Bureau: Project should get full
water deliveries

Lynn Long, who heads up the Klamath Water
Users Association power committee, gives
an update on talks with PacifiCorp about
electricity contracts. The contracts are
set to expire in 2006, and irrigators
could face large price increases. |
Published April
8, 2004
Because more
water is flowing into Upper Klamath Lake and
because the rules for managing the water are
more flexible, irrigators should get the water
they need this year.
That message,
delivered at a meeting Wednesday night, left
Klamath Reclamation Project farmers feeling
"Hopefully, we
will have full deliveries of water - that's
always a big concern," said Keith Blackman, a
Henley-area farmer.
About 100 people
gathered at the Klamath County Fairgrounds to
hear federal and state officials and leaders
of the Klamath Water Users Association give
updates on issues surrounding the Klamath
Reclamation Project.
These meetings
have become prominent as a result of the
shutoff of water in 2001 and the shutoff scare
in 2003. Most who came Wednesday night wanted
to learn what this year had in store for the
Project, as described in its operations plan.
Project Manager
Dave Sabo was optimistic about a full
irrigation season for two reasons:
n More inflow
should be coming in from the mountains -
420,000 acre-feet is expected this year versus
the 320,000 acre-feet that came in last year.
n Adjustments in
how the lake's numbers are crunched. Officials
said the plan has more flexibility crafted by
the Bureau with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service and the U.S. National Marine Fisheries
One of the major
changes that will lead to more flexibility is
how inflows are accounted for and managed,
Sabo said. The Bureau is going to experiment
with managing the lake with a curve based on
inflows instead of a step function.
One reason for
the shutoff scare last year was a management
plan in which a small change in water in the
system resulted in a large change in how it
was managed. Managing the water based on a
curve in a graph rather than on a stairstep is
expected to smooth out the flow of water and
avoid abrupt changes.
"We had to buy
some breathing room," Sabo said.
Based on the
lake's expected inflow, this year is going to
be "below average."
This designation,
combined with the expected inflow, means the
project and the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath
Lake refuges should get 335,000 acre-feet of
water, and other refuges should get 25,000
acre-feet. The project's east side, which is
fed by Clear Lake and Gerber Reservoir, should
get 71,300 acre-feet.
Sabo also talked
about getting changes in the biological
opinions, or the federal documents that lay
out the management of the Project. There are
two opinions, one for the lake and one for the
The river would
probably the one changed first, but that
change could still be a couple years off
because the government would have to go
through reconsultation, Sabo said. Basically
that means that the Bureau has to have hard
data support any changes to the opinion.
Talk of changing
the biological opinions was welcomed by many
at the meeting, said Matt Huffman, a Tulelake
Irrigation District farmer, but they said it
will take time.
"It concerns me
because it could be a long, drawn-out
process," Huffman said.
He said things
looked good last year, but then there was
almost a shutoff.
"It kind of shows
you how short the rope is," Huffman said.
In attempts to
lengthen that rope, Dan Keppen, executive
director has long advocated a Basinwide
approach to solving the Klamath situation.
He said officials
and groups are starting to hear his message.
"We are trying to
improve relations as an association with real
stakeholders downriver," he said.
He said these are
other agricultural groups, tribes and others
downstream of the project.
But to get things
down there needs to be money, federal money
and lots of it. Keppen said some of the needed
money is on its way, thanks to the Bush
administration and the president's budget
proposal announced in late January to have
$105 million marked for Basin habitat
restoration and water improvement projects.
"Two months ago
the (Bush) administration put its money where
its mouth is," Keppen said.