Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
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Build it at Red Bluff


It seems that a lot of people don't want this Cob plant built here, and why should they? This company wants to build it in the Bonanza area, but the power will be sent to California. The area already has a cogeneration plant that does not sell all of the power it can produce.

I, for one, say no. This company won't hire a local contractor to build it, or local people to run it.

Also, I don't recall how many cubic feet of water per minute it would use, but multiply that number by 60 minutes per hour, by 24 hours per day, by 365 days a year. This sure sounds like a lot of water to me, and it is. At only 1,000 cubic feet per minute, that totals 525.6 million cubic feet per year.

I say build this plant down by Red Bluff, Calif., and use the Sacramento River as a source of water. After all, this company did not elect officials in office here, the people did. Officials elected to office are supposed to represent the people that voted them in. All you elected officials, don't forget that these same people can recall you.

Douglas L. Spetter

Klamath Falls





Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM  Pacific

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