COB neighbors

COB's Rob Trotta in Langell
Valley listening to
emotional pleas from local residents |

KBC photos |
by Lynn Brock, 1/28/04
Opinions were strongly against the siting of
the proposed COB Energy
Facility in Langell Valley at a meeting in Lorella
last Thursday.
Concerns range from issues surrounding water and
land zoned EFU
(exclusive farm use) in the small agricultural
community of Bonanza to
issues of noise, air pollution, traffic, and many
others. Perhaps
seventy to a hundred people attended the Lorella
meeting with most
speakers commenting that this giant power facility
does not belong in
their rural agricultural valley.
Only about five speakers were in favor of the
proposed facility stating
that it would provide jobs for many and job training
for young people
during the construction phase.
The main issue here may be that this facility should
not be sited on
land zoned EFU. Oregon has maintained a strong
policy to protect
farmland. That policy was set by the state's
legislature in 1973. It
calls for "preservation of a maximum amount of the
limited supply of
agricultural land (ORS 215.243).
ORS 469.504(2), which deals with the an exceptions
process in the
specific context of the energy facility siting
process as follows:
(2) The council may find goal compliance for a
facility that does not
otherwise comply with one or more statewide planning
goals by taking an
exception to the applicable goal. Notwithstanding
the requirements of
ORS 197.732, the statewide planning goal pertaining
to the exception
process or any rules of the Land Conservation and
Development Commission
pertaining to an exception process goal, the council
may take an
exception to a goal if the council finds:
(a) The land subject to the exception is physically
developed to the
extent that the land is no longer available for uses
allowed by the
applicable goal;
(b) The land subject to the exception is irrevocably
committed as
described by the rules of the Land Conservation and
Commission to uses not allowed by the applicable
goal because existing
adjacent uses and other relevant factors make uses
allowed by the
applicable goal impracticable; or
(c) The following standards are met:
(A) Reasons justify why the state policy embodied in
the applicable
goal should not apply;
Page 220 of the DPO refers to ORS 469.504(2)(c)(A).
The reason given is
that "the use is dependent upon Unique Resources
Located on Resource
Land" and that "The proposed Energy Facility site is
centrally located
relative to three resources that are critical to the
operation of the
Energy Facility"... water, natural gas pipeline, and
major regional
electric transmission line and substation. When the
COB application was
determined to be complete, initially, it was for a
water cooled
facility. At that time they required over 7000
gallons per minute of
water for their process. Now that they have amended
that application to
be an air cooled facility, the energy facility
requires less than three
percent of that amount. They no longer need to be
located with access to
the Babson well which produces such a great quantity
of water. Their
needs no longer require any unique resource or
unique combination of
This facility no longer needs to be located at this
site. The Department
of Energy's draft recommends they are allowed their
exception. Based on
Oregon law, I would argue that they should not
qualify for a Goal 3
Two public hearings were held Thursday, January 22,
2004 on the Draft
Proposed Order for the proposed COB Energy Facility,
the 1,160 megawatt
gas-fired power plant which has applied to be sited
about three miles
south of Bonanza in Klamath County. In order to
construct the proposed
facility, COB must obtain a Site Certificate from
the Energy Facility
Siting Council. Hearings were held at 2 p.m. at
Lorella Community Hall,
Lorella, Oregon, a small farm community about thirty
miles east of
Klamath Falls, Oregon and at 7 p.m. at the Klamath
County Fairgrounds in
Klamath Falls, Oregon. The purpose of the afternoon
and evening sessions
was to make sure that people with different
schedules could attend at
least one session. The independent hearing officer
presided over these
hearings. The hearing officer is Virginia Gustafson.
The 7 p.m. meeting of Department of Energy attracted
a smaller crowd.
Although more men from the trades spoke in favor of
construction jobs
which would be provided by this project, the
strongest arguments
appeared to come from the opponents of the project.
One speaker, a
geologist (unregistered in Oregon), introduced
information concerning
geographic faults surrounding the area and the
likelihood of
earthquakes. A huge fault lying along Bryant
Mountain probably runs
directly beneath the site of the facility itself.
COB indicates that a
ten mile long fault is unmapped which we believe is
the Bryant Mountain
fault which has been mapped and will soon be
published by DOGAMI. Read
her report on this site at:
Bonneville Power Administration is considering Cob's
request to connect
with the Federal Transmission System, as documented
in the federal draft
impact statement (EIS) published in November. This
federal process is
separate from Oregon's siting process, and the two
reviews are not
connected. To facilitate public review of the draft
EIS, BPA held a
public open house reception prior to each Department
of Energy draft
proposed order hearing. The first open house started
at the Lorella
Community Hall at noon on January 22. The second was
scheduled to start
at the Klamath County Fairgrounds at 5 p.m. Due to
an error in printing,
the public was notified that the fairgrounds meeting
would start at 3
p.m. Comments are due on the draft EIS by February
13, 2004.
COB originally proposed its facility as a
water-cooled facility. In
response to public comment on its plans for water
use, COB amended its
application to propose an air-cooled facility. The
facility would
require a total of about 300 acres for all of its
components. Because
more than 20 of the acres for the energy facility
would be farmland, COB
would require an exception from State Land Use
Planning Goal 3 to build
its facility. Oregon law provides for the
consideration of exceptions to
state land use planning goals, and the Department
has recommended that
the Council allow a Goal 3 exception for the
proposed facility. The
Department also has recommended that the Council
allow a Goal 4
exception for the proposed facility to the extent
that one is needed.
COB would require a new water right for its proposed
water use of a
maximum of 210 gallons per minute of water for
industrial use and 90
gallons per minute of water for irrigation from
March 1 to October 31.
The Department has recommended that the Council
direct the Department of
Water Resources to issue COB a water use permit. The
priority date on
the water permit would be April 29, 2002.
To raise an issue on the record of this hearing, if
you didn't raise the
issue at one of the hearings you must now submit it
in writing. If you
do not raise an issue by the deadline for written
comments, that issue
is precluded from consideration in the contested
case. Any comments to
the Department about COB received prior to the
December 30th notice will
not be included on the record of this hearing.
You must have commented in person at one of the
hearings or in writing
by the deadline to participate in the forthcoming
contested case or to
appeal the Council's final decision. DOE must
receive your written
comments by 5 pm on Friday, February 5, 2002.
Comments should be sent to
Catherine Van Horn at the Department of Energy
address below. Comments
must be related to one of the applicable Council
standards. You must
state your issues specifically enough so that the
Council can respond to
those issues. Also, you must present facts that
support your position on
the issue.
The Draft Proposed Order will be available on the
Office of Energy
website at:
Click on 'announcements' and follow the links to the
proposed COB Energy
Copies of the Draft Proposed Order and COB's
application are available
for review at:
Bonanza Library, Klamath County Library, or Bly
Catherine Van Horn
Oregon Department of Energy
625 Marion St. NE
Salem, OR 97301-3742
Phone: (503) 378-4041
Fax: (503) 373-7806