo 6/4/04--2 kinds of little birds in
one nest
in tree beside farmland
Approximately 1/3 of the horseradish
grown in the United States is from the
Klamath Basin. Over 1/3 of that is
grown organically. The bi-annual
harvests employ more than 90 people.
KBC photo taken
4/13/04 |

© Anders Tomlinson, April 2004, local
and geese near Tulelake Refuge |

© Anders Tomlinson, April 2004,
Tulelake Refuge bordering Kandra field |

Tingley Lake 2001, by Anders
Tomlinson |
Kuonen, owner of Tingley Lake refuge, former Klamath County Commissioner,
speaks of our Klamath Basin ecosystem
devastation in 2001. |

Tingley Lake, snowgeese, April 1, 2004,
Jacqui Krizo photo |
April issue
by Ron Greenbank,
manager of Newell Grain Growers Association, Klamath Basin,

photo by Lyn Brock
Bonanza antelope herd. |
This is the field where the proposed COB energy site would be
located. Antelope and deer herds, coyotes, and bald
eagles, frequent these fields. In the Dept. of Energy Draft
Order for the COB Energy Facility, it is instructed that, on
this farmland to be converted to wastewater disposal, COB may
not "allow forage animals to graze on it."
What will happen to our wildlife? not to mention our
a man, an era, a government, are mourned |

Herb Schwarz, Tulelake veteran homesteader |

"But their pride in their service and toil is now mixed with confusion and
fear. As quickly as they were denied irrigation water for their farms and
refuges in 2001 because of something called the 'ESA', when they watched their
crops and precious wildlife die, that unwavering trust in their government
and joy in their golden years abruptly was shattered. They do laugh, but
briefly. Their hearts are heavy. Not even one will tell you that they
are at peace."
HERE for story
1/3/03 by
KBC (jdk)
God Bless You This
Christmas Season
call the widow, invite the lonely, take time to give away the
that God has given to us,
give God thanks, and above all, forgive.

Medicine Lake in Klamath Country:
His gift of serenity to us cowboys and Indians
©Jacqui |
"The angel
said, 'Do not be afraid; I bring you good tidings of great joy
which will be to all people. For there is born to you
this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the
Lord. You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying
in a manger.
Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly
host praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and
on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" according to Luke.
God has
blessed us with his Son, our hope, our Christmas.
He has entrusted us to care take His Land, His Water,
His Wildlife, His People, and the Fields that He makes grow. |

here are no
footprints in the snow to guide us
there's no sunshine today, and it;s foggy
people want to take away water
from our farms and wildlife
we just want to keep growing food for you
and live in peace with our wildlife and brothers
December 15, 2003 |