A Message from
Representative Whitsett
Bill 833 B-Eng
passed through the
legislature this week
with a 38 to 20 vote.
I voted NO
on this bill for the
following reasons:
Illegals are here
illegally. They are
breaking the established
laws of our nation just
by being here.
There is a system in
place to immigrate
legally to the US.
Millions of citizens
have processed through
our system legally to
become American
citizens, and we should
all expect foreign
nationals to adhere to
our constitutional
2) There is an argument
that passage of this
bill will somehow
promote insurance for
illegal drivers.
There is NO mandatory
insurance requirement
with SB 833.
States that have tried
to provide cards or
licenses for illegals
such as New Mexico have
met with failure in this
regard. New Mexico,
which has had 10 years
of driver’s licenses
issued to non-citizens,
shows NO decrease in
insured drivers on their
roads. In fact there has
been an increase in
uninsured motorists. An
estimated 49,000
undocumented illegals
reside in New Mexico;
and yet, after passage
of a bill similar to SB
833, they issued over
80,000 driver’s
licenses. Obviously they
are attracting
individuals from other
states into New Mexico
for the sole purpose of
being licensed without
Oregon’s law will
provide for issuance of
4-year driver’s cards
with documentation of
the person’s name
through a utility bill
or other non-official
means. Utah, on
the other hand, requires
fingerprints of
prospective card
holders, which are
submitted to law
enforcement in an effort
to keep criminals from
the state.
Oregon’s new law does
not differentiate
between law abiding
drivers and those
already convicted of
crimes. Utah also
only allows for a one
year issue of drivers’
cards, with renewal
mandatory every single
year. This is very
important to keep the
criminal element out of
our already overcrowded
prisons and justice
These cards will allow
some holders to drive
otherwise CDL
requirement vehicles
whose gross weight is
over 100,000 pounds up
to 100 miles from their
farms of origin.
Regular driver’s
licenses will not be
sufficient for
individuals to drive the
same massive and
potentially deadly (due
to size) vehicles, but
with a card the illegal
or card holder will be
able to circumvent the
CDL laws.
States that have issued
these cards or licenses
are now reconsidering
their laws.
Tennessee is the latest
state to repeal their
law as of last Friday
after investigations
found that illegal
immigrants were coming
in from other states by
the busload, using fake
residency papers and
bribing state workers to
issue them cards. The
DMV already appears to
be understaffed, as many
of us can attest when we
need to utilize their
services; how in the
world are they going to
handle the influx of
people expected from
this new law?
All House Democrats as
well as the following
House Republicans voted
YES on SB 833:
Representatives Davis,
Gilliam, Jenson,
Johnson, Smith.
The Governor will be
signing SB 833 into law
tomorrow, May 1, on the
Capitol steps to appease
the May Day Rally

Representative Gail
House District 56